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I think the main difference between you and others on the board here is the definition of "nice" as it applies to the green tii.

The purpose of me beginning the other thread is that I don't think the car you have on Ebay represents value for money.

Nice is not a wrecked headliner. Why didn't your team of upholstery experts address that?

Nice is not a missing proper plug on the cold start valve and the missing vacuum can on the air filter canister and plugged port on the plenum. If you go so far as to renew the KF, why don't you address these items?

Nice is not a rattle can paint job on the air filter canister.

Nice is not a shoddily hung rear bumper, and a dent in the rear panel that was not addressed before "painting."

Nice is not missing vent window knob covers and door handle inserts. Small details that show... your attention to detail.

Nice is not painting over grunge in the spare tire well and underside of the hood.

Nice is not painting the hood bar and wiper motor cover and strut bolts and trunk hinges and....

Nice is not missing rocker trim.

Nice is installing the fender reflectors correctly, and the wiper arms.

A pair of Recaros, a "rebuilt" KF pump and a "paint job" with clear coat do not make this car "nice," or a value for the money.

In my opinion you took a $5000 car, put maybe $4000 worth of work into it, offered it for $20K while the prospective new owner will need to spend more to make it right than if you had simply left it alone.

Just my opinion of course. And a few others on the board.



To: nbristow01

Love to meet you next time you wander in the facility. If I sound angry about 3rd parties attacking our credibility with no facts don't be surprised. If you had any character you would pick up the phone or stop by and express your views eye ball to eye ball. If you did and if you really had a tour of the process, the vehicles, the talent I don't think you would feel compelled to snipe ! I promise to be "nice" as long as we are given a fair shot - but this sniping behind a blind bulletin board for sport without facts will not go without response.

The DAllas BMW 02 club came through the facility this summer... ask the members I think they were quite pleased with what they saw and what we do. Matter a fact the President of the club came in this Saturday with two of his 02 friends telling us how he had been recommending our cars and work. He reviewed the green tii and seem to like the car and asked for a tour of the facility for his friends... ? Many of the 02 group from this summer have come back for repairs, for advice, parts, frame alignments, paint work etc. We did not solicit their business as we typically don't work on other's cars as setup mostly to work on our own assets... build to order for customers But did as favors to the group members

To set the facts straight for all of you "Joe Manix's" who seem to have so much time and so few facts on this 74 Green Tii

1. This is one of the few cars we did not strip as it was not necessary

2. This is a car we took in on trade from a customer on East Coast who purchased two custom 2002's from us. Like many customers he did buy a car site unseen and got something over his head. He called us for help

3. the car was not very saleable I guess as injection system was "kaput", battery dead, fuel system clogged, had dents and bruises etc. but nothign major

4. Car was originally listed a guess "cheap" as it was not running and appeared to need extensive repairs. I never saw it listed anywhere and only have it as a favor to a customer

5. Everything listed + on the ad was done to the car. Turns out car much nicer then I had originally thought... and off course a Tii

6. come take a look at it in person and then comment

Not a typical project for us but a nice car

As for the Sunbeam Tiger... not a spot of rust on it... stripped to bare metal, primed in epoxy, engine rebuild ready for final paint ... again come see

As for pics of our 2002's stripped to bare metal would be happy to post dozens of them stripped and primed in epoxy for customers. When we get time will put all these detail on our website with hundreds of pics of the process and results



Stop reading this! Don't you have anything better to do?? :P
Two running things. Two broken things.


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You are a very observent reader and yes you make valid points. Alot has been done to the car but there is always more "detail" to an old car. I would guess most of these minor items could be addressed in a few hours and will be as we market the car so thanks for an enhanced punch list.

These comments are welcome and civil so feel free.

