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Project Stall: Going backwards to go forward.



Required viewing to understand the state of affairs: 


This video is accurate almost to a fault, even the noises are familiar.  My temporary battery was mounted, it seemed to be testing well(no load rolling), and then it was loaded, and some cells went flat.  Internal resistance, figurative and literal.  For the batteries, it spells doom, two of the 3 cells test flat, and some show low voltage too easily.  For my motivation, the figurative cells in my body that power my enthusiasm for technology, those are also running low, some may even be flat, i.e. internal resistance.   



This is my beef with this general landscape of electrification.  I enjoy the fruits, and the labor is in many ways much less laborious, with copper and magnets beating cranks, rods and blocks for packaging, density and complexity.  But there does exist the knowledge of the potential energy stored in these beastly batteries that lingers.  I have gone most of my adult life NOT worrying about batteries.  Early in RC days when lithium was just popping off, I remember crashing some planes and downright trying to puff and pop lipo's with massive effort being required to cause catastrophic failure.  Power tools went from Blue Makita's to under grip 18650 cells while I was youthfully destructive enough to tear them apart to see how they worked.  Scale that up and plop the battery into your dream machine 1:1 scale, and I get a little resistance to this new fangled change in propulsion.  Especially if your first go at some brand new batteries results in some 0v cells. 

I am not done yet, the car did move, it showed some brilliance.  The warp7 brushed motor looks up to the task, the controller seemed willing, the weight balance is going to be solid with some spring tweaks.  In the time I wrote this the battery vendor confirmed accepting the bad batteries and to ship new ones, lets hope they arrive in time for next weekend.  




Edited by joshgoreworks


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