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I got a speeding ticket today :(


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Wow. I don't understand how he'd have any chance at a successful experience at court. In that case, his chance at reducing the ticket has already come and gone. He can listen to all the techniques and tricks he wants, but if he doesn't have a sound argument to stand on, the judge will just look at him like he's crazy for having gone through all the trouble to appear and find him guilty and then add the court fee on top (approx $50). Maybe judges vary a lot, but this is based off my experience last week. I watched about 20 cases before me too.

I may have skimmed past some details above, but the only thing he might have going for him is if there was a failure in some speed limit sign or school zone lighting. Or, if you really really really believe you were going much slower than the speed cited, you would have to bring pictoral/video evidence of why the officer had a faulty reading/opinion of your speed.

Anyway, not worth the trouble. Most importantly, do the traffic school and get the points off. The money is well spent and you've learned a good lesson. One which I seem to re-learn a lot.

Michael Rose

'91 Porsche 964
'00 Dodge Durango
'13 Honda Pilot

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Slow down, dude. Consider it a lesson learned.

I'm sure the school zone was well-marked. Judges get really pissed off about speeding in school zones so be careful. What if there were some kids around not paying attention to traffic? There could have been tragic consequences.

Be polite in court and don't deny anything if you are guilty. Don't get excited also. Keep your composure.

Yes, I did a similar thing. And then I learned to slow down (ok, that took awhile).

Good luck,



Stop reading this! Don't you have anything better to do?? :P
Two running things. Two broken things.


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Hey, its a rite of passage, speeding tickets. Too bad it was for only going 47!

Growing up in rural Indiana, it was 10 miles to the nearest gas station. I hauled ass everywhere I went and got really good at managing back roads at high speeds... in my dad's 351 powered Mercury Grand Marquis!! Once I was turned loose on the highways (US 50) to be specific, I quickly racked up the points thanks to the State boys. It was 20 miles of silky smooth, two lane blacktop (great movie) to get to my high school, and I peaked out at 22 points, at 18 years old?!? Now, this is a bit extreme ( understatement ), and thankfully, after graduation I went to college in Savannah, Georgia and didn't need a car. This gave my license time to cool.

Point is, have fun, be safe, learn how to handle a car NOW.. So you're not one of those idiots on the street that make us all want to pull an Earnhardt on them in turn number four!!

2002 newbie, and dead serious about it.
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Only had one ticket in about 30 years. Going home from the body shop driving my 02, that had just been rear ended at a stop light, this young girl flies up on my bumper and I'm thinking not another rear ender. So I decide to floor it and put some space between us. Nice S turns at the bottom of the next hill and I see the trooper with his radar gun. I pulled over about a half a mile later and wait for him to come which he does. He walks up and the only thing he says is "that was impressive" 75 in a 35...told him my story and he reduced it to a 50 in a 35, went to "school" and have not repeated that since. Another note...my old 02 was rear ended 3 times, twice at stop lights while waiting for a light change and once in a Hardee's drive through...think that was the part I told the trooper that got my speed reduction on my ticket.

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Hey Matt! Don't beat yourself up too badly about it. It sucks, but it will pass. People in vehicles speed. People who tell you 'slow down' speed. Cops speed. School buses full of kids speed...well, the driver does. At one point or another, we do it, and sometimes, we get caught.

Anyway, if you decide to fight it, written declaration can work to your advantage. I've read that you have about a 2/3rd chance of beating a ticket with written declaration, and I found out that it does work. I got a ticket doing 45 in a 35, and used the written declaration, and ended up getting my money sent back ($300) with the infraction dropped.

As for going to court to fight it, most cops will not go to court. If he doesn't show, they'll call your name and tell you you're free to go. No marks against your record, your money in your pocket.

If you do fight it, make sure to list all the positives, if any...i.e., it was a clear, sunny day, the road was clear, there was no traffic, no kids out, no pedestrians out, anything that might help. You don't have to lie and say 'I didn't speed', cause you did I'm guessing, but you can win the judge over by being honest, and listing the things that make it sound less dangerous. The judge has sped too, at one time or another!

Anyway, just my 2 cents, from an ex-LAPD officer. Good luck whichever way you decide to go, and see you at VARA University, in Feb.