It is the blistering, out of context rants of BS. Or comments from fellas like Nick Bristow of Keller Williams Reality 214 564 5766 who now claimed to have met me, us, toured our facility etc. which are totally false. We looked him up no one has ever met him, never seen his face, he appears to be a new member to the TX 02 user group but make outrageous rants about knowing what we do. The show room facility is open 6 days a week and anyone could pop in and out but to claim they know what we do without ever talking to anyone is just silly and wrong

This kind of careless bulletin board ping pong seems to be encouraged and gets wild amplitudes on this site and it appears mostly from those who don't comment using their name but some hidden alias

Ray you seem to know your stuff



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Jon, Impressive that you can google. Again like I said, not only do you seem angry but also almost a stalker now. I have no need to confront you in your shop. I have been there, even took a good look at the convertible 67 mustang with the 390 in it. tealish color, needing work. white interior. I'm just expressing what I have seen first hand. if entire clubs worship your work then thats great . Just my opinion. You have my phone number, its public, do I need to warn my wife and kids that you are a bit demented? You take constructive critisism very poorly. I am sure you have much more knowledge than me in these 2002s but I have been around cars my entire life and kow a quality resto when I see it. IN MY OPINION I do not see that with your at this point. Plus the astronomical pricing. For the price of that green Tii you could buy Glenns sons big block firebird and have a great car

I'm not as dumb as I look

74 Verona

06 Audi A3

09 Mercedes C300

06 VW Passat

03 VW Conv Beetle

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Jon, I guess you are missing the point of why on almost every BMW forum you are on you are getting the same anger. If you read your description of the green Tii you would be led to believe this car is almost ready for world class car shows, a fine fine car. The pictures do not agree with the description. Just a lot of misrepresentation and omission. THATS what everyone is upset about. It gives car guys a bad name. You may be a great guy and the times I have been in the shop you were very helpful so its not personal....just either do the car to match the description or match the description to the cars.

By the way, my name and picture are plastered al over the internet. I sell foreclosures for bank and I appreciate the free advertising

I'm not as dumb as I look

74 Verona

06 Audi A3

09 Mercedes C300

06 VW Passat

03 VW Conv Beetle

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So here we go...

Our facility is very open we let people wander around see what is going on, view the cars, body shops, mechanical shops parts etc. So you take advantage of our openess to grossly misrepresent what we do this this forum to what is inveraiably a knowledgeable bunch of BMW 2002 fans but are not local to see for themselves. That is not ethical and is total not factual and yes it does at best disapoint me at best.

To be absolutely clear the ad for the Green Tii specifically states we did not strip this particular car and only states what condition it is in and what has been done to the car !

Now that you have a name and a face you back peddle and try to cover your amplified rants by saying I would theaten you - come on I would not waste my time. But, yes I can Google and actually engineer and build quite complex computer systems for manufacturing and supply chain so know how to reverse navigate IP addresses, cross check quickly on the web and bulletin boards IP streams etc.

However, I have a simple rule about writing things online that I won't write or say anything that I don't have the courage to say to someone's face. You should think about it !

We will meet sometime and you can practice your apology for making statements online that are just plan wrong and have not basis in facts. If you do I will accept if you continue to back pedal and cover yourself then your character is obvious

If you have an open mind would be GLAD to show you the complete process and everthing we actually do to these cars

I am positive - I personally have never met you, and here you go again in your last posts that say I was helpful to you... WE have never met... so HOW is that possible !

Maybe you met Glen you to mention him ? Glen would like to speak with you ! But you describe cars that have not been in the facility since last May

Have a nice day


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YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! $14k for a rust bucket?!?!?

You REALLY put the screws to psychrunner!


You'll get yours soon enough, the word is getting out.

It only takes 1 person getting hurt by one of your "flawless" restorations to put you out of business, you better have A LOT of liability insurance coverage!

fyi, $700 is the cheapest Kuglefischer rebuild and your flawless 74 tii has A LOT of flaws visible in the pics. $20k for a car with those dirty sun visors?!?!? YOU MUST BE KIDDING !!

