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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. Mine did that at the 2009 V@V. However, it never did again as far as I know. It got changed this summer along with all the other coolant system parts.
  2. I'll have to dust mine off, as it still has the radio holder part on the bottom that the $1000 is missing.
  3. True. I grew up in Kinson, Hants (just north of Bournemouth), but sometime in the '70s the goverment decided to move it into Dorset (the boundary not the town). A real nice area that I still miss, except in the winter.
  4. Some useful tips here. Who's That Knocking At Your Door? People ask me, knowing that I have been married twice and once had a steamy liason with an Afghani cleaning lady from Marrakesh - "Arnold - what can I do about a terrorist attack?" Fortunately a few simple precautions should suffice..... 1) Upon greeting the day, examine the car for any loose red wires, particularly if leading to a large black thing which you thought was the engine. 2) Before leaving, have your driveway swept for mines and carefully watch with binoculars any work crew purportedly repairing potholes or digging cable tv trenches. If they stop every five minutes for a smoke, they are legitimate workers and you have a clear run to the next corner. Repeat your survey until you reach your destination. 3) Avoid buses, trains, planes, ships, white vans, chemical plants, oil refineries, power stations, large buildings, shopping malls, mosques, stadiums, embassies, donkeys, robed belly dancers, twirling dervishes, post offices, petrol stations, and anyone with large gold rings attached to their ears or nose. 4) Have someone else collect your mail and open it. If they immediately start sneezing, run to the nearest car wash and spray yourself down. (Keep loose change in your pocket at all times so you have enough money for the soap 'n suds feature.) 5) Do not go on any fun fair ride which includes a black tunnel or swinging chairs. 6) Refrain this year from personally consulting any swarthy looking individual with a crystal ball and /or moustache, male or female. This includes your boss. 7) If the phone rings, retreat under your desk and listen to the answering machine. If it's a government official or the IRS, do not call them back. If smoke comes from the answering machine, quickly move away towards your supervisor with the desk still on your back. 8) Returning home, check the lawn mower for any loose red wires........ Have the dog - or cat - first taste your pork chops and pretest the wine for sulphuric acid. 9) Switch the television on by the remote as you stay safely hidden in the bathroom. It might be best not to flush the toilet for a few weeks until the terror alert - and the toilet come to that - changes to green. 10) Before going to bed, a) Throw a shoe down the hall and see if someone shoots it. Announce in a loud voice "I'm going now to visit my Aunt Mary in Tuscaloosa. I shall be back Tuesday." (Foolishly the average terrorist will immediately head for Tuscaloosa.) c) Check under the bed for any loose red wires..... d) Switch off all lights and lie perfectly still even if you see shadows flit across the duct taped moonlit window. Now is the time for prayer. There you have it! Oh, and I forgot to mention – have a nice day........
  5. He (or the business) also puts cars on Ebay under the ID z2ate.
  6. I believe Harleys (the bikes, not the bar I frequented in Shanghai) are imported, which is why they are double the US price, and only the elite can afford them.
  7. What description. One line at the end about the car being sold.
  8. Very true Otis. I'm been working in Patratu (near Ranchi) for 6 weeks, only another 3 or 4 months to go! I've had several contracts at Steel & Aluminium works in India over the past 25 years, even after that time it's difficult not to be amazed every time I visit. A place where 5% of the population has 95% of the wealth I think. The beer is good though! On an 02 note - last year, while I was working in China, a guy came round my house in Texas and bought several parts for his 2002 that he said he was taking to India. He had a job somewhere in India and expected to be there a few years. I have to wonder how long the newer BMWs will last on the roads in India. My Wife's '98 is slowly falling apart on TX roads.
  9. I'm not suprised there's plenty in stock at that price.
  10. Ha! I, too, have given my fair share of crap to Travis about that muffler! Does he have a passenger side seat yet? Keep Travis in the loop......I'm pretty sure that, after I left, he's the only 02 owner in Lubbock, TX. Not sure what he has on the passenger side; could be a dummy with a hood on. Yes, I think he's a lonely 02er in Lubbock.
  11. I have a few more, too. The turf 1600 was sold nearly 2 years ago when I sold my house and lost all storage space. You could have left that photo of my Touring out. Met up with Travis in October (1st time since the '05 DFW meet) at the Texas Vintage in the Vintage. He still has that huge muffler that cyclists have disappeared into. hehe. Is the Turf 1600 still in TX?
  12. Welcome back Pat. What happened to the "early" green car? It's been a while since that DFW meet; I have the shot of the cars in front.
  13. Cloth is an excellent choice. The original interior in my Touring (pic attached) was a cloth/corduroy type material. I changed the front seats for Recaros in vinyl, and driving in the hot San Antonio summers everything I own is wet. With the original seats this was not the case. I use covers over the Recaros for longer drives now. If they ever need recovering they will get cloth inserts.
  14. Jim, I believe it's an English version of what was standard offering for Europe. They spell color as colour (hehe). I think you could order a different colour interior (special order) and I believe you could also order real leather as an option too.
  15. Sahara was available with tan/brown leatherette (ie vinyl) interior with black on the upper part of the door & rear panels. Cloth was available and very common in Europe but pretty rare in the US. The colour chart indicates the interior colour & material (S = cloth, K = leatherette) for the exterior colour.
  16. True....true.....all my '02s belong to a Grandad!
  17. I believe Clay's 1600 is the Scottie Sharpe car that Jack in Medina bought.
  18. John, It looks like the Hawthorne Inn has a surrounding car park.
  19. By the time the roof rust has been sanded out you'll have a Cabrio.
  20. Well spotted John. Euro 2500 auto VINs 2450001 to 2453774 Made from 9/73 to 2/77 With the VIN 2451853 it should be a later model (maybe a '75), but the front grill looks from the early (73) model. A mystery!
  21. I thought it was on the tii register site www.thetiiregister.com but I can't get into it (being in India doesn't help). I have a pdf for Behr a/c installation into '74-'76 cars incl the tii. If this would be helpful to you, email me lescartwright@juno.com and i'll send you a copy. It's too big to post here (2.6mB)
  22. I've heard before that Alpina had them, but there were "aftermarket" options, Hella or Bosch (or both?). Jaymic in the UK used to offer them back in the day. Note, the ones shown on Cahsel's site are for '74-'76 '02s. The grills are one thing, getting the twin buckets to fit are another.
  23. Can't fault Yvonne. She drove the Beater all the way from San Antonio to the '09 Vintage@Vineyard and the Touring back. Must try & make another V@V event.
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