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Weve got a dood in the chat room complaining about the ads


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Don't look at them.

Really, I don't seem to see them as I focus on the content at hand.

The point being ads are needed for many sites to supplement.

The real point is, spend some time clicking on them so the site will bennifit from having them. You don't have to buy anything for the site to gain. Just click on them.

yah thats what i was thinking... how hard is it to just ignore em? or better yet, show your support by clicking on them? :D

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i wish that i could run the site without the ads. and that was the initial intent when we started the site. I am sorry to hear that you were told that by Rob. That is not the way i treat people's opinions. They are all welcome. I cannot guarantee that i will act on all of them, but i will listen, some times silently.

As for where the money goes, it cost $1700 to host the site for a year. Sorry, but you guys are not spending enough at the store to cover that so i had to compromise. I am a bit disappointed about the ads that are showing up, but at the moment i do not have many options.

steve k

i shoulda been nicer i suppose, but if youda been there youda seen what really was said, and the full context. you cant judge things on just one side of the story... :)

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Yes, it was me!!! I said I did not like the ads. I don't like all the ads on Ebay either. When will Craiglist be full of ads too I said? I thought the chat on Monday nights was open to opinions and expressions. I was being polite, but I quess I was wrong. I was then attacked by Rob and told that if I did not like the ads, I should just leave the FAQ for ever and go back to Road Fly. Strange, isn't that why people left RoadFly. For the record, I wish the FAQ did not have outside Ads. Sorry Steve K for I have sinned.


oh, guess what i found the transcript. notice i DO NOT say leave the faq "for ever":

03[22] * Guest35 (~BMW2002user@*.222-62-69.ftth.swbr.surewest.net) has joined #bmw2002

[22] I have a Momo indy wheel I will trade ya

[22] no I wont lol

[22] for the bodyshop bill? sold.

[22] lmao

[22] noooooo way!!

[22] Ive dun to much body work

[22] had a feeling!

[22] i would love to have a freshly painted shell right now...

[22] rust sucks

[22] hey robbie?

[22] they are a problem though.

[22] yeah rust sucks to dam good!1 hahah

[22] haha. i am gonna embark on rocker rep. in the garage soon...

[22] the problem with rust free freshly painted bodies is that they demand all new rubber parts and that demands a government bailout

[22] you said it calw

[22] a full set seems to cost about $700 billion, unless I've forgotten parts

[22] gov bailouts are the norm these days ;-)

[22] haha i hadnt thought of it that way

[22] man Clevland and teh Bills both suck

[22] lol

01[22] hi guest! :)

[22] robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

01[22] what.

[22] go here and click find all posts... http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,profile/mode,viewprofile/u,726/

01[22] hmm gives error

[22] oh

[22] :D

01[22] email steve :P

[22] no :P

01[22] heh

[22] due to 2 character username

[22] :P

[22] jt bought my tii

[22] im out check you guys later

[22] seeya rc

[22] Nor*Cal

[22] later

02[22] * rc02 (~rc02@*.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

[22] yo guest

[22] Check this out- another use for an M10

[22] http://cosprings.craigslist.org/cto/921700830.html

[22] neat

[22] heheh

[22] 110,000 km is 70k miles :P

[22] it has a "good" body too. that's a relative word

[22] those cars don't rust...

[22] bwahahahahaaaaa! :D

[22] well, you have to listen really closely unless it's in a quiet garage to hear the bits flaking off anyway

[22] indeed

[22] I don't like the ads on the FAQ

[22] anyone ever done a megasquirt?

[22] johnC has...

[22] any idea how he likes it?

[22] guest, paypal money to stevek and i think he'll remove the ads

[22] he loves it

[22] i've met john numerous times

03[22] * jmon0261 (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) has joined #bmw2002

[22] I've got the 318 parts collected but the rest is a long way down the road

02[22] * jmon0261 (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

03[22] * jmon0261 (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) has joined #bmw2002

[22] I see shopping.com

02[22] * jmon0261 (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

03[22] * Wagner (~Wagner@*.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #bmw2002

[22] hmm. i have considered it. i am trying to find the right thing to invest in...

[22] i would KILL for an M2 conversion

[22] chris, a johnc answer here http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,57/page,viewtopic/t,313582/highlight,/

01[22] ya guest

01[22] gotta pay the bills

01[22] steve has paid for massive server bills for a long time out of his own pocket

[22] you can buy mine, chris. what do u wanna spend? :D

01[22] if you dont like it, go to roadfly

01[22] oh, they have ads everywhere

01[22] =p

01[22] hey wagner!

[22] what's going on?

