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Everything posted by 02Les

  1. Email your VIN to :- info.grouparchiv@bmwgroup.com They will get back to you with the build date and original colour. FYI: VIN 2719748 is a 1973 BMW 2002tii (not ti). Would have been manufactured July or August 1973.
  2. March 1966 saw the debut of the BMW 1600 (later called 1602). January 1968 saw the debut of the BMW 2002, so we can have another celebration in 2018. January 1971 saw the debut of the Touring, so I can celebrate that (probably on my own in my neck of the woods. If you have an '02 then any excuse will do.
  3. There's quite a few '02ers in/around Austin and I'm sure one or more could help you with any parts you may need. Pretty sure Zinz will chime in soon. Good luck with the car. FYI, if your hood is standing up vertical, then you probably need another centre grill that's not dinged!
  4. Congratulations. It would be interesting to know the original colour, as it was White a year ago.
  5. Hmmmm, wonder why the tag is CT if it's been in CA for years. When it was on Ebay 2014 is was noted as being in CT.
  6. Jim, I can't make out the location from the tag, but, the 2009 Ebay Seller was from Covington, LA.
  7. Was on Ebay 7 years ago. The Seller stated the original colour was Verona. Pics from 2009.
  8. Gordon Bennett! I've been throwing those away.
  9. Don't remember Raymond Baxter on the program, but he was a character for sure. I do remember Top Gear being presented by (of all people) Angela Rippon, with guesting appearances (and later permanent) by Noel Edmonds. Unfortunately the show evolved into a comedy program rather than a motoring program. Fifth Gear at least attempted to concentrate on cars & drivers.
  10. Does it have coarse or fine spline?
  11. These "spacers" were used, not only on US cars, but also the rest of he World (my UK RHD Touring for example). There were (at least) two sizes. Parts 31 33 1 106 059 and 31 33 1 113 721. If you look up those numbers you will find they were also used on the E3 and E9 models.
  12. Yessir, that Jason Plato. He and Tiff Needell - what a team.
  13. Fifth Gear's Jason Plato should drive it & we'll get a real perspective.
  14. It's 2762632. Also used to be Fjord, now Arktisblau. Don't know where the Seller got VIN 2764444, unless that's the next one he's going to auction. Was on Ebay in 2011 & 2012 out of Surrey, BC, Canada. It had rusty floors and shock towers. You can see the floor repairs in the underside pics.
  15. Sad to see what can happen in a few years. This was decent car back in 2007/2008. It sold for around $10k on Ebay.
  16. The car was on Ebay Germany a few years ago and it was stated the original colour was Chamonix.
  17. Been on Ebay a few times. The pics in this Craigslist ad are the same ones used when it was on Ebay Sep 2014 and the car was (I think) in CT.
  18. The Owner/restorer of the 2002ti must be colour blind. Orange exterior & blue interior!!!!
  19. I think the VIN is wrong. The Germanish plate on the front was familiar to me and it led to VIN 3420136. Car was in CA (on Ebay) in 2006 and the Seller stated the original colour was Colorado. The front nose panel has obviously been replaced, probably when the colour changed. Quiet a few pre '74 02's in Germany had "late" front nose panels fitted, as, I believe, early ones went NLA for a good while. The car appeared in CO in 2007 and was (is still?) owned by faq board member "KrautByTrade".
  20. As already stated, your 1600-2 was a late (Nov-Dec) '67 manufacture. If I'm correct, the famous (infamous?) Andy Stuckey once owned it. A few years ago, the motor block (1561921) was with Paul Baranowski who sadly passed this week.
  21. Ceylon paint was not (AFAIK) available in '75. I think it disappeared in '73. So, what was its original colour? I would also change the "early" front vertical over-riders for the lower pointy style.
  22. The search function; a novel idea. Maybe these Sellers should realise that a single post with multiple items is not thwarted by the search function. If a Seller posts a, for instance, dome light in a multiple item post, the search function will find it. Savvy Buyers can post in the parts wanted section. I had hoped one, or more, of the "professional" Sellers might have replied to this topic, but, maybe, they don't use the General forum.
  23. I guess no one wants to discuss. It is annoying when just a few Sellers can basically hog the first page of parts for sale. A post will end up on page 2 in a day (or less), and page 3 in another day. The professional Seller's, 02nut, BMWCHRIS, gearheadgreg, to name a few, give little thought the amateur Sellers. When you have 5 steering wheels for sale, for goodness sake group them in one post! I guess we should be glad these Seller's don't feel like helping the Faq Board by donating a little and having their posts "pinned"; if they did we'd have to look on page 3 or 4 for the new items for sale. A little logic/common sense and thought for your fellow '02er wouldn't hurt.
  24. I would warn against Bavarian Weizen; I had all 20 bottles let go on a hovercraft trip from Calais to UK one time. Ruined a perfectly good trunk lid on my first /02.
  25. I guess you noticed it with a magnifying glass.
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