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First Start, and a setback



Well, we got the First Start (yay!), followed by our first setback. (“Start” video here.) The setback (two days later) was doing a compression test, when the engine locked up. It turns by hand (as if it was a clock) from Noon to about 10:00, and then back; somewhere there’s a mechanical blockage. We checked the flywheel (it was fine) so the next step is to check the internals of the engine. Tonight we’ll use a borrowed scope to peer into the cylinders (via the spark plug holes) and see what’s up.


As part of our project objectives (#1: Have Fun; #2: Meet People), we’re hosting “Garage Nights” where we invite friends to watch us work and hang out. Four down, 18 to go!








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Update on finding the mechanical blockage and why the engine won’t turn (beyond a short range): We used a scope to look into the cylinders, but couldn’t see any obvious issues such as a broken valve. The scope was limited in its clarity and perspective, so there's nothing definitive either way here.


We had some ’02 experts helping us virtually, including the advice of setting the flywheel to the TO “line” mark (in the back viewing hole) and then examining the positions of the valves and camshaft. Well, things up top “were not where they should have been,” and the conclusion is that the timing chain skipped some teeth.


When we were turning the crank to set this up, we were unaware that the direction of rotation matters (due to the spring-loaded hydraulic chain tensioner)—so we’ll do it again and make sure we’re going clockwise. If this makes the valves/camshaft marks closer to what they should be, then we’ll try removing the distributor and see if that frees up the blockage. (We’ll remove the distributor anyway, because at this point, why not?) Odds are, we’ll have to remove the head and check for bent valves—but we’re exploring all other rotating options first (timing chain, etc.).

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