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The first quick fixes



After getting the car home I set about rectifying some of the immediate concerns. 


1) Falling our of 2nd.   Thanks to the wealth of info on this site I was able to fix simply by torquing the gearbox output shaft nut.  Problem solved


2) Upholstery.  Before selling the 74 I swapped the rear seats.  I had put new foams and Aardvark covers in the 74.   I also scavenged the rear seat belts.   For the front seats I put new foam in the bottom with heated seat elemets.  I was able to sew in a patch of blue vinyl on the inside of the cover.  You can see  blue thread stitch lines but its passable and comfy


3) Trim.  I had saved some good trim pieces from the red tii that were ok but not concourse.  I swapped any belt trim for which I had better pieces without dings. 


4) blower fan.  Fortunately I just had to buy a new motor.   The electrical and switches and relays were all ok.  



With all these adjustments the car is feeling better and better


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