03[22] * ray changes topic to 'welcome to '02 chat! go to roadfly! ;-) '

[22] What bills? Im sure he has sold enough mugs

01[22] yer lookin at it! =p

[22] :D

01[22] youre wrong

06[22] * ray has a mug

06[22] * Spooky has two :P

[22] oops, my mug is not a faq mug

06[22] * ray has contributed moolah to stevek

02[22] * calw (~BMW2002user@76.76.66.*) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

[22] ha. well considering im broke right now...

01[22] if you want to help him for free, click on the ads

[22] get a gov. bailout ;-)

[22] bahahah

01[22] free money to the faq

03[22] * akagan (~BMW2002user@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #bmw2002

[22] It almost as bad as ebay

01[22] akagan!

[22] hello

01[22] sorry it bothers you but the faq isnt mandatory

[22] here, chris http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v355/raykoke/?action=view&current=MVI_0026.flv

[22] When will craigslist list have ads

03[22] * ray changes topic to 'the FAQ is NOT mandatory! '

03[22] * ray changes topic to 'don't feed the troll :) '

01[22] at least we dont censor people to keep advertisers happy

[22] badass ray

[22] do other forums censor?

03[22] * ray changes topic to 'Spooky's a @#$%^ (oops!) '

01[22] esty has some software that blocks the ads from her screen

[22] :P

01[22] maybe email her

[22] adblock will do it, a firefox plugin

01[22] they block the top and bottom of the screen, tho, so she never knew we had chat room until she saw it mentioned in a post

[22] deal with the adds. if it is keeping the faw chuggin i am fine with it

[22] faq**

[22] rob, make a sticky: "everyone click on the ads!!"

01[22] the faq got started *because* of the censorship on roadfly

[22] aaahhh

01[22] well partly so

01[22] i had the idea of a seperate site with just FAQs on it

[22] I gotta say, i am totally unfamiliar with roadfly

[22] exactly then why the ads that is so roadfly

01[22] and steve added the message board when the censorship stuff was happening

[22] :D

01[22] guest you have your answer

01[22] deal with it or go away

03[22] * Toropoki (~BMW2002user@*.hawaiiantel.net) has joined #bmw2002

[22] well now i am informed of the history of the faq

[22] how much does it cost to host this site 20 bucks a month

01[22] heres an even better idea: start your own site

[22] if you think operating costs are so insignificant, then why the hell dont you cough up the money for it

01[22] when the $400 monthly server bills come in, sell mugs

[22] touche rob

[22] so spooky is rob

[22] oops

01[22] course to get a $400 server bill you have to be pretty successful

[22] who are you guest 35

[22] nice piece of detective work

01[22] =p

[22] waiting for an answer....

[22] im just saying i dont like the ads and everybody tells me to leave, nice

01[22] actually: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC-47_Spooky

[22] nice!

01[22] i said if you dont like it, you can leave

01[22] either that or cough up donations to steve

[22] dont play that card guest. if you cant stand by what you say then dont open your mouth

[22] are we talking about the little banner ads at the bottom of the page?

01[22] email him, ask how much the monthly bill is right now, write a check and im sure the ads will come down

[22] you dont know my relation with steve

[22] come on, the ads aren't that cumbersome

01[22] ya for real

[22] on to a new subject

[22] ...

[22] ok so I thin the bushing in my steering column is loose/worn out

[22] but looking at the mobile tradition website it appears to be about $100

[22] symptoms?

[22] any suggestions that are a big more economical

[22] which bush?

[22] I can wiglle my steering wheel up and down

[22] and I removed the wheel today

[22] check the fracture bolt that anchors the column to the dash

[22] are the securing bolts that go up from the bottom tight?

[22] and could move the steering shaft maybe 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch

[22] that's not much

[22] i had the same problem. i found out i was missing one of the "cone shaped" bolts

[22] yeah I mean the column seems unmovable

[22] its the shaft inside the column that can move

03[22] * celk02 (~BMW2002user@*.cpe.cableone.net) has joined #bmw2002

[22] hmm.

[22] hmmm...where are these cone shaped bolts?

[22] anybody have experience with putting miata seats in an 02?

01[22] http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/p,556246/#556246

[22] take off the panels under the column, and there are bolts down there that support the steering column. they are designed to be torqued down, and then the head fractures off of them for safty reasons...odd i know, but i just rep. mine with a reg bold

[22] bolt**

[23] search on mobile tradition. they are called fracture bolts on there

03[23] * ray changes topic to 'insert topic here '

[23] was the column loose, or was the shaft loose because of those bolts?

[23] go bills!

01[23] its for anti-theft reasons

[23] BOOOO

01[23] i think

[23] i want to say the whole column

[23] you see that runback?

