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WANTED: 2002 (tii roundie... or other)


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Hi Guys,

I'm looking for a good 2002 to put into the fleet at my club, http://www.classiccarclubmanhattan.com.

I'm looking for a good car to represent the best of what 2002's can be. I have a reasonable budget, but am also running a business and am conscious of what the economy has done to car values, so I'll only buy something that's really worth the money. I've owned a couple 2002s and keep a pretty close watch on the market, so I've got a good handle on pricing.

I want a hot car that will hold it's own in a room full of top-end classics and exotics, but reliability is important. Ideally, I'd like something fuel injected, either a tii or something with a well executed transplant (S14 or something else?). I had a car with side draft Webers and it was OK, but still stumbled a bit at idle and in traffic and although there was no real issue, it just didn't give off an air confidence that it was happy running all the time. I wouldn't rule out another carbureted car, but I'd want to drive it first and see how it went.

I'm in NYC and would ideally like to find something close enough to test drive, but I will consider cars anywhere in the US.

You can email directly at zacm AT classiccarclub.com



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  • 2 weeks later...
I had a car with side draft Webers and it was OK, but still stumbled a bit at idle and in traffic and although there was no real issue, it just didn't give off an air confidence that it was happy running all the time.

Hmmm I thought it was carbureted because the FI was not tunable and didn't you say it was your favorite car out of the lot? What ever, here is the Perfect car for you, it's a bit on the pricey side though: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BMW-2002-Tii-1974-Amazon-Grun-Michelins-5-speed-NICE_W0QQitemZ120479529603

I have a few I might be willing to part with for the right price.

My Polaris has ALL the bugs worked out the po couldn't figure out like the exhaust leak, the sagging driver door and the improperly installed sway bar links. Oh and there was that Little matter about the brakes causing the car to get squirrely at speed, that's corrected too. If I didn't know better one would think the po was trying to KILL Me since he KNEW I was driving the car home!

The Schwarz and Granatrot will be finished by the end of the year.



71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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Hi Guys,

I'm looking for a good 2002 to put into the fleet at my club, http://www.classiccarclubmanhattan.com.

I'm looking for a good car to represent the best of what 2002's can be. I have a reasonable budget, but am also running a business and am conscious of what the economy has done to car values, so I'll only buy something that's really worth the money. I've owned a couple 2002s and keep a pretty close watch on the market, so I've got a good handle on pricing.

I want a hot car that will hold it's own in a room full of top-end classics and exotics, but reliability is important. Ideally, I'd like something fuel injected, either a tii or something with a well executed transplant (S14 or something else?). I had a car with side draft Webers and it was OK, but still stumbled a bit at idle and in traffic and although there was no real issue, it just didn't give off an air confidence that it was happy running all the time. I wouldn't rule out another carbureted car, but I'd want to drive it first and see how it went.

I'm in NYC and would ideally like to find something close enough to test drive, but I will consider cars anywhere in the US.

You can email directly at zacm AT classiccarclub.com



Interesting, Is this what you consider "trying to be honest" ? The statements YOU made in YOUR ebay listing are VERY Different!

Shall we let a group of our peers decide if you were "Trying" hard enough?




71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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Currently listed on eBay. See listing for details. Beautiful car, all upgrades are done. Looks and drives great. I'm taking bids on eBay, but will sell for $11,500

Call 646.331.8224 or email zacm at classiccarclub dot com



So when you want to sell it, it's the best 02 around but later you state it "stumbled". So which is the truth? Does this mean Zac Moseley talks out of both sides of his mouth?



71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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Hi Arden,

Nice to hear from you and nice to see you're still carrying so much anger about the car....

I stand by the fact that I wasn't trying to deceive you or unload a junker on you. I honestly didn't know about the crack in the trunk and as I said before, it was obviously easy to miss since you didn't notice it until you had owned it for over a month and your local Midas guy pulled on the exhaust to open up the crack. I wouldn't buy an old car without looking at it first and if I did, I'd take the risk expecting a few surprises.

I ended up buying the M2 on eBay that someone posted here. Electronic fuel injection is better for my needs. If it were for my personal use, I would still go with the webers, but it's just too difficult to get them to run smooth throughout the range that you need for city driving.

Even though I paid top dollar for this car, I'm now endeavoring on a similar list of issues that need to be sorted although the seller would stand by the statement that the car is perfect and needs nothing. It needs front wheel bearings and brakes, rear bushings, alignment and a modification of the shifter linkage to start, but I'm not calling him to complain or bashing his good name on forums. It's a fact with old cars, especially modified ones, that different owners needs and desires will unearth different issues... some things that the previous owner got used to or put up with will make the new owner crazy and need to be addressed.

