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Officially Homeless and a(nother) request for help!


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Well, (insert world-weary sigh), Cooper and I got booted from the house we were staying at. I wont go into any details except to say I was told on Thursday night to be out by yesterday (friday) and had to pack everything that night and the next morning (same day of planned jenna trip). I stayed up late then worked all morning and a chunk of the afternoon before coming down to see Jenna. We are here with her now and she is doing wonderfully--it is so much fun to just BE with her. Incidentally and for whatever it is worth I have nothing but nice things to say about my now-former roommate. Stuff happens and we move on.

Anyway the upshot of all that is we are now going to be at a motel for about a month while we wait for our new apartment to be de-occupied and cleaned. It was *ridiculously* dirty when we went to look at it, but the landlady says she will clean it up. Not even like normal dirty, i mean the carpets looked like someone had walked through puddles of oil in the garage and tracked it into the front room, while carrying a leaking part and dripping oil as they went (on many multiple occasions). Then on top of that the walls were all scarred up and blah blah blah.

Digressions aside, the landlady says she will have it all cleaned up and the best part is that it is in an *excellent* school district for cooper. It is also relatively inexpensive for what we get, has a garage, etc. I already paid the deposit and have the first and last month's rent, which will be due on the move-in date, set aside in my budget and I *was* all ready to go.

What I did *not* have in the budget was the month of motel bills we are now facing. The good news is that I found what appears to be a very nice, locally owned motel that gets great reviews and the owner is charging me a weekly rate which is VERY reasonable. Ok, it is downright CHEAP.

I have asked for money on this site before when I could *NOT* work while I was staying home to take care of Jenna. Well I am working now, not making as much as I would like but at least it is a solid job albeit with no benefits (other than as a front-row seat to a lot of highly entertaining local politics and such). In this economy I am just very grateful to have a place to go every day to be honest.

Like I said the motel guy is giving me a very good weekly rate, which comes to about $25 per night (plus tax). So what it comes down to is if anyone can afford and is willing to send $25 or more to my paypal account, that $25 would roughly be one more night in the motel. My parents are trying to help but they are saddled with the debts we ran up when we were renovating the old house in birmingham, which we finished just in time for the housing market to collapse around us. The house is still for sale and just continues to leak money via remote upkeep and taxes etc.

If you can help I thank you in advance. You all have been very generous in the past and the help was and is VERY much appreciated. I know if we can get over this ONE last hump in the road everything will be smooth sailing going forward. Barring some unforseen disaster I guess. But I don't like to think that way... Jenna is doing wonderfully and I just see her getting better and better.

So, $25 = one additional night in the motel and im looking at a month's worth or so. Technically it is longer than a month because move-in is currently set for June 1 and we will be back in town April 25 (Sunday). However, two of the weekends will be our usual Jenna visits which she pays for out of her social security disability money, and I can't use that for the motel since it isnt in her direct benefit. Anyway, it will all average out more or less to about a month of $25 nights (plus taxes). I will figure out something for food and laundry, etc. Like I said my family will be able to help in a very limited way but not enough to cover everything.

Really I *HATE* to ask for munney again on here and it only occurred to me this morning to do so. The way I see it, it can't hurt to ask. If you can help I would be extremely grateful!

jennaishealed@gmail.com is my paypal addy... If you want to send non-internet money email me at same address and i will reply with my work address where i can get mail in this interim period. Thanks in advance, again!

-Rob and family

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OK guys, its time to cough. John posted a request for some assistance for Rob and his family on the General Discussion board and, probably in the next few minutes, it will move to the back pages as all posts do. Let's not let this move to the back pages.

Rob does a lot for our community, no pay involved, just love of the car and the folks.

Time to step up and say "thanks".

Fritz Bimmer

72 Golf

73 Chamonix

66 P car

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