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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. It seems your anger would be better pointed towards the Seller of the orange car if you were that deep in conversation with him. I know I would be.
  2. Geez, he only asked for the price. Maybe we need a set of rules to abide by...…...oh, wait, that's why we moved from Roadfly?
  3. 2016-2017 for sale in West Seattle, WA, then later in 2017 for sale in Wilsonville, OR.
  4. 2782815 Feb '18 Ebay (chequeredflagcars), Marina Del Rey, CA - Buy it Now $48,500. Car had CA plates with Ogden, UT, plate holder. Nov '18 Ebay (marcs5717), New York, NY (Seller is based in the UK!) Feb '19 Ebay (troy_70), Oakley, MI. I messaged the Seller to ask if the car was in MI.....never got an answer. All Sellers used same pics or pics at same location. Maybe the car never left Marina Del Rey? Edit: car is still in CA according to this ad. https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/bmw/2002/2049277.html
  5. Here's the same one (but MS Word) that Hal posted but with pictures. Tii Clock Repair.doc
  6. When all else fails, sometimes you need to go back in time?
  7. If you change Right to the alternative Correct, then you have Correct Hand Drive? Since bringing my RHD Touring over here in 2000 I have had no trouble at all. The roads, generally, over here are much bigger/wider than the UK. It is fun to see cars passing by and doing contortions wondering what the heck they just passed, or what just passed them. Even better if my passenger is reading a newspaper!!!! The only problem I have had on a number of times, is getting in the car and realising I'm on the wrong side; it can be a little embarrassing.
  8. Here's the link to RealOem Sliding Roof section. Click on one pic at a time to find your screw. The listing gives the type, thread & length of the screws. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/enUS/partgrp?id=2511-EUR-07-1967-114-BMW-1600&mg=54 As said often before, get used to using RealOem, it is a godsend and you won't have to keep posting several questions a day.
  9. Make sure ds & pass side vent hoses are connected both ends, & there are no restrictive kinks in the vent hoses.
  10. I'm like everyone and thought ALL '02s had the pocket. When this post came up I went & checked the rear panels that had come from 3 1976's that I parted. Yep, no pocket, so then I looked up the parts book. To be exact, the parts book shows the change from 2002 2362329, 2002A 2381316 & 2002tii 2782901. All these relate to December 1974 production.
  11. The pocket disappeared late December 1974, according to the parts book.
  12. At some time BMW changed from a rivet to a split pin. There should also be a small bush that the rivet goes through, that will probably need removing before you can separate the hinge from the glass.
  13. Fred, Do you have the car 2760811 or just the motor? The car was on Ebay pretty close to you; just curious.
  14. Probably, the early cars had a gas tank with drain plug. Up to early '71 I think.
  15. 31 33 1 112 644 also on some Euros including my RHD Touring.
  16. Very interesting! 2760811 was on Ebay last September in NY. It was Inka (pics below). It appears you may have the motor from 2760811 but, unless Munich screwed up, you have a different VIN tii. I agree with others, from what I see, you have 1973tii there.
  17. I bought all my parts from Jaymic for my late '80s refurb of my Touring, and over the years for the odd-ball RHD parts. These books by Mike Macartney (Jaymic founder) - as Simeon said, he literally wrote the book on 2002s.
  18. This what I have from various sources. LHD 2000 Touring mod 71 - April 1971 to Aug 1973 RHD 2000 Touring mod 71 - Sep 1971 to Aug 1973 LHD 2000tii Touring mod 71 - Apr 1971 (two sources state Jan '71) to Aug 1973 LHD 2000A Touring mod 71 - May 1971 to Sep 1972 LHD 1800 Touring mod 71 - Oct 1971 to Aug 1973 LHD 1600 Touring mod 71 - Apr '71 to Aug 1973 Mod 73 for all above (except 1600 Touring) began Aug 1973 and ended Apr 1974. If anyone knows of any errors here, please let me know.
  19. BMW manufactured a 4 door (NK) BMW 1600 between 1964 & 1966 in addition to a BMW 1500, 1800 & 2000 variants. Google is your friend. It's the reason the two door car became the 1600-2 & later 1602.
  20. Being an Engineer (although retired) I can relate to the following:- ENGINEER IDENTIFICATION TEST You walk into a room and notice that a picture is hanging crooked. You... A. Straighten it. B. Ignore it. C. Buy a CAD system and spend the next six months designing a solar-powered, self-adjusting picture frame while often stating aloud your belief that the inventor of the nail was a total moron. The correct answer is "C" but partial credit can be given to anybody who writes "It depends" in the margin of the test or simply blames the whole stupid thing on "Marketing." FASCINATION WITH GADGETS To the engineer, all matter in the universe can be placed into one of two categories: 1. things that need to be fixed 2. things that will need to be fixed after you've had a few minutes to play with them. Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems. Normal people don't understand this concept; they believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet. No engineer looks at a television remote control without wondering what it would take to turn it into a stun gun. No engineer can take a shower without wondering if some sort of Teflon coating would make showering unnecessary. To the engineer, the world is a toy box full of sub-optimized and feature-poor toys. HONESTY Engineers are always honest in matters of technology and human relationships. That's why it's a good idea to keep engineers away from customers, romantic interests, and other people who can't handle the truth. Engineers sometimes bend the truth to avoid work. They say things that sound like lies but technically are not because nobody could be expected to believe them. The complete list of engineer lies is listed below. · "I won't change anything without asking you first." · "I'll return your hard-to-find cable tomorrow." · "I have to have new equipment to do my job." · "I'm not jealous of your new computer." · POWERS OF CONCENTRATION · If there is one trait that best defines an engineer it is the ability to concentrate on one subject to the complete exclusion of everything else in the environment. This sometimes causes engineers to be pronounced dead prematurely. Some funeral homes in high-tech areas have started checking resumes before processing the bodies. Anybody with a degree in electrical engineering or experience in computer programming is propped up in the lounge for a few days just to see if he or she snaps out of it.
  21. I believe this car is for sale in Portland. You might consider messaging the '02 guys in the Pacific Northwest Group (here on the board), maybe one may be willing to accompany you to view the car.
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