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Worst Parking Job Ever!


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Does that mean it's OK that I inform the photographer you stole (different than copying) from about your dirty deed? I haven't, but if it's OK with you I will so we'll all see what he can do.

He already knows, I showed him myself. It's in a thread in our local SCCA forum.

Bring a Welder

1974 2002, 1965 Datsun L320 truck, 1981 Yamaha XS400, 1983 Yamaha RX50, 1992 Miata Miata drivetrain waiting on a Locost frame, 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser

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Does that mean it's OK that I inform the photographer you stole (different than copying) from about your dirty deed? I haven't, but if it's OK with you I will so we'll all see what he can do.

He already knows, I showed him myself. It's in a thread in our local SCCA forum.

You left out the fact in your posts there (and you don't link your stealing thread there) that you stole his pics (your post here in the other thread states this) and bragged about it . . .

"Oh, and the guy that took the pics is likely a jerk, so I'm not going to buy a copy from him without the huge watermarks. I had to printscreen and paste just to steal those pics."

You should have used these words in your post there as the photographer posted in the thread, and you used his pics again without permission.



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Haha, nice job googling that. I thought about posting the link, but decided to give you a challenge. Congrats on going to so much trouble over a theft of less than $10 worth of data.

Seems like he might be a pretty nice guy after all. I had stated that he was 'likely' a jerk, because I wasn't certain it was him.

Now it seems like it might not be him after all. I've been awaiting confirmation from Keith that it wasn't a black photographer, and then I was going to apologize and actually pay him the 10 bucks for the pics. But Keith hasn't spoken up yet. Perhaps I should PM him.

Again, congrats on being a crybaby. I strongly suggest you seek some anger management class of some sort before you flip out again and key other people's cars.

Bring a Welder

1974 2002, 1965 Datsun L320 truck, 1981 Yamaha XS400, 1983 Yamaha RX50, 1992 Miata Miata drivetrain waiting on a Locost frame, 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser

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Back to our thread :)

I am very defensive about this little car as well. Its delicate and as we all know the bumpers or the guards don't protect enough in the day of hummers and escalades..etc. I live in LA so you know that many many people think it is 4X4 town and they will need their boats to roam around the wonderful traffic on the 405 (thats another story). All I have to say is: the Mrs now parks her car in the driveway (actually since I brought the 02 home). The 02 gets to sleep in the garage.


70Bristol02 E36M3 E34535im

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Guest Anonymous

When your neighbor negligently backs over your mailbox, do you immediately throw a brick through his window? Porsche and Honda drivers hardly hold the monopoly on being courteous, responsible and considerate. Yet neither do BMW and Mercedes drivers.

As unlikely as it may seem, are you absolutely certain the car - found kissing your car - was not pushed into your car? I had that happen and was flabbergasted when the culprit clung to his crutches and falsely claimed he was forced to do it because the “car in the middle boxed me in.” The car in the middle was a Ferrari. It was the other driver who collared him. It seems uncommon, but it happens. And when it does, it cannot only rearrange body work, but it can break off a perfectly good parking pawl and ruin a wheel rim too. Happened to a friend. Then again, having anything other than a filthy rust trap at the beach, is an invitation to use your roof as a bar top or your pristine trunk lid as a pre event staging area, diaper changing platform, or ashtray. And yes, those things have happened to my cars!

Still, even if the inconsiderate other driver was an irresponsible idiot by striking your vehicle while parking, it hardly rises to the level of a crime - although it may seem like it! I could be wrong, but scribing paint with a key, seems an awful lot like vandalism or criminal mischief.

How should one react if the other “belligerent” driver makes an improper turn causing an accident and totaling your car? Even "gross negligence" is commonly called an accident. They happen every day, like it or not.

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I would have put a CV shaft through the persons windshield if they parked that close, too many people treat cars like an appliance to be thrown away when its used and time to find a new one.

Some IDIOT soccer mom cut my off in a parking lot and did an illegal u turn and touch my car with her bumper, i jammed on the horn because i felt her car touch mine and i wanted her to pull over so i can inspect the damage. She ran through the right turn on red not stopping like everyone else, and so i followed through and cut her off jamming on the brakes to try to get her to pull over. She tried to cut out so i just went home, dumb cop came to my house etc...denied it and he gave me some story until i OWNED his ass by using logic.

Needless to say shes lucky people were around, next time im dragging someone out of their car to show them what they did and to learn how to drive in a professional manner.

You aren't supposed to have things fixed if they get damaged, they aren't supposed to get damaged in the first place.

My car recently got a hit and run as well when i was at a junkyard, it didn't do much damage, if i caught the guy he would probably be in the hospital. You just don't mess with someones car, especially an enthusiast who has poured blood, sweat, tears, and his entire wallet on their car, only to have it damaged buy some MORON, some things are justified by damaging their car in retaliation.

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The accord did not have anyone pushing them into my car. They were in the last space with 4 feet to the edge of the curb. This is why I labeled the posting what I did; there was absolutely no reason for it!

However, I did not and would never even consider damaging their car. I took pictures, wrote down all their info and left a note for them stating that I did these two things. There were some scratches on my bumper and I let them know I intended to make sure they covered any damages.

They did the right thing and had their insurance company contact me. I am now trying to decide if it is worth the hassel to move forward with a claim.

