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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. Bob, As far as I know, the "loop" handles were for sunroof cars. If your car has no sunroof, the holes may not be there. Here's a few shots of my sunroof project car that I (just realised) have yet to refit the handles, and my sunroof parts car that shows the holes (2 per side). AND, last, but not least, what happens to the handles when they are used a bit (the covering pulls out of the clamped part).
  2. Excellent pics Mike. I'm so ticked off Yvonne & I couldn't make it. Have a safe journey back.
  3. Hi Ray, This is the picture that helps to show it is a '76. The blue sticker (brake fluid) on the fender near the battery was only attached to '76 models, to the best of my knowledge.
  4. +1 If the Seller would delete his SOLD posts it would help. Unfortunately, there's always one............or two.
  5. Here's pics of control arms/wishbones. The fatter one came off my '74 Touring and the wimpy one from a '76. I have another '76 with same wimpy arms. The cheapest Arms (complete with bushings) I could find was $95ea - wish I could get them at $27ea.
  6. I feel sorry for the Owner of this one. It looks like a tidy car and is $3.5k less than he wanted end of last year. Wish I had some spare $$$$.
  7. These were supplied by both Hella & Bosch back in the day. I needed a reflector, a while back, for my Touring and my quest informed me there were several versions relating to how the reflector mounts inside the bucket and position of the adjusters. I guess if you want a complete bucket with reflector already mounted then you may end up with it being different than your other one. Maybe it doesn't matter, but just wanted to point it out.
  8. This car has been on Ebay twice that I know of. Jul '07 in Philadelphia, PA. Was advertised as a '74tii but the Seller revised this when he was advised his posted VIN 2372592 was a non-tii '76. Car reportedly sold for $6900. Jan '10 Ebay Seller, Indianapolis, IN also advertised it as a '74tii with a starting bid of $12,000 - didn't sell. For the car in it's current condition - '76 with tii mtr, incorrect interior, rear rockers messed with, repaint wirh overspray everywhere, etc, etc, one might expect a max of $5k. Personally I wouldn't go higher the $3.5, but that's just me. Here's a couple pics from the Jul '07 auction.
  9. You all have a good time. Unfortunately Yvonne & I cannot make it, but I'll keep the Newcastle Brown for next time! Here's a few pics of the last time we made it - can't remember the year (it's been that long!) Cheers.
  10. That's so neat. He must have been real pleased.
  11. and when you pull the manual choke (on Euro cars for sure).
  12. I'd like to see the 2-door 1602 Touring. My Touring has 3 doors!
  13. I can recommend this place in Austin, TX. http://www.speedometer.com
  14. Brush used oil on wooden fence. Fence lasts for years, and helps keep the neighbours dogs away.
  15. Greetings. What part of the UK are you from? Good luck with the '02. There's a heap of information here, especially if you can successfully negotiate the "search" function.
  16. You call that a house? More like a bloody mansion.
  17. You should buy your Wife her own '02. Then you don't have to endure enless chat. Yvonne managed to keep in touch with the cells on our V@V trip last year and will no doubt do the same this year to Eureka, so there's really no escape. Hehe.
  18. The quickest way around San Antonio is to tag along behind a police car. Never seen one yet driving close to the posted speed limits, and no lights flashing. We also have an ambulance that blasts down the highway (lights flashing) near us at the same time nearly every day. It's lunchtime!
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BMW-2002-tii-Conv-1973-2002tii-CONVERTIBLE-4K-MILES-ON-NEW-ENGINE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem45f1faadb5QQitemZ300412480949QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks Nothing to do with me, etc,...
  20. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dire+straits+sultans+of+swing&search_type=&aq=0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1hiF5c1HE8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re9qdd6GdTg Try these.
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