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Worst Parking Job Ever!


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I thought someone might get their panties in a twist over the shopping cart. Don't worry Jon and the rest of you, he drives a company car. And the shopping cart in question is one such model we have on our premisis that rolls backwards when unattended. Who is to say it was completely my fault? I didn't order them...

"My dad was right, it was cheaper just to buy a new car."

'75 Golf Yellow Automatic 2002 with Weber 32/36 DGAV - "Karl"


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I thought someone might get their panties in a twist over the shopping cart. Don't worry Jon and the rest of you, he drives a company car. And the shopping cart in question is one such model we have on our premisis that rolls backwards when unattended. Who is to say it was completely my fault? I didn't order them...

You're missing the point love... it doesnt matter if the car was owned by him, the company or the Queen of F*cki^g Sheba! There's no excuse for it really. You went from proving your point in a funny way to being a vandal!

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That just about says it all...

Wow, I stand corrected. I'm wrong and you, in your infinite wisdom and with your exemplary debating skills have beaten me into sumission and proved me wrong. Next time your cat shits in the house remember to kill it. Same goes for the next person who accidently bumps into you in the street or looks at you funny. Remember your apparent mantra.... don't just react - OVER REACT! An eye for an eye and no surrender...

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Sorry, her Majesty is off to the royal garden to polish the car. Do try back tomorrow for some tea and crumpets.

Advice for Jon in the UK:

1. Stop being a pussy. If you're going to cuss, just do it.

2. Shut up. You don't know anything.

3. Get a vasectomy

How many times have I told you, I don't like you?

"My dad was right, it was cheaper just to buy a new car."

'75 Golf Yellow Automatic 2002 with Weber 32/36 DGAV - "Karl"


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Congrats to every vandal who just posted about wrecking someone elses property - you successfully shrunk to their level. What the hell goes through your mind that says "Yes, I have the right to wreck this persons car."...

Oxygen thieves, the lot of you


72tii - Whitey

74 - Blacky

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Guest Anonymous

Management's means of attending to what appears to be a breach of parking etiquette seems unfortunate. However, despite it seeming unfair and overly bureaucratic, it may be labour's imposed rules to protect the workers that require mundane matters be addressed through lower echelon channels as you described.

You mentioned a shopping cart that rolls backward. Consider how you would have felt had the same shopping cart "nudged" your car. Or how about large landscaping rocks - which have a tendency to roll forward and backward.

So much for the Golden Rule.

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You know, the more you post, the more I like you Tom - you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. There's all this uncontrolled aggression that occassionally spills out on the board and when people fess up to this like it makes me angry as hell. Not angry enough to go and dent a wing or scratch advice into a bonnet though ;-)

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Congrats to every vandal who just posted about wrecking someone elses property - you successfully shrunk to their level. What the hell goes through your mind that says "Yes, I have the right to wreck this persons car."...

Oxygen thieves, the lot of you

Whats kills me is these are the same bastards that take stab after stab at other people's morality. COUGH F1 COUGH

Patrick Sloan

1975 inka 2002 - 2375719

1991 325iC

2001 325i

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Congrats to every vandal who just posted about wrecking someone elses property - you successfully shrunk to their level. What the hell goes through your mind that says "Yes, I have the right to wreck this persons car."...

Oxygen thieves, the lot of you

Whats kills me is these are the same bastards that take stab after stab at other people's morality. COUGH F1 COUGH

My favorite is the way many people think of it as 'strength' if you overreact and vandalize someone's car in a parking lot, or other such violence. It's then seen as 'weak' if you're not man enough to do that.

But the real strength lies in the ability to control your emotions, and remain calm, then confront the person directly with the issue. Now that takes some guts right there, and gets a whole lot more done.

Instead, they choose to take out their anger on the car, where no one can see who did it. That's cowardly right there.

Bring a Welder

1974 2002, 1965 Datsun L320 truck, 1981 Yamaha XS400, 1983 Yamaha RX50, 1992 Miata Miata drivetrain waiting on a Locost frame, 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser

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You know, the more you post, the more I like you Tom - you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. There's all this uncontrolled aggression that occassionally spills out on the board and when people fess up to this like it makes me angry as hell. Not angry enough to go and dent a wing or scratch advice into a bonnet though ;-)

Thanks Jon, I think we are both thinking along the same lines. Right now im bloody ashamed to be a part of a forum with this kind of mentality. Its a disgrace.

Pat, myself and another faqer were talking off board about certain peoples, what can only be said are 'warped' views on morality. Your bang on mate - some people just have a lack of character.


72tii - Whitey

74 - Blacky

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3. Get a vasectomy

Urm... not quite seeing the relavance but i'll make you a deal: I'll get my man bit sorted if you promise to have yourself spayed.

I've helped spaying numerous cats and dogs before, and the operation is pretty simple. I could probably "git 'er done" if you need me to try it.

Bring a Welder

1974 2002, 1965 Datsun L320 truck, 1981 Yamaha XS400, 1983 Yamaha RX50, 1992 Miata Miata drivetrain waiting on a Locost frame, 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser

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Guest Anonymous

Live on a semi-rural cul de sac cloistered by trees and other foliage. There was always plenty of street parking for neighbors and visitors. Since a new shopping park opened a few blocks away, our off-the-beaten-path street has become a major one way thoroughfare for people looking to park or abandon their cars. Despite the erection of large ugly signs warning of possible ticketing and even towing, people have few qualms about parking on our lawns, sidewalks and blocking my driveway.

Parking enforcement is slow to ticket these cars and is even less enthusiastic about towing those blocking our only access to the street. I have taken to driving over my own lawn and even using floor jacks to move dolly other vehicles out of the way.

One neighbor tried placing upside down shopping carts on his flower beds to deter parkers. Another neighbor chose to erect a chain link fence - that has since been knocked down. Now his yard has been strewn with shopping carts. One can only imagine how these miscreant parkers would react if they found carts near their cars or worse.

Looks like gates and CCTV is here to stay.

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Bottom line is people are cowards. It takes 1 hundred times more balls to sit there and wait for the person to come back and confront them about it. Any sniffling weakling can carve up a hood. The ironic part is you get nothing accomplished the "look at me im so powerful I'll show them" way. F1, you took yourself down a peg.

Congrats to every vandal who just posted about wrecking someone elses property - you successfully shrunk to their level. What the hell goes through your mind that says "Yes, I have the right to wreck this persons car."...

Oxygen thieves, the lot of you

Whats kills me is these are the same bastards that take stab after stab at other people's morality. COUGH F1 COUGH

My favorite is the way many people think of it as 'strength' if you overreact and vandalize someone's car in a parking lot, or other such violence. It's then seen as 'weak' if you're not man enough to do that.

But the real strength lies in the ability to control your emotions, and remain calm, then confront the person directly with the issue. Now that takes some guts right there, and gets a whole lot more done.

Instead, they choose to take out their anger on the car, where no one can see who did it. That's cowardly right there.

Patrick Sloan

1975 inka 2002 - 2375719

1991 325iC

2001 325i

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