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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. Here's another one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1972-BMW-2002-M2/283269142969
  2. No clue what your COP means; is it one of these? ? cop1 /käp/ informal noun noun: cop; plural noun: cops 1. 1. a police officer. verb verb: cop; 3rd person present: cops; past tense: copped; past participle: copped; gerund or present participle: copping 1. 1. catch or arrest (an offender). "he was copped for speeding" o incur (something unwelcome). "the team's captain copped most of the blame" o US obtain (an illegal drug). "he copped some hash for me" o US steal. "he watched her cop a pair of earrings and then nabbed her at the door" o receive or attain (something welcome). "she copped an award for her role in the film" 2. 2. North American strike (an attitude or pose). "I copped an attitude—I acted real tough" cop a feel phrase of cop 1. informal fondle someone sexually, especially in a surreptitious way or without their permission.
  3. However, you may have a long wait to get back in?
  4. The upper grill locating screw positions are different between early & later grills. Maybe it's just a "late" (wider) centre grill on there?
  5. Delia had a comment flagged (thus deleted) for not being constructive. I had that on a previous '02 auction for saying the nose panel (or fenders) had been changed (it was kinda obvious to the '02ers)......it was my few minutes of fame!
  6. She probably lost patience with the BAT crowd. Even with overwhelming evidence that the car was not a factory tii, some BAT guys seemingly still thought it was a tii. Could have made a TV show out of it.
  7. If it's the red one in Virginia Beach, VIN is 2586170 and it has motor 2393082. Assuming the huge difference between the previous Seller's asking price, the current Seller either thinks he has a tii because of the badge on the back, or he's really trying it on.
  8. Maybe someone was doing a tii restoration (or two) in 2011. 2762783 was reportedly stolen in Costa Mesa, Apr '11.
  9. If you look at the engine bay pic above in IWANTONE's post, the colour sticker says Baikal PVC - frei. You have to make the pic waaaay bigger to see it.
  10. That's a casting # probably. The VIN should be stamped into the usual place where the starter motor is fitted.
  11. Maybe Baikal?.....looking at the trunk pic.
  12. Hey Nick, You've been under the radar for a good while now. Welcome back. Cheers
  13. This excerpt from the article, I assume, was written by Don Dethlefsen (The Werk Shop). I guess Mr Don's view of a factory new, show winning (concours?) restoration is a little different than mine. This example: The Werk Shop did a complete, no two parts stayed together, high quality, show winning restoration on this vehicle for a Doctor in Dayton, Ohio. The car can be considered factory new and was finished and delivered to him in 2004.
  14. Pity they left the "late" nose panel on & the Werk Shop should know better than sticking a '74-'76 Orange Parts decal on. I guess it matches the nose?
  15. Click on the Registry page, and bottom right click on "add new vehicle".
  16. Yes, that's the ones that I have. Vendor in my post above.
  17. A while back I ordered what appear to be the real thing from DSSALES. Whilst I have not yet used them (insert lazy), they look the same as the originals. A box of 25 cost around $12 from memory. http://www.dssales.net/BC_AUDIVW.htm scroll down to part 5002303 http://www.dssales.net/ORDER.html
  18. Strange looking 5 as Steve noted. So I guess we have to assume one could have a brown interior with Bristol.
  19. Ah ha, as you haven't seen it yet, I wonder if the VIN the Seller put up was correct. Their pic (below) makes it difficult to read. Whilst I can see someone painting the car, the interior, seats & carpet, appear original and not what would be matched to Bristol. A look at the fender VIN stamp might hold a clue.
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