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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. Actually, Louvre is correct for the majority of the English speaking Countries. I would think Canada too, as it's part French where the word originated.
  2. Oh thank God. I thought I was the only one. I keep the beer in the garage........that's my excuse (assuming I need one).
  3. Ha. I had a Touring tii back in the 80s. Same thing with hot start.....mash the pedal to the floor and crank. Worked everytime.
  4. Steve., I can't remember what I did yesterday!!! Senior moment.......again.
  5. In a previous auction in 2013, one of the pics showed the colour sticker - Baikal. However, the trunk shock towers were then a dark silver???? I think this poor car could tell a story.
  6. Here's a pretty complete list of the BMW April Fools Ads that have appeared in the UK papers (& Canada apparently) over the years. The RHD to LHD steering wheel is classic. I remember this coming out in the Daily Telegraph. BMW took out a full page ad; the Daily Telegraph, in those days, was a 3ft x 2ft newspaper! Apparently, BMW were flooded with calls to order the kit. http://hoaxes.org/af_database/display/category/bmw/ Also, here's a later one. http://www.babygizmo.com/2013/04/bmw-uk-plays-excellent-april-fools-on-facebook/ and here's this years. http://www.bmw.co.uk/en_GB/topics/campaigns/2015/motor-mouth.html Enjoy!
  7. Pretty obvious one this, especially with the name of the Head of Sales. Usually, the UK BMW Concessionaires bunch do one 1st April most years, going back to the '80s.
  8. Hmmm. The car has been for sale several times. 3 years ago in MA, then NJ & now MD. Each time seemingly by a Dealer/Consignee; never has a licence plate on. It has covered 450 miles in 3 years! I wonder why it hasn't sold.
  9. I have E21 Recaros in my Touring (built Nov '73) and '76 Beater. I'm a good 5' 6", maybe 5' 7" on a warm day, and no problems. If they are not centered, then I just do not notice. There's a different roof height between the Touring & Saloon, but my head is not up against the headliner by any means in either of them.
  10. Yes, finally! I have Recaros in two of my '02s and I just used the original '02 seat tracks also.
  11. You would have a Euro look with the long-sided rear and impact strips front & rear, and be "correct" for your '73 . Both the short & long styles are Euro.
  12. I believe it's another Roman time thing. To do with the sword hand (mostly right) to fend off the bandits coming in the opposite direction. So they kept to the left on their horses. No clue why us Brits kept it up and the Romans swapped over. Maybe there was a lot of lefties in later years. I think we drive boats on the right....not sure.
  13. How about a nut cracker...........it's not just for walnuts at Christmas!
  14. Agree with Mike. Stand 50yds directly in front of your car with a Euro blinker on. Try seeing the blinker! Then try it at night with headlights on. Probably why, in Europe back in the day, the Sport Paket included US style blinkers. FYI, these "sport paket" US style blinkers were still available a year or so ago, and, were cheaper to buy (new) than the regular US style.
  15. Bill & Ruth, So sorry to hear this. Don't know what to say. My deepest condolences. Les
  16. Er! I remember a Brit Army WW2 song, Hitler has only got one ball, Göring has two but very small, Himmler has something sim'lar, But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all. heheh.
  17. Steve, The previous Seller had it on ebay for over a year (he also rblt the mtr!!) and stated the original colour was Baikal. However, the trunk picture he posted seemed to prove otherwise.
  18. If your doing a Euro bumper conversion then why not use the Euro brackets. Parts # 51 1 11 815 493 & 51 1 11 815 494. If you don't have them get the weird shaped things ("Base") that sit between the bumper & bracket. Here's one place you can get them at a real nice price. http://www.getbmwparts.com/parts/index.cfm?make=BMW&year=&searchText=51111815493&action=oePartSearch&siteid=214672 http://www.getbmwparts.com/parts/index.cfm?make=BMW&year=&searchText=51111815494&action=oePartSearch&siteid=214672
  19. I guess I'm totally confused now. Allow me to add more fuel to the fire. If the car in question is at 1 o'clock, then look at the pics I've attached (hopefully!). It was supposedly blue before it was yellow, but looking at the engine bay, it seems it was grey/silver at one time. Would that not make it the 12 midday car maybe?
  20. If you can look at the motor pic in it's "large" size, you can see the "snorkel" has been cut off. Looks like the hole is still there though.
  21. In addition: Oil sticker in the wrong place. Orange Achtung sticker does not belong on a '73, even if it's a tii. On a positive note, the cross-haired gas/water gauge it had when auctioned in 2011 has been replaced. I agree, whoever judged the car was having a bad day for sure. Love the colour though.
  22. Just to be clear for a RHD '02. Sitting in the car and looking forward......brake/clutch reservoir is on the right side of the engine compartment and the TWIN brake servos/boosters are on the left hand side.
  23. Yep, still do it with the '02s. I thought maybe it's a UK thing, but seeing the posts below yours.....I guess not. If you get anal about it, It will tell you that you get a fractional better gas/petrol mileage if you keep 2 galls in the tank rather than keep filling it up!!! hehe
  24. I have quite an extensive VIN spreadsheet of '02s that I have compiled over the past decade or more. If you would like to divulge the VINs in questions I can search. You can private message me if you don't want to make the VINs public.
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