I've owned over 85 cars in the past 4 1/2 years and for me, diving into a bit of work on the car to make it suit my needs is part of the enjoyment. Even when I buy a car that's claimed to be perfect that I've had a chance to inspect, I drive it around for a week and put it up on the lift to start a punch list of things that I want to fix or change.

I'm sorry that you don't share the same enjoyment in old cars, perhaps you should look at getting something new with a warranty so you don't have to deal with these "problems"

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Hi Zachary,

How ya doing, I see you're still in Denial that you made several mistakes.

I'm not angry about the tii, the tii did not do anything to me, it’s not the tii’s fault the po didn’t properly care for it and it did not lie about its condition. I'm angry with You Mr. Moseley because of Your poor handling of the problems with the tii that came to light once I thoroughly examined it. The statements outlined above prove You Knowingly made deceptive statements about the tii’s engine performance. I let things go months ago. Check my blog, I haven’t made an entry since January. I decided not to pursue any legal action as I have more important things to do. Now, You can consider this issue reopened, since You were Dumb enough to make contradictory remarks about a car you claimed was 100% and marketed the tii as “One of the best 2002s around”, Your statement in the EBay listing was far from the truth. You knew about the sheet metal buzzing sound coming from the rear of the tii yet you didn’t mention it. You knew there was an issue with the brakes yet you made plenty of excuses and tried to blame me for warping them.

The way You handled what transpired after the transaction was Screwed up, Mr. Moseley! Excuse, after excuse, after excuse and a WHOLE LOT of BS as to why you were not responsible for statements YOU made. How hard would it have been to handle the problem when I first reported the problems and get things settled for less than $1000, that’s less than 0.05% of the Classic Car Club Manhattan annual gross. Your lack of action is a testament to how cheap and irresponsible you are Mr. Moseley, the low ball offer of $150 you made was foolish to say the least, that’s what motivated me to create the blog about the tii. What about the dent in the header you said you did not notice and did not mention in the eBay listing? Are you Blind? Do You need a new lens prescription? What about the shoddy welds to repair the drivers seat mount? You or someone who works for you did that work, the surface rust is less than 2 years old. The welds were not undercoated or painted, whoever did the work didn’t ever take a wire brush or grinder to them. It looks like the work of an amateur, there’s a piece of mig wire hanging out of one of the welds!!! and You the Director of the Classic Car Club did not follow-up to see if the job was done correctly prior to the sale of the tii!

I have not bashed you on this or any other forum, yet, unless you consider telling the truth bashing, which you probably do. If you are referring to the statements above, I was pointing out discrepancies, inconsistencies and irregularities in Your statements. Up until now I made no direct references to you other than “the po” or was it “POS” and I made no references to nyclassicmotors, new york classic motors or Classic Car Club Manhattan. The information in my blog about the tii is not bashing unless you consider statements of Fact with pictures to back up the statements bashing.

If you want to blame someone for this unfortunate situation, go find a mirror, look Your reflection in the eyes and say Zac Moseley You Screwed UP! AGAIN! Don’t blame me for your mistakes Mr. Moseley, I’m not the one who made false and deceptive statements. If you had taken appropriate action when I first contacted you with the problems with the tii you would have gotten off cheap, yet you did your best to put the blame on me and weasel out of Any responsibility for your actions. Thank goodness EBay buyer protection works to some degree. Was the adjuster wrong for finding in my favor Mr. Moseley? And for the record, I did not wait a month to report the problems with the tii to you, I contacted you about the problems I found after having the tii 18 days, it would have been sooner if it did not snow the weekend after I picked up the tii. I picked the tii up on the 1/3/09 and reported the problems on 1/21/09. I reported the issue with the brakes, January 4, the day after I picked up the tii, it took You more than a month to respond about the brake issue! I found the cracks in the trunk floor when the tii was on the lift for the state safety inspection, the trunk lid was open, I happened to notice light coming through the cracks in the floor when I was under the tii, the inspector missed them. If you had settled in January you would have gotten off cheap. In March I found the source of the exhaust leak, I also found A Lot of damage to the core support You Had to know about when you had the engine rebuilt. In April I found more rusty Bad body work on the fenders hidden behind the grills. I know why You sold this tii, You knew the about ALL the problems with the tii and you did not want to sink a bunch of money in a car your club members would flog the crap out of!

