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New BMWCCA Roundel layout


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Thanks everyone for your insightful comments. This certainly has been an entertaining read. A few observations if I may.........

Phil Marx mentioned the club board was considering spending millions (of the memberships money) for a facility to house "special" members cars and extravagant meeting sites/dinners. OUCH! etc.etc.etc.

I hope BMW NA is picking up the travel tab for Carlson's attendance at ".......exclusive Euro events....." and the Dom Perignon (if he's still drinking that swill).

I hope the ROUNDULL columnist's salaries weren't insulting to the membership.

The evolvement of the BMWCCA into a marketing division of BMWNA has been going on since the late '70's. I'm suprised so few people saw it coming.

I'd hate to see BIMMER be a "catch all" for former ROUNDULL "oldtimers", but once in a while............ maybe.

"Aus Freude am Fahren"


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Just got mine, I must be really far down the delivery list.

Definitely a disappointment to see most of my favorite columnists gone or reduced. Pretty indifferent on the new look & layout, some places it's been cleaned up whereas others it looks less professional than the outgoing one.

Roundel was the main reason I joined the club; my local chapter does very little, and the parts discount at the dealer has saved me maybe $10 in the last year. There's just no value in it any more for me so I won't be renewing.

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One last comment.

Yesterday, when I spoke at the 'CCA Heart of Dixie Chapter 2013 Kick-Off party, I met the nicest bunch of car nuts you'd ever want to hang out with. As the cars pulled in, I saw and heard many throaty high-dollar rides. Though it wasn't all big-money -- one guy had an E36 M3 with 240k he recently gutted to make it into a track car. He left in the stereo and a/c, though; I mean it is Alabama.

But I certainly noticed the absence of vintage cars.

Then, a long-time Club member, Doug Neil, introduced himself and asked me if I had time to check out his S14-powered '02. He gently insisted that, time permitting, I take it for a drive, and that a worthy destination would be the Barber Vintage Museum and Motorsports Park to check out their collection of vintage motorcycles and race cars. I wound up spending a most delightful two hours with Doug, and chatting until I needed to catch my plane.

Now, you don't NEED Roundel or the 'CCA or a 'CCA event to have that kind of human-to-human interaction that happens because of shared interest in cars.

But the point is that the 'CCA is ONE of those vectors. It doesn't have to be the only one. But I'm glad it's around.

The new book The Best Of The Hack Mechanic available at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0998950742, inscribed copies of all books available at www.robsiegel.com

1972 tii (Louie), 1973 2002 (Hampton), 1975 ti tribute (Bertha), 1972 Bavaria, 1973 3.0CSi, 1979 Euro 635CSi, 1999 Z3, 1999 M Coupe, 2003 530i sport, 1974 Lotus Europa Twin Cam Special (I know, I know...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I live too far away from most of my "local" chapter's events so the Roundel was my main incentive for membership along with the roadside assistance plan (which was non-renewed). As long as BMW CCA membership is not required to attend Mid-America, I'll spend my $45 elsewhere.

1976 Polaris

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Hi everyone. I ran across this thread (and this forum) because I wasn't too happy with the ROUNDEL changes and it came up in a search I ran when I was wondering if anyone else shared that opinion.

I don't own a 2002 -- my first and only BMW was (and still is) a 2009 135i -- but I love a good tech/how to article, and reading about the vintage stuff, too, and I was really disappointed to see all of the people who were chopped in the last issue.

Also....I have to confess...I was stunned and disgusted to learn that info about Carlson posted earlier. Still scratching my head as to why he was hired in the first place.

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that not all of the Johnny-come-latelies to the Club just lease and can't turn their own wrench. I'll be writing to express my dissatisfaction as well...and probably subscribing to BIMMER, too.

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I received the latest issue today. Many letters to the editor with congratulations for all the changes; one letter that was not in favor. Whoopee.

I am not impressed with this issue or the new Roundel.

'75 Sahara 2002 Dieter (sold)

'14 Blazing Red Metallic Mini Cooper

'73 Sahara 2002 Franz


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I noticed the same thing. A few positive moves though:

1. no odometer or spoiled kid shots - cheesy M3 cake though

2. Vintage is now listed

3. Only 3 pages of racing

4. The layout is a bit more modern

5. six pages of tech

I like the looks better but still lacking content that interests me.

Intersting question - Bruce Hazard is retiring as pres and going to start restoring a 2002 - what are you going to read now Bruce?

(answer: FAQ or Bimmer)

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I really don't like the new layout- I'm halfway through this month's, and am not impressed. It's not cohesive at all.

And dear God, that pic of Joe Chamberlain is wretched....

Did it get even more sexist, or am I just noticing it more?


Did anyone notice that Mike Miller was wrong about M42 exhaust manifolds last issue?

The studs are, indeed, welded onto it, not pressed in as he says.

It's unique in my experience with BMW's, so it's not too surprising he got it

wrong. But he did. First time I've caught him...



"I learn best through painful, expensive experience, so I feel like I've gotten my money's worth." MattL

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  • 4 weeks later...

having decided there is value in the Treebeard approach, i waited until the february issue came out to e-mail satch. perhaps i was hasty after all since there is an article about a Tii in the March issue.

or maybe my thoughts had some effect. he put my missive at the top of the section 'New Roundel Bad' in letters this month. it may be surmised i had no thought he would publish it since it reads awful harsh. i just wish he had used the old school German letter for the "ss" sound.

robert w.

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