IMHO $20k should but a Concourse winner or runner up.



71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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UmmmJon, I can't see anywhere that I back pedaled. I actually sat and spoke with you while, I guess it was your son, working with you. I formulated my own opinions based on what I saw and my car experience. I don't need to be formally walked around to see what is going on. It was obvious to me and I formed my own OPINION. And freely state my OPINIONS in an open forum.

You seem to be working on short term gain, long term loss. I read your virtually identical arguements on that other forum that another posted. Lookis like your reputation is what is back pedaling. With all your skills and knowledge I am sure you can do much better work just for whatever reason you don't......just my OPINION

I'm not as dumb as I look

74 Verona

06 Audi A3

09 Mercedes C300

06 VW Passat

03 VW Conv Beetle

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Thank you for the email Jon,

Thank you for setting things straight however you forgot to address some points I mentioned about your statements.

The injection pump rebuilder you used is the least expensive in the US, I seriously doubt the is the best.

1. I have not met Randy, yet, so I have no way of verifying your statements.

2. I have not seen the car, yet, but when I do I can certainly tell the difference between a year or two of rust and 10+ years of rust.

3. See #2

4. I do not know Randy's mechanical ability. For a novice it might take 9 to 12 months to discover a problem or worse a catastrophic failure.

Hella lights = $140

new shocks = $200 KYB $450 Bilstein ( my guess is KYB)

new control arms = $250 (why were they bent?)

sway bar bushings, = $50 ( did you use rubber or urethane?)

new back seat = NLA, new upholstery = $400

The parts you mentioned don't come close to $2k

Once I meet Randy and see the car I will address the numbered items above in more detail.

as for the car you have on ebay, it's worth about 1/2 of what you are asking if that. Those 2 big holes where the bumpers mount say A LOT about your attention to detail and don't forget the dirty interior pics.

Just remember Karma-- Looks Like IT CAME BACK TO BITE YOU ON THE ASS my friend.

Have a nice day!


Don't know who you are as you don't use your name but let me politely set some things straight for you

1. Psycrunner (Randy roades) is a nice enough fella but probably the MOST indecisive person I have interacted with and definately the most idecisive customer of SelectClassics. He probably had this build on and off 12 times over 6 months and probably talked to him an average of 2 x per day with 400 emails ? We never used the word restoration on the phone or in a email. It was an AS IS car with a number of major improvements (bare metal paint, top end engine, headliner, new sunroof cables, suspension, shocks,stereo, interior, glass, all new OEM door rubbers, etc.) But never a FULL restoration but the majority of really hard stuff

2. His car had NO rust on it and if there is some minor surface rust on under carriage it is minor and we purposely did not detail undercarriage as he did not pay for and there was nothing to hide. It was a San Antonio and Dallas car all of its life with some sticking mid TX dirt on the bottom but no rust

3. as for interior, body, engine bay etc. was nearly perfect except some minor bumps and bruies on back panel when stripped. With interior out the inside was like new Malaga inside... no rust

4. As for our reputation we have built cars for 50 or 60 folks all very happy from $10K to $50K depending on specs. Randy really the only problem and it is quite weird it took him 9 months to find "rust" on the car since it went to his mechanic shop for a stuck emergency brake the day he received. 9 months and after he signed another release to find rust.. give me a break

Randy started out wanting a car for $20K... he cut his budget back to $12K and we did our best to do all the HARD work for to meet his budget. ONly reason it became a $14K car he added a bunch of items at the end that caused price to go up and these were all at or below our cost (Hella lights, new shocks, new control arms and sway bar bushings, new back seat etc.)

So you can believe waht you want but these are the facts

Since we have a number of customer specifically that want this model, color, configuration of the car we are bring it back from Randy. I will take complete photos of car when it comes back and let you all know exactly condition of car but your representation is just not correct and as a 3rd party not being involved in the transaction your comments are quite suspect





71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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First note: Green Tii is setup so customer can select final finish out (bumper or spoiler) etc. and our facility setup to do all this in a few days based on buyers wish... That for example is one reason bumper mounts not yet filled in.