01[23] you gotta saw them to release ign lock

[23] it was a nice cut back on the kicker

[23] oooohhh i see.

[23] yeah, kickers are usually so challenging

[23] i stand corrected

03[23] * Spooky changes topic to 'http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/p,556246/#556246'

01[23] =p

[23] generally no... but they often slow the runner down enough for the other players to cathch up

[23] not the Brown's kicker

[23] i see

01[23] Guest35 End of /WHOIS list


[23] dangit i think i screwed up my 5 speed

[23] and it was in the parking lot of the junkyard

[23] did you find them on mobile tradition akagan

[23] so no experience with miata seats? how about other seats that will look decent and not break my college student budget?

[23] what happened to the 5 speed?

[23] not yet

01[23] drop it on output flange?

[23] fell off the cart

[23] ouch

[23] thats no good

[23] now it's clicky going into the 5th gear gate

[23] i pulled the detent pin and spring out and it's still weird

[23] no obvious visible damage?

01[23] did it just fall on the case?

01[23] or selector shaft?

03[23] * PabloM (~BMW2002user@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #bmw2002

[23] I finally got the selector shaft oil seal out today...that was fun

01[23] are you guys trying to tell me i am missing a football game?

[23] hey hey hey

[23] yes you are

[23] no experience on the seats?

[23] sorry

[23] hmm im going to have to try and figure something out on that one

[23] found fracture bolt...will investigate it tomorrow, thanks

[23] anyone in the bay area have a spare 02 engine they want to sell me for my winter project? =)))

[23] hey spooky, your car sell?

[23] welome

[23] how about this one... I dismanteled my steering column cover to access the ignition switch; got the switch out and replaced the key. While trying to replace the cover I have had trouble positioning the ring that activates the horn.

[23] Any one have experience tuning 40 DCOE Webers?

[23] I have tried to put the column back together in several different ways but every time it ends up honking the horn constantly when i turn on the key

[23] that horn ring is held in a groove in the um... upper and lower cover

[23] my horn is the same way, but i believe my contact ring is broken.

[23] so i currently dont have a horn

[23] would you suggest taping the covers together to hold the ring in position, because i have tried to use that groove and it hasnt worked for me

[23] i was able to finesse mine in, but do wahtever works :)

[23] the horn worked before i dismanteled it.... its always fun when you fix one thing and break another :(

[23] btdt ;-)

[23] ha sucks when that happens

[23] makes you feel like you didnt accomplish much

[23] 1 step forward, 2 steps back

[23] yup

[23] toro, can't help, i have FI ;-)

[23] took the words outta my mouth

[23] lucky....

[23] :P

[23] with alpha n fuel management :P

[23] grrrrrr...

[23] :D

[23] what could be better than football and 2002 chat?

[23] football, 2002 chat and hookers?

[23] did u see my header, chris? ;-) http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v355/raykoke/brakes/?action=view&current=IMG_0704.jpg

[23] and pizza!

[23] :D

03[23] * aaronsas (~Aaron@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #bmw2002

[23] very nice. where did you pick that up?

[23] yo aaron

[23] hey guys

[23] um well it's an s14 rally header...

03[23] * pbp (~pbp@*.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #bmw2002

[23] but i can tell ya who i bought it from :D

[23] yo pbp

[23] whats up

[23] is this new?

[23] just chatting about football, hookers and pizza :)

[23] not new :)

[23] ha'

[23] interesting

[23] welcome tho. where are ya?

[23] check this out it hurt my head trying to figure out what cars he has

[23] http://eugene.craigslist.org/cto/906867365.html

[23] toronto...

[23] anyone do a 320is 3 spoke steerin wheel exchange to their 2002? Anything special to do on this install?

[23] aaron, call him

[23] no... really simple

[23] straight switch?

[23] i was in toronto once. nice city, but there were flies swarming in the subway sandwich shop behind the glass :)

[23] yup straight switch... hate the subway along with the snow... come up here and find a decend 02' its like winning the lotto

[23] whos the webmaster??

03[23] * grbbenny (~BMW2002user@*.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #bmw2002

[23] heheheh. webmaster?

02[23] * grbbenny (~BMW2002user@*.cg.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

[23] spooky is controlling the chat board

[23] that was quick

[23] this says everything on the wheel switch http://www.bayarea02.com/techtips/320_wheel/index.html

[23] yeah no kidding

[23] It's 75 degrees and rainy in Honolulu

[23] ooh

[23] it says i have an unregistered copy?

