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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. I'm not exactly sure when the MK1s came out; I believe late 60s. For my taste I prefer these to the MK2s. The weights will be put on the inside CD. They will be "resto'd" and go on the Touring as part of its refurb. British wheels for a British (!) Touring.
  2. Jim, Here's a place to get some info on Cosmics. http://www.cosmic-wheels.com/page.php?4 As Ben said, they will be 5.5" wide at least. I have just found some 185/70-13 Falken Sincera tyres at a reasonable (?) price. Maybe not the best around but I do so little mileage hopefully they will outlast me. Also have a spare MK1 Cosmic, but I think, Ben, you have MK2s? Mine are as pic. I've been trying to get centre caps without success, but have found E36 plastic centres sorta kinda fit. I do have a feeling that the first bump I hit, all 4 centres will leave like a bullet from a gun!
  3. The problem I found, with my "late" style, is with the 1/4" wide bent copper strip at the bottom. Over the years it seems to loose its spring. The bulb is a bayonet fitting that relies on the copper strip to push against the bottom of the bulb and keep it secure by holding the bayonet pins hard up against the slot in the holder. Try easing (bending) the copper strip to give more pressure.
  4. A/C cars had an additional fan fitted in front of the radiator.
  5. Here's a couple of pics, one that pre-dates the GT4 and one (Turbo?) inspired, no doubt, by the GT4.
  6. Nov '09 there was a Schwarz '76 with Electric Suroof & red leather seats (stated as original) on Ebay. No clue if the exterior colour was original. I have not come across a Polaris '76 with red leather, but there was a '76 Polaris for sale with a stated original Blue leather interior. It should be said, a lot of Sellers seem think the regular vinyl is leather.
  7. Thought it was treason to fly THE flag improperly. Good luck with the project; looks like you will have your hands full there.
  8. If you get no luck in your homeland, try a post on the UK 2002 board. www.02forum.co.uk/ I recently got a pair of RHD passenger side armrests for my LHD cars via there. Grace goes with symmetry even for armrests!
  9. Yes, 4 years ago it was being sold by BimmerBros in San Mateo, CA. I guess it could have gone anywhere from there though.
  10. Not even close to what I remember as original. Way too many pockets, and the pockets were angled. Never seen pliers like those either. The pic I posted is what I believe to be original (or real close). Missing the screwdriver. Edit: found a second pic with screwdriver.
  11. Sorry, no info on 2762043. 2762044 & 45 but not 43. If it ever pops up I'll be sure to let you know. 2762229 is in the Official Registry as being alive in CA.
  12. They use the word original a few times. The car started off as an automatic, and, at some time, has been changed to manual. The gauge cluster is from a '74-'76 car, so I would be very suspicious of the 66k original mile statement.
  13. I wondered where you went. Glad you got home safe & sound. Good to see you again after all these years. Did you get pics this time? (hehe).
  14. +1 My Touring is now running starting/again. Important safety tip, take a spare distributor! Special thanks to Brad for at least getting it running for a while. I'm not wearing that T-Shirt again! Had a great time meeting both old and new 2002 friends. Our drive home in Da Beater was a real event - torrential rain, high winds, tornado warnings, but the sun was out for the ride back in to San Antonio. Hope to make Mid-America again next year.
  15. Yvonne (Beater) and I (Touring) will head out tomorrow am. Convoy of 2! I see dinner is at 7pm........hope we can get there in time.
  16. It was for sale April last year for $23,000.
  17. My Touring is like that. Will not idle when cold - it started doing this suddenly; have to sit with my foot on the accel pedal until it's warm then it's ok. Had a water choke carb, changed for an electric choke carb, and finally bought a new manual choke carb. No change. Methinks it's not the carb!!
  18. Send me an email (click on email button above) and I will reply with my list of 150XXXX/151XXXX VINS. les, you got mail! /Mats Thankyou Mats. I have sent you the list.
  19. Send me an email (click on email button above) and I will reply with my list of 150XXXX/151XXXX VINS.
  20. 02Les

    Gas pedal mount

    There is a guy in the UK making these for both LHD & RHD cars. Can’t remember his name. He puts them on Ebay UK from time to time. Go here and post a message for him, he’s bound to reply, or someone there will know him. http://www.02forum.co.uk/
  21. I have a similar problem on one of my 02s. I have more camber on the left (driver) rear than the right. Not sure which side is correct. I noticed, when I stripped the interior for a carpet install, that at some time it had a complete passenger rear quarter panel fitted (door to taillight), so I assume the car was hit on that side perhaps causing this problem. All rear suspension, bushings etc are new and nothing obvious was/is bent.
  22. Re: #3 The front of the board sits over the rail/ledge (were the white strip is in photo). Side of the board is held by the tabs (4? per side) (bent down in the photo) Rear of the board has 5 plastic clips that push up into the holes.
  23. Jim Gerock posted back in January about that car. Do a search for his post, I’m clueless on searching.
  24. Check again - 2nd page in Gilberts download is 23 00 02 (23-00/2). That is the page I was missing in my downloaded Manual.
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