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About this blog

This is a project blog for Mr Toots, AKA TOOTII, my '74 Tii with a period-correct turbo install.


I am quickly realizing that the best way to make consistent progress on this car is to make a list of every small issue and work through them methodically. Previously when I have worked on cars I have taken a scattershot approach, buying a smattering of replacement parts and installing them over weekends at leisure. My plan with Mr. Toots is to list out all of the problems with the car as they crop up and address them individually and in serial.

Entries in this blog


In the past two weeks, the car has been hit twice. First, on sometime during the week of 5/14, someone rammed into the drivers-side rear quarter panel. I think that it happened on 5/17 between 3:20 and 4:45, when I noticed it, but I can't be sure that I didn't see it before. I am pretty sure that someone pulled out of the driveway across the street and hit it, but I checked my neighbors security footage form that time and it didn't record anything. It triggers based on motion, though, and I've t



Slow Start - All Fixed

I neglected to take photos of this, so it is not going to be a particularly interesting post. I started by pulling each warm-up injector (there are two on this car) and testing them both with the manual injector switch on the dash. Neither were actuating, even when I cranked it. Eventually, I noticed that the cold-start relay was unplugged from 12V power. Even though I could hear it actuating, the injectors weren't actually getting a signal. The 12V wire was not attached to the battery



Bad Smells - Replacing Valve Cover Gasket

A few weeks ago, I diagnosed the bad smells coming from Mr. Toots as a leaking valve cover gasket. There was oil around the valve cover and it was almost certainly dripping on the exhaust gasket and making smells. With that in mind, I ordered 2 cork gaskets from my local auto parts store (Kohlweiss in Redwood City, CA, they are always helpful) and got started on a gasket replacement.   The first problem was getting the valve cover off. The turbo tubing, breather hose, distributor vacuu



Current Problem List

This is a list of the current things I have noticed about the car, roughly in order of how serious I am about fixing them. The goal is to separate out each of these into it's own blog post, regardless of size, but we will see how that works out.   Burning oil/bad smells. There is a reason I have named the car "Mr Toots"; there is the acrid smell of (what I believe to be) burning oil when I drive it. Originally, I suspected valve guide seals, because of problem #2, but I've noticed tha



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