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The crazy hoot (touring) idles fine! (nt)


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I am waiting on a bracket to secure it to the car. I want to use a 1975 bracket with the US light brackets removed. It is on order.

Did you move the mounting holes inboard? or did the come that way??

I had to get creative with mounting my plates on the Euro bracket holes.


I am using a plate that has been on at least 3 other cars the last 30 years so it's vintage matches the car. The new California plates are white. The last car it was on was totalled in front of my house in 2000, so it's happy to be on the road again. I have a Dental Laboratory where I create teeth out of wax before casting them in gold....thus 2THWAXR..(toothwaxer)



1974 Inka 1802 Touring, New Daily Driver

1976 Inka 2002 Original Owner (adopted by Scott B.)

My Roundies are bigger than yours

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Bill -- IMHO, I think it would look great with some of those Euro license plates (through BAV Autosport, or other web-based suppliers). I understand from the MVA that it's okay to have those plates in Maryland, just as long as the pertinent information is on the plate.

As for names, I keep a running list, in case something German follows me home (animal, auto, whatever). I'm sure there are more, feel free folks, to pitch in/augment:

Hans, Kurt, Günter, Dieter, Wolfgang, Johann, Max, Gerhard, Heinrich, Olaf, Hermann, Gustav, Reiner, Konig, Stephan, Ernst, Manfred, Heinz, Uwe, Rudolf, Jakob, Helmut, Horst, Fritz, Reinholt, Schultzie.

Heinricus, Wecelo, Hermannus, Everwinus, Cunradus, Fridericus,

Wilhelmus, Gerhardus, Wernerus, Guntramus, Hartmannus, Harpernus, Wikerus, Meffridus, Didericus, Sifridus, Wigandus, Theodericus, Ditmarus, Dimarus, Eberhardus, Hartmudus, Gernandus, Meingotus, Mengotus, Johannes, Fridebertus, Fridebraht, Ludewicus, Rudegerus, Ortwinus,

Anshelmus, Eginolf/Einolfus, Godscalcus, Ripertus, Withekindus,

Arnoldus, Emelricus, Heidolfus, Rudolfus, Baldemarus, Gerbodo/Gerbotho, Jofridus Sibragtus/Sibratus, Burkardus, Gerlacus, Nidungus, Sigenandus, Dammo, Giso, Ortolfus, Vlricus

Albertus, Eckardus, Gunzelinus, Ludoldus, Rubertus, Bernardus, Embrico, Gotwinus, Lvfridus, Ruthardus, Berhdoldus, Emercho, Hapertus, Luitfridus, Sibertus, Berwelfus, Emicho, Helfricus, Marquardus, Siboldus,

Ciprianus, Endemannus, Hertwicus, Meinfridus, Swikerus, Cristianus, Ermenoldus, Hetzkinus, Nibelungus, Stephan, Cuno, Gelfradus, Hildebrandus, Otto, Widradus, Daniel, Gerbertus, Hupertus, Petrus, Wintherus, Deigenhardus, Giselberdus, Hugo, Philippus, Wortwinus,

Ditwinus, Godesmannus, Ivvanus, Reinboldus, Dudo, Gunterus, Lentfridus, Roricus

Katherine, Cristyne, Gude, Demuth, Elsebeth, Emeludt, Meckil, Eue, Agnes, Gerburg, Anne, Gy{sz}el, Bechte, Grede, Else, Gredechin, Fye, Hette, Gele, Kungund, Irmele, Contzel, Lype, Liepmayt, Ayla, Lyse, Albrade, Margarete, Apollonia, Niesenn, Bytzel, Syele, Clare.

And then, there's always "Dr. Z." That is, if you'd ever use a Mercedes-related name.

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Small models . . . the slippery slope has begun. Obviously, since Concours is in your future, the first requisite stop is, www.zymol.com. As for a name, since this beautiful car screams out for Q-Tips, might I suggest "Gerstenzang," and for the model, "Baby Gerstenzang." The reason? It is part of Q-Tip history. To wit, and I quote:

"Q-Tips® were invented in the 1920's by a Polish-born American named Leo Gerstenzang. It seems that Leo's lovely and beautiful wife had rigged up a different device to clean their baby's ears at bathtime - a toothpick stuck into a piece of cotton. Clearly, one wrong slip-up on Mom's part meant a nice little wound to little baby Gerstenzang.

Leo decided to design a ready made cotton swab that would do the same with less risk. At this point, he named his company the Leo Gerstenzang Infant Novelty Company to market his new creation. While Q-Tips® appear to be a simple concept, Leo spent several years perfecting the design.

Clearly, safety was on his mind. In particular, he was concerned that the wood sticks could possibly splinter (today they are a white cardboard-like material). Another problem was the cotton itself. He needed to get an equal amount on both ends of the swab and to design a way to keep it from falling off (don't want it stuck in your ear).

Once he perfected his product, he needed to find a catchy name. Lots of names must have gone through his head. I can hear it now: Leo Gerstenzang's Ear Sticks. How about Baby Leo's? Or Ear Wipes? A better name was clearly needed.

I bet that you think Q-Tips® was his choice. You'd be wrong. Instead, he chose the name Baby Gays. Huh? Yes, you read that right - Baby Gays. Certainly not a good name for the late 20th century.

In 1926, he changed the name to Q-Tips® Baby Gays. So what did the Q stand for? Q for Quality. Eventually, the Baby Gays part of the name was dropped and the rest is cotton swab history."

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