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I got a speeding ticket on the 1-95 when I was 18, 75 in a 55 -.-

However, my speedo was less accurate the faster I went(even though I had a gps in my car) Turns out when my speedo read 55 I was doing 75 =D So I took it to a shop to get proof it was messed up, got a new instrument cluster on ebay, brought the shop form and the paypal receipt and received no points and didn't even have to pay a court fee

1973 Tii

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Thanks all for the comments.

I will say that I know that I was going fast- I always usually speed through that section because it's a big hill (many of my friends have gotten tickets there too-something I should've remembered). My speedo reads high, I wasn't looking at it, but it probably read that I was doing over 50.

The only thing that would help my case would be that the officer marked light traffic on the ticket- there really were no cars on the entire hill while I was speeding up it. But he was cool enough to not mark that it was in a school zone. If I try to fight it could the officer bring that up even though he didn't mark it?

Again, thanks for all your comments. I am definitely slowed down, and I'm anal about having the gps in the car- I even cleaned out the glovebox so I had room to store it in there.


'68 Caribe 1600-1563167

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This is an interesting topic. It amazes me how many people on here are quick to side with the offender.

Call me old fashion (even though i'm only 30) but I pay tax money to my police department to keep my streets safe especially around schools.

Sounds like from your post you have driven this road before. If you have, then you should know better. If you haven't well now you know.

My advice is to take it like a man and pay your fine. The police don't make the rules, you elect people who do.

That is my 2 cents.

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This is an interesting topic. It amazes me how many people on here are quick to side with the offender.

Call me old fashion (even though i'm only 30) but I pay tax money to my police department to keep my streets safe especially around schools.

Sounds like from your post you have driven this road before. If you have, then you should know better. If you haven't well now you know.

My advice is to take it like a man and pay your fine. The police don't make the rules, you elect people who do.

That is my 2 cents.

I agree if the police have evidence against me. For example a radar gun. In Germany if the police don't have a picture of your car, your license plate, the speed you were going AND A PICTURE OF YOU DRIVING THE CAR all in the same frame they can forget about giving you a ticket because it won't fly. Over here I always feel like the fundamental theory behind the legal systm is reversed for traffic laws. The police should have to prove I'm guilty and no, "estimating" my speed does not count. In my above story, if the cop is already sitting on the side of the road waiting speeders why does he not have his radar gun out? So he can lie about the speed. Thus the innocent until proven guilty statement. Instead the cop decides to make up a story about how I was speeding and now it's up to me to prove my innocence when he has zero evidence.

It's all about momentum


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The thing that makes your maturity stand out is that this thread is not entitled :How do I get out of a speeding ticket?.

Some real good advice given.

Amen. I'm amazed at the sway from the OP topic to what's apparently on peoples' minds.

Michael Rose

'91 Porsche 964
'00 Dodge Durango
'13 Honda Pilot

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This is an interesting topic. It amazes me how many people on here are quick to side with the offender.

Call me old fashion (even though i'm only 30) but I pay tax money to my police department to keep my streets safe especially around schools.

Sounds like from your post you have driven this road before. If you have, then you should know better. If you haven't well now you know.

My advice is to take it like a man and pay your fine. The police don't make the rules, you elect people who do.

That is my 2 cents.

I agree if the police have evidence against me. For example a radar gun. In Germany if the police don't have a picture of your car, your license plate, the speed you were going AND A PICTURE OF YOU DRIVING THE CAR all in the same frame they can forget about giving you a ticket because it won't fly. Over here I always feel like the fundamental theory behind the legal systm is reversed for traffic laws. The police should have to prove I'm guilty and no, "estimating" my speed does not count. In my above story, if the cop is already sitting on the side of the road waiting speeders why does he not have his radar gun out? So he can lie about the speed. Thus the innocent until proven guilty statement. Instead the cop decides to make up a story about how I was speeding and now it's up to me to prove my innocence when he has zero evidence.

That's what I was thinking in court the other day after watching the 20 or so trials before me. It's like what the cop says and his trusty radar are all that matters.

Michael Rose

'91 Porsche 964
'00 Dodge Durango
'13 Honda Pilot

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I consider the radar to be evidence and in that case a ticket is just. The sick thing is the police can estimate your speed. Like in my case, 20 over by eyesight in the middle of the night? Please... A drivers license is such an important part of peoples lives so just imagine if a cop has it out for you. Maybes he's racist or just doesn't like you. He can pull 3 of these moves and bam your out a job, school, etc.

It's all about momentum


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