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WOW what a sight


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It's 3:05 & I'm sitting here at the computer with the window cracked to let the smoke out from my cig and I hear the Ewing like a cow. I hit the kitchen slider & hit the floodlights out back and there are five coyote that have this good size doe circled.

I’m watching them for a bit and they each take their turns rushing in and chomping on a leg trying to get her down. They get her down and she is screaming like crazy. All five start biting her in the same leg till they get her rear leg off and she is screaming.

A big I mean big deer comes flying from I don't know where and starts kicking like crazy. these five scatter and start circling the one standing and the one down.

The one with the leg gone stands and starts jerking or rushing these five coyotes that are rushing her one at a time. They all took a dive at the big one that was defending and he/she took off into the woods. They are all eating & ripping this thing apart right now. I'm watching it with the lights on through the computer room window now.

I tried getting 12 shots with this shitty digital but the flash is not enough.

I'm going to dig out the SLR and flashes I have for those and see if I can't get some shots. Never watched this from a distance of 50 ft from beginning to end. They are chowing her now.

It's a first for me. Later. You can barely see the deer on the ground with her head pointed to the left and a little white from the coyot to the left of her. I'm going to get better shots



Nope. No batteries for the damn flash for the SLR. All I can get is a lame shot of the digital flash on their eyes. They are tired of me shooting the flash on them. They dragged the deer out further in the woods and are chowing. I'll see just how much they leave behind in the morning.

What the hell am I talking about it is morning.


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Ah nature at work. That's when I get the mini-14 out and dust the coyotes. I guess they have to live too, just don't let me see'em! My daughter got tied up with a pack of about a dozen coyotes out in the Sierras. She was with two dogs, a small one who was their target, her 100# dog and her. They all got away, but the little guy was mauled pretty well. Dana was wearing one of those stetchie workout jackets that had the back totally torn out of it, but was otherwise ok. The big dog saved the day. She said, "Dad you should have seen it, coyotes were just flying up in the air." I love her and that great dog!

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That's a "Wild Kingdom" moment Joel! Thanks for sharing.

Yeah Jack, coyotes are pretty lethal in packs but are no match for a good sized house dog with a defensive nature. They are particularly cowardly too. If hunting alone (around here anyway) they prey on small species like rabbits and possums. They are known to prey on housecats and small dogs when they find themselves in populated areas. We find coyotes chewed up (dead) in the woods behind the house from time to time...Usually fallen prey to the large groups of deer dogs, mostly "Running Walkers" that local hunters use to comb the dense woods around here. I guess turnabout is fair play.

A coyote attacked our dachshund many years ago. Another WICKED tough dog we had concurrently, a strange yet beautiful, accidental mix of Irish setter (our sire) and Great Pyranees (neighbor's bitch) thrashed the coyote unmercifully. I believe he'd have killed the coyote if it hadn't broken free between bites. Man I miss that dog. So loving but so friggin' vicious when appropriate.

Budweiser...It's not just for breakfast anymore.

Avatar photo courtesy K. Kreeger, my2002tii.com ©

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They ate well last night...That's for sure!

EDIT! Speaking of "good eatin" here's the scene outside my door today. My wife prohibits the "taking of her pets" however. Plus there's no sport in it.

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Budweiser...It's not just for breakfast anymore.

Avatar photo courtesy K. Kreeger, my2002tii.com ©

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