There were a number of items including labor and we did most all of it at cost, at the last minute and based on that work other items happened. Your list is about half the list. For example to accomodate RAndy's late request to install Hella lights we disassembled front console etc. to properly connect fog light relay and put custom switch for lights in console. Labor to replace all control arms, bushings, tie rods, tie rod end etc. much more then you list. Mechanic probably did not reattach console as well as body / interior guys did thus after shipping 2000 miles to RAndy was loose and new stereo not working. Just an example of our efforts to accomodate his changing wims only to be "Karmed" by our effort to please.

As for rust Randy's mechanic had car on lift to adjust rear brakes immediately when it arrived in VA. Thus if it were a "rust bucket" it would have been obvious. day one... not 10 months later when it was an easy line to throw up on a bulletin board with an out of context photo. In particular after it sat outside for 9 months at Randy's mechanic

By the way RAndy took delivery of car at his office to keep hide transaction from wife and drove home 30 miles with what appears a stuck emergency brake from trip... near as I can tell from what he described to me.

The real truth is we had nothing to hide and did not paint or undercoat car as was nice strong original car for two reasons... RAndy in a hurry and Randy did not pay for this extra work. The picture someone took and posts is completely out of context... I cannot even tell where it is but looks like some minor surface rust on a an inner fender... no big deal

I posted real pics that are on that site of car through update work

So Karma works both ways... when you work with a customer for 6 months and bend around corners to meet changing wims, deliver the car above and beyond the spirit of a written and verbal contract only to have this bulletin board ping pond DOMINATED 99% by people making comments who have know knowledge of actual car or contract to update car it is actually silly.

We did REAL work, above and beyond the contract, never in a million years or ever in 200 emails used the term "restoration" to randy or in literally 2 phone calls a day from RAndy. Contract was for a nice pretty rare Malaga red 72 sunroof car updated with major items but not a full restoration. A TX car all of its life so in phenomenal shape vs. typical East coast "rust" bucket.

The target we built Randy's car and the price works really well for a hands on car guy who knows the level of effort to strip, repaint, disassemble, assembly, completely redo interior, wire, test, top end engine build etc. but also knows 35 year old cars are 35 year old cars and will require some screwdriver work and wants to save a buck by doing minor work himself or with local resources.

We finished 6 2002's and Tii's this summer that were very close to A+ cars but all of these were in the $28 to $35K range after all was said and done. Randy like so many have a cavier palet (full restoration) on a Cheeseburger budget (nice updated car) and in Randy's case no interest in doing any minor detail himself... thus he is frustrated as not enough $ to make him happy (he financed $12K car) with car but not our fault we did above and beyond what we were asked to do.

It think the sum total of Randy's mechanic work (besides electible items I heard about) was to install a new heater blower, adjust brakes, recore a radiator, adjust carb or replace due to climate differance and choke preference. Based on this I understand car is driveable on the road and quite usable but still stored at nearby mechanic probably because is wife won't let him bring it home as he hid transaction from wife to start with and financed car... Randy dropped more $ (1000's) on items like all new belt molding, door panels etc. that were NOT needed unless trying to make a concourse car.

Actually looking forward to getting car back and documenting exact condition of the car :)

Any of you experts are welcome to come inspect car when back in our facility so you can work from facts. We like car alot - it is a great setup color combo, E30 seats, and we will probably swap out a hi-performance Tii engine in car, limited slip diff, add AC and detail it. Just finishng a Black 72 all detailed with this setup and really fun.... budget on this car was over $30K ! For a few minor $ over the $12K a handy owner like many on these boards could make car very close to equal to a $30K car in a few weekends of work. A handy guy cannot disassemble, repaint, reupholster, etc. in a few weekends.... takes months or even years part time... you guys know




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