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Recommendations for Outside Security Cameras


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Anyone on here have security cameras on their property? And if so, can you give me any recommendations?

Looking for something that works in total darkness, as well as daytime.



Mit freundlichen Grüßen

John Weese

'72tii "Hugo"

'73tii "Atlantik"

'74 '02 "Inka"

'76 '02 "Malaga"

'72tii engine VIN 2760081 - waiting on a rebuild

"Keep your revs up and watch your mirrors!"

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Yes, I have researched this for a long time before investing in what I think is the best system.

I have 19 cameras stashed in squirrel holes, birdhouses in trees, garages and such on the property. The system runs 24/7. I have some set to run 24/7 and some motion activated. I have it record to a huge hard drive mounted under the floor in a hidden stash panel and if someone does have the balls to enter & find it I also have it recorded to leased storage space online.

You can pan,zoom, freeze or pretty much do what you with them with or without sound. All mine are infrared so I get the picture at night also.

Another bonus is I can log in to my system from any where in the world and review my recordings or watch it live & still have all the controls that I do at home. I have it set to page,beep,email or call my cell phone when any activity is going on.

The only option they didn't have was a motion activated M60 cal. I asked.

Their tech support is phenomenal & you get an American that you can actually hold a conversation with and you receive free upgrades as they produce better versions.

Go here and research. They are out of Canada/New York. If you find a better system let me know.


EDIT: I didn't buy their turnkey system. I got all their goodies but built my system with a one terabyte HD, 250GB of ram & a shitload of memory for the killer graphics card.

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You and I are definitely on the same page...thanks loads for the info!


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

John Weese

'72tii "Hugo"

'73tii "Atlantik"

'74 '02 "Inka"

'76 '02 "Malaga"

'72tii engine VIN 2760081 - waiting on a rebuild

"Keep your revs up and watch your mirrors!"

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This is the bonus of video. When you go to court it is a open and closed case. It has paid for itself with just two court cases as I had the evidence in hand.

My Lawyer let him lie and perjure himself , even asked if he wanted to recant his statements and story and then played the show. BOOM case closed....

Had nothing to do with stealing but an asshole neighbor that I won't go into.

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recording without/with consent? You can do video recording much more freely than audio recording. Handing the cops a covert video with audio could get you more trouble than the perp of a crime will get.

You'll notice that rarely do you have sound with the security video. Do some reading and research the legality in your area . . .






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I haven't had a problem with any legalities yet. My Lawyer would recommend we don't use the sound if it wouldn't help the case.

One instance I even gave the Judge & my Lawyer my IP address and password to log into to witness it as it was happening.

I think most of the laws may pertain to recording in public places. I don't know. I don't need to record in public.

"If audio eavesdropping is also taking place, covert surveillance may be illegal when:

* The person with authority over the premises has not consented

* The reason for the video surveillance fosters an illegal purpose

"Laws do exist regarding "Invasion of Privacy" which deals with the area of expected privacy."

If you are climbing through my window the only thing you should expect is to get shot....

By all means get the legal facts before preceding but protect your property at all costs.

I find it is easier to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission....

and with as screwed up as our society & judicial system is today all it takes is a great lawyer to fix any problems you may have.

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I always hate to make things any more complicated than they need to be. I suppose each case is different and laws vary, but when it comes to protection of private property, I'd say the land owner has the ball in his court. I say if someone is caught trespassing on my property by my security cameras, regardless of anything else that happens, he's drop dead guilty of illegal trespass (as long as the identity can be proved obviously).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

John Weese

'72tii "Hugo"

'73tii "Atlantik"

'74 '02 "Inka"

'76 '02 "Malaga"

'72tii engine VIN 2760081 - waiting on a rebuild

"Keep your revs up and watch your mirrors!"

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Like I said, We live in a faaackup society.

You hear of the burglar breaking his leg on the owner's coffee table and suing and such.

I tell my Lawyer what I want to do & take his advise but to find the loopholes in our system. I think it is the bigger Cities that you hear of the frivolous lawsuits.

Here you B&E you go to jail. My Brother entered his place of business at night and came into a B&E in progress. He pounded the shit out of the guy with a 2X4 leaning against the wall & hospitalized him for a month.

The cops said what did you have a struggle getting him to the ground till we got here. Yes Officer. A struggle took place and he got hurt. End of story. Make it so they never screw with you again.

You want to invade people's property & steal or rape then you should be aware of the consequences involved and that can range from going ballistic on the perpetrator to shooting a firearm in self defense.

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OT but funny BMW Motorcycles of Little Rock employs a big Cajun BMW MC technician named "Julius" He lives in an apartment upstairs at the shop, which is in a neat modern building in a bad part of town. A few months ago he woke to the sound of somebody trying to get in the building. He confronted the intruders with a shotgun, they made threatening advances, and he let 'er rip. Shot two of them. Nobody died, he was treated like a local hero, and you can bet these guys will think twice about b&e from now on.

Budweiser...It's not just for breakfast anymore.

Avatar photo courtesy K. Kreeger, my2002tii.com ©

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