69' Colorado 2002


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Guest Anonymous

You may have misunderstood Adam's comments.

I cannot imagine that he or anyone in their right mind would ever condone inconsiderate parking. However, I have seen more than one instance where someone with no respect for their own car, let alone another's, pushes a car trying to create a parking space. However, after they push one car into another they find that there still isn't enough room (1/2 car length) and they split - creating a situation much as you described although the two remaining (victims) are left duking it out. I worked at a bar in a beach community where this happened repeatedly - by people who weren't even drinking . . . yet.

I, for one, think you did the right thing. Upping the ante with keys or heavier artillery rarely teaches someone a lesson they didn't already know. Nor will vandalism compensate you for your damage. Not saying road rage isn't understandable. Its just that it does not seem to qualify as a "rational" and "measured" response and it is too easily confused with unbridled hooliganism. Society has many ills. We try to address them with a system of justice. The system is far from perfect, but life in the big city rarely is.

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There's a lot of pent up anger on this thread!

You should try living in France - home of the "bump-park" manouvere. Have to be REALLY careful around here - most common is people opening their doors onto the side of your car.

Hey F1Reverb - nice idea about letting someones tyres slowly deflate, just so they don't notice and have a big accident. Could this really be the same man that took a fellow FAQ'er to task because he posted a picture showing him changing a wheel without using a torque-wrench to tighten his nuts?

You do make me laugh.




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And parking like this thread's examples is honorable and right. Remember, two negatives multiplied is always a positive (as in Mr. Parking's lesson to not do it again and my satisfaction).

Urm, the phrase actually goes "two wrongs don't make a right" I think you'll find. And having experienced all sorts of grief with cars, most recently a local youth kicking the wing mirror off of my daily driver and then 2 days later a woman driving in to it in the car park, I feel i am pretty justified to comment.

If I had caught the kid with the kick happpy feet he would have been in a lot of trouble. Think about it though - if you hit him you're just as bad as he is. If you get the law involved, he is in the system and if he deosnt leanr a lesson, it will all add up and eventually he will be properly caught and punished.

However, the lady who drove in to my car waited for me to return (for 45 minutes!) apologised profusely, gave me her details and called later in the day to check my insurance company had all the info they needed. While you could say that I should have gone nuts that she couldnt avoid a small car in a car park, the way she acted after the incident was spot on. Sure, she shouldnt have hit me but accidents happen.

I cannot condone vandalism of any sort (even your revenge idea matey). There are far more important things in life. Accidents happen. Get over it. If it's malicious thats another thing entirely... like you're little spelling game on the hood of a lovely car.

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I was watching Judge Judy today on my lunch break. There was some guy who threw a chair at a woman's car who he claimed liked to "hoon" around the corner in front of his house. His entire family couldn't understand why this was wrong. Judge Judy went nuts at them all and threatened to walk out. Best ever, road rage kicks ass!

wrote "Fuck You" on his hood with my key.

As for this, well, what can I say, I have a similar experience. Two weeks after I got Karl back from the body shop after the new paint job, I found the perfect spot at work to park. It was away from trees so I didn't have to worry about sap and leaves getting on him. And it was all the way down the end of the lot against a gate, so I didn't have to worry about anybody parking next to me on either side as I had the gate and it was so far away.

Turns out, the head office people didn't like me parking there as there is about ten spaces in that area which only three cars use at any one time, no shit, and supposedly that's their area to park. Instead of them asking me to park elsewhere, they asked my manager to ask me because here in Australia, the people who are "above" the workers are not technically allowed to speak to us directly. My bullshit detector went off after I heard that as two days prior to this, about three of the laziest workers in the warehouse got taken out to lunch by some of these assholes because they are "good looking" (in quotations because this is by Australian standards - skinny, no make-up).

Anyway, as I felt that my car could stay there for the rest of the day, I took a nice flat white cardboard box and wrote "Fuck You" on it and put it in Karl's windshield. No one said anything after that, but I did get asked if I wanted to do some paperwork for one of the head office people a couple of days later, just to earn some extra money. That same day, a shopping cart "accidently" crashed into his car. I figure, if he can take care of his parking situation, he can take care of his own paperwork.

I don't think it was the fact that I lost my ultimate parking spot, I think it was the fact that they were all too gutless to ask me to move. That pissed me off.

"My dad was right, it was cheaper just to buy a new car."

'75 Golf Yellow Automatic 2002 with Weber 32/36 DGAV - "Karl"


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As a congratulations for his parking job a celebratory dance on his hood, roof and trunk would have been in order. I'm thinking a lindy would be about right.

agreed, i dont know what i would do if that were my car. it would be stupid for sure though.

I know what I'd do....put the dumb ass owner atop the "YOU DIE!" List! Man, that would royally piss me off...even if it was a neighbor!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

John Weese

'72tii "Hugo"

'73tii "Atlantik"

'74 '02 "Inka"

'76 '02 "Malaga"

'72tii engine VIN 2760081 - waiting on a rebuild

"Keep your revs up and watch your mirrors!"

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That same day, a shopping cart "accidently" crashed into his car. I figure, if he can take care of his parking situation, he can take care of his own paperwork.

You know, up until this point in your story, I was chuckling away thinking that it all sounded reasonably funny and that you had mad your point, had a laugh and verything was cool.

Then you fess up to this and i'm forced to think again.

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