[23] just like toronto

[23] gettin cold here...my 02 hates me in the AM

[23] what are 4 e30 bottlecaps with tires(2 50% 2 90% tread) worth?

[23] 37F in tianjin!

01[23] >

[23] $250

01[23] ?

[23] That's about like STL

02[23] * celk02 (~BMW2002user@*.cpe.cableone.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

01[23] pbp ignore that

[23] oh ok

01[23] try restarting / refresing

02[23] * pbp (~pbp@*.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

01[23] are you on the java chat page?

01[23] heh

03[23] * pbp (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #bmw2002

[23] same

[23] hey pbp, that crap comes up all the time, i just ignore

01[23] are you on the java chat page?

[23] actually its better now

01[23] its never happened to me

[23] huh?

03[23] * celk02 (~BMW2002user@*.cpe.cableone.net) has joined #bmw2002

01[23] wb celk

[23] no i logged on regularly

01[23] on mirc?

01[23] err via mIRC?

[23] huh?

[23] What's everyone driving? 74 2002tii here...

[23] sounds like blah, blah, blah

01[23] everyone should d/l it and use the servers on this page: http://www.bmwtips.com/irc/chat.htm

01[23] mIRC that is

[23] ok

[23] '73 M2 :P

[23] 75 2002

[23] 1998 540i for now, 1974 2002 just fixing to get it's engine

01[23] then you dont lose connection when clicking on a link

[23] grrrr ray.

[23] no I have a 73 with 74 front end

03[23] * Toropoki1 (~BMW2002user@*.hawaiiantel.net) has joined #bmw2002

02[23] * Toropoki1 (~BMW2002user@*.hawaiiantel.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

[23] ray what numbers did you put down on the dyno

[23] m20 soon

[23] how many toropokis are there?

[23] one

[23] 235, and 200 torque

[23] there were 2 signed in for a while

[23] sorry

[23] nice!

[23] heheh, good for grins ;-)

[23] awesome.. bet its an absolute rocket

[23] m10?

[23] oh no

[23] s14

[23] heheheh

01[23] k what are the best cheap snow tires

[23] can you hook up the power?

[23] oh ok... sick!

[23] S14, 2.5

[23] i would LOVE to smoke some punk in his daddys mustang

[23] 10 inch slicks?

[23] couldnt afford the s14

[23] it hooks up well. the toyos seems pretty sticky

[23] nice

06[23] * ray can't now either

[23] :P

[23] :)

[23] tr1's baby!!

[23] azenis

[23] alll the way

01[23] ray makes all his power over 6k rpms

[23] chris, here : http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v355/raykoke/?action=view&current=IMG_0008-1.jpg

[23] ignore rob :P

01[23] makes for easier less smoky launches =p

01[23] i remember seeing m3 race vids

01[23] they idle at like 4krpms

01[23] or

01[23] rpm gauges start at 4k

[23] heheh, this ain;t a race motor :P

[23] hehehe

01[23] im just sayin ;p

[23] haha

06[23] * ray smacks rob with an exhaust valve

[23] bhaha

[23] cant wait to finish mine... its driving me nuts

[23] how does the m20 do in an 02

[23] its sux when you spend so much cash and u cant enjoy yet

[23] some say it's heavy. davin likes his

[23] cant tell you.. my last one had m10

[23] there's a few on the board

[23] charley has one

[23] charleys is nice

06[23] * ray has met both those guys -- scary!

[23] what is scary

[23] damn that return game is good tonight

[23] meeting davin and charley :P

[23] ha why is that

02[23] * pbp (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

[23] because i'm generally antisocial :P

02[23] * aaronsas (~Aaron@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit

[23] ok, they're both nice :D

[23] rob's an arse, tho :P

[23] spooky, you lurking?

[23] haha

[23] a 2002 with six piston is not a 2002

[23] im sorry?

03[23] * pbp (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #bmw2002

02[23] * pbp (~BMW2002user@*.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Leaving)

[23] another question, my rear shocks are outside of my springs, yet there is a sleeve that looks like it should contain a shock. is this normal?

[23] you mean, like this? http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v355/raykoke/?action=view&current=IMG_0015-1.jpg

[23] six pistons

that is the last thing "guest35/norm" says all night, and he was never kicked. his computer resets or is turned off an hour or two later...

btw I wez "Spooky" ;-p

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Steve K., that $1,700 a year gets you fame and power. I'm sure you can probably pull into any town in the world and some FAQ'er would gladly buy you a steak dinner. It works for Harv.


I can't remember a steak diner but I can recall quite a few good beers. Wait, I had some nice food over at Mike's house in Denver.

Mmmmmmm, beer.


Fresh squeezed horseshoes and hand grenades



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