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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. The rubber strips were only used on the seam covers on the early (up to early '71) bumpers (+ the Turbo). They were not used on the seam covers for the '71 & on chrome Euro bumpers like you have.
  2. Originally a CA car, that moved to FL in 1988. For sale in FL Feb-Apr 2018 For auction/sale in TN Sep 2020 https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1976-bmw-2002-114/
  3. Lucca, Italy Giovanni Mei, Viale Castracani 162/B Tel. 4 26 45 This from Nov '71 Service Book Europe. It was not in the '70 book, nor the '77 version.
  4. If you're going to find one anywhere, your best chance is the UK. Join the forum & put a wanted ad up here............... http://www.02forum.co.uk/
  5. I'm curious also........are you saying trap clear glass is not OEM? The two trap mirrors on my Touring are clear and were there when I bought the car in 1986. I'd never seen blue glass until I moved to the US in 2000.
  6. Scroll halfway down the page to see pics posted by Bill & Jim.
  7. Yep, same car. Went to TX in 2013 and was repainted and put up for sale in Nov '13 for $18k. Last I saw, it was for sale $13k in 2017 in Dallas, TX. FYI: VIN 1664243
  8. I feel bad for the guy selling it. Here's the car on SC's website back in 2015. You might want to turn off the audio. https://get.google.com/albumarchive/117137462262838585630/album/AF1QipNiKVSNu1hu8ii50veJRuGsbiEsVnu6VDlhvmkT
  9. Ex Select Classics car. They had it 4~5 years ago.
  10. Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't the harness for the 'in cluster' or 'tii' clock the same as the tach harness? If so maybe an ad in the Parts Wanted section may get you a 'tach harness" from some one parting out a car. If all else fails you will have the 3-pin plug.
  11. Yep, still getting ERROR 520 sometimes and ads popping up.
  12. If you are looking for authenticity, be very careful and scrutinize the decals being offered. As noted, there are many variations and many screwed-up copies. I was fortunate that my original decals were still legible so I could ensure the new ones were as correct as could be. Even though I requested an Oil Decal showing 6000 km intervals, I was still sent a 7500 km one. Also note incorrect printing (see pics);- Über + 30°C is not über - 30°C Über - 10°C is not unter - 10°C I did manage to find a correct one after searching.
  13. Steve, It happened a few times yesterday, but not, as yet, today.
  14. Don't know what year your '02 is, but the arm rest in question is, I believe, from an early RHD car. The metal plate, that has broken into pieces bolted to the arm rest and to the door, and, I think, the vinyl cover piece was a push-on type location on the metal plate. Can be seen on page 51/57 in the BMW parts book, or RealOem?. Your driver side arm rest, with the screw, is the later type and as per the pics below and what I have on my Nov '73 build Touring. The BMW parts book does not (for some reason) show a picture of this type, but does give a different part no. from the earlier one. If all else fails, you could post a want ad in the UK 2002 Forum. http://www.02forum.co.uk/
  15. Not always, but enough times to be annoying, I get a page stating ERROR 520 when attempting to open a post. Usually it just flashes up, disappears, and goes to the page/post I wanted, sometimes not; it stays there until I go back & try again. Happens in discussions, classifieds, etc.
  16. Cool! Maybe W & N will re-create the Touring additional Manual.
  17. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/1972-BMW-2002/193827131331?hash=item2d20ff4fc3:g:dtUAAOSwr8Vf64ni The car has had some work done. Replacement nose panel, 'late' door panels, engine swap, etc. With the Motag plate, it would seem the car was originally delivered to Switzerland, before ending up in Lebanon. The Ebay Seller has some feedback, so he/she is not new. May not be a scam, but proceed with caution.
  18. Don't see much wrong with the Hood alignment, but something's up with the nose panel. Looks like it's pulled out in the centre & pushed in on the drive side.
  19. I remember many years ago flying in a plane (Caravelle?) that had several seats facing the back of the plane. Really weird taking off & landing, not to mention having to stare at the passenger across from you. Hope your baby likes it.
  20. FWIW - The pic I posted earlier is from a Manila 1600-2 manufactured late October (or very early Nov) 1967. Here's a couple more.
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