Your spew about the M2 and the Fastback Mustang needing repairs is not my concern. As far as you owning 85 cars and having to get work done to them, SO What? Do You do the work? Do you get Your hands dirty? Or do you have other people do the work for you? Honestly Mr. Moseley, you do not strike me as the kind of guy that enjoys getting his hands dirty, you seem more like you have other people do the work and You take credit for it. I recall seeing a dozen maybe two dozen cars when I was there, how many cars do you own now? Prior to opening Classic Car Club Manhattan how many cars did you own? I’ve owned about 20 the most notable being the following; 68 Barracuda, 70 340 Duster, 70 Cuda, 75 T/A, 76 T/A, 67 Chevelle, 66 Caprice, 67 Caprice SS, 64 Malibu convertible, 55 Sedan Delivery dragster & a 77 Chevelle SS. If I had the budget of CLASSIC CAR CLUB MANHATTAN I would have more than 85 cars.

The enjoyment of owning and working on cars was never an issue Mr. Moseley, just the subject of your snide childish comments. Your honesty and willingness to do the right thing IS the issue. Save yourself and CLASSIC CAR CLUB MANHATTAN any further embarrassment and settle this dispute Mr. Moseley, if you don’t I will continue my efforts publicizing my experience dealing with You and expose Your lies everywhere I see fit, for starters more blog entries are on the way. Furthermore, I Will bring legal action against You and Classic Car Club Manhattan, according to the attorneys I spoke with I stand a Very good chance of winning. Even a partial victory, like what happened with EBay buyer protection, will result in Very Bad publicity for You and Classic Car Club Manhattan! Are You foolish enough to take that risk? Time is against you Mr. Moseley, as it gives me more opportunity to find problems with the tii You failed to disclose. I will install the fuel injection parts you supplied with the tii shortly, what am I going to find besides missing throttle linkage? That’s right Mr. Moseley, You failed to supply All the parts. You stated the fuel injection system was removed because it was not tunable, am I going to find out that was a lie and it is need of repair? The fuel injection is a big ticket item. How much are you willing to risk Mr. Moseley? This issue will get worse over time.

Keep this in mind Mr. Moseley, if You took Responsibility and addressed the issues with the tii in January we would NOT be having these problems today!

I've added some pictures for your enjoyment which will be going up on my blog in a few days.







71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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Sorry Zac,

I made made an incorrect statement, my last blog entry 2/12/02, not in January, my bad.

Don't worry, more entries are on the way! Stay tuned, Don't touch that dial.

One other thing I noticed

I honestly didn't know about the crack in the trunk and as I said before, it was obviously easy to miss since you didn't notice it until you had owned it for over a month and your local Midas guy pulled on the exhaust to open up the crack. I wouldn't buy an old car without looking at it first and if I did, I'd take the risk expecting a few surprises.

Who installed the stainless exhaust? You Did! YOU HAD to know about the cracks in the trunk floor unless you are BLIND! Look at the picture, it's Impossible to NOT notice the cracks!

Again, for the record, The inspector missed the cracks, if he saw then the car would have failed and I would have to returned the tags. I found the cracks, I found the cracks in the trunk floor. I saw your amateur welder made to repair the driver seat bracket, I ripped up the carpet to expose all the welds. And I repaired the damaged #3 rocker to resolve the exhaust leak you didn't find!

Tell you what, if you make a reasonable offer to settle our dispute, I'll get you some new lenses because you Really need a new set!

Have a nice day :-D




71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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Hey Zac,

I updated my blog, you better read it, it will help You get the facts straight. I never took the tii to Midas, they don't do state inspections. Come to think of it, how did you manage to get the tii through NY state inspection with holes in the body? hmmmmmm

Have a nice day!




71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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Hi Arden,

I stand by the fact that I wasn't trying to deceive you

Tell me Mr Moseley,

was your statement about not noticing the pictured damage the truth?

That was the first thing I noticed when I first saw the tii. I gave you the benefit of the doubt once, that was a huge mistake.

Mr. Moseley, are all the cars at Classic Car Club Manhattan in this condition?



71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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  • 2 weeks later...

No reply?

What's the problem Zac? Are you all out of excuses? Or have You Realized you are wrong and afraid to admit it?

Keep this in mind, You started this crap back up!



71 2002, tii, Schwarz

72 2002 tii, Polaris

76 Trans Am, Sterling Silver

96 Volvo 850, Daily Beater

Parts Cars: 73 2002 Malaga, 74 2002 tii Granatrot & 76 2002 Verona

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