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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. Interesting that it sold for $4500. It was on Ebay March 2011 with a "buy it now" $10,000.
  2. According to the parts book, the very early USA 1600-2 & 2002 had a master cylinder with piggy back reservoir. orig part# 34 31 1 103 456 was for the complete assy - now NLA. However, 34 31 1 113 656 is available (item 1 in below pic) but I doubt it comes with the reservoir even if the pic shows it.
  3. The only floor available now (for Euro cars) is part# 41 12 1 838 992. This was for "model 73" cars manufactured from Aug or Sep '73. The earlier cars had part# 41 12 5 403 165, now NLA (acc to RealOEM). Tourings and the Turbo had a different floor.
  4. 2532125 was the first "model 71" maufactured Jan '72. So this one could also have been Jan '72, or maybe early Feb.
  5. Give us a link.....please! I realise you are in the UK, but a link we can just "click" on would help.
  6. Could you confirm that VIN please? When the car was on Ebay back in May, the VIN stated was 1662587.
  7. Hey Joe, S&%t happens. I've ben a Utd (Man) supporter since just before their aircrash, which happened on my birthday. So I keep supporting them even though, half the time, I have no clue who is playing for them these days. I have to work in China so I can see the games....can't afford it in the US.
  8. Jim/Marshall, Yes, I know. I have one that I need to send to the crusher, but keep wondering about a trailer. Not that I could do it, but I know someone that can!
  9. dude...that's just cold blooded It's understandable....Chelsea are not cutting it at the moment. he he.
  10. Didn't you only get that one (traded for your E36) a couple of weeks ago?
  11. Could have made an '02 trailer out of that Agave.
  12. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&newwindow=1&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=are+garbage+disposal+blades+replaceable&oq=are+garbage+disposal+blades+replaceable&gs_l=hp.3..33i29.88516.113719.0.116985.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=358b8e90d6b5ae10&bpcl=38897761&biw=1366&bih=585
  13. A couple of those pics date back to his Nov '07 Ebay auction.
  14. John, I was checking Craigslist (Houston) and saw the 633. Bought it sight unseen and Yvonne went and picked it up. Needs a few things, but, as an Arizona car until 2003, rust is not a problem. If I can ever get back to SAT when you fly in, I'll pick you up in it.
  15. Amusing reading the messages. It's a 2002 Touring "model '73", manufactured in '73, and, therefore, in Germany it would be noted as a '73. The fact that this upmarket Seller states it has a 1.6ltr motor tells you a lot about the Seller.
  16. Every other 3rd day driving on the streets with an '02 in the UK, as I remember. he he.
  17. Site searching can be tricky, to say the least. Try this:- http://www.bmw2002faq.com/content/view/60/61?cx=partner-pub-2478521489155222%3Aeolm2n-2i1w&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Bleeding+5+speed+clutch&sa=Search&siteurl=www.bmw2002faq.com%2Fcontent%2Fview%2F60%2F61%2F&ref=www.bmw2002faq.com%2F%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_forum%26Itemid%3D50%26page%3Dviewtopic%26t%3D379032%26%26sid%3Dbc833642d51b5b54f7b64c6d8ec0bb72&ss=12735j8894545j28 HTH
  18. Congratulations. This is how square light cars are supposed to look. Post the VIN/Chassis No and where are you in Europe?
  19. Are you sure it is the brake fluid level causing the flickering? The light is also operated by the handbrake and (if you have one) the choke switch.
  20. Nick, I bought an '83 633csi earlier this year........just because! I'm finding the certain parts I need, even used (Ebay), very expensive. I may have to sell a couple of '02s to keep her going. Looking under the hood is a scary sight compared with the '02 for sure. Wouldn't want to sway you one way or the other, but, it's a helluva nice ride.
  21. On the webpage link (in your message), scroll down a little way and click BMW You'll be taken here http://www.hot-spark.com/1-bmw.htm Choose the one suited to your distributor.
  22. On my Touring (manuf 9th Nov, '73.....birthday car!), there is a dummy switch lower left of the gauge cluster which is for the optional front fog light. The green button in the console (also optional) is for the rear fog light.
  23. Scott, Those pics make a grown '02 man cry. Is the car with VIN in pic 3? left car or right. You know I need the VINs of the other poor cars too....right? Many thanks Scott.
  24. Yes you can. http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/t,317362/
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