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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. I love Bo's car, in fact a pic of it has a place of prominence on the wall at work.....BUT...I must step out for Matt's 1600, it represents the enthusiasm and passion our generation has had for over 30 years, being carried on in the next generation.
  2. This article in the "FAQ" section should help. http://www.bmw2002faq.com/content/view/80/32/
  3. Absolutely, with great pleasure....every day, all day. Too much fun to leave in the garage.
  4. You Slut......Looks great, Gordon. Really changes the look of the car.
  5. Don't worry, Steve. I work in the shipping industry, and our Jacksonville, FL branch could become my staging point. Also, I am starting to accumulate crap at my daughter's in Atlanta. I already have a closet full of E21 stuff, most of it previously residing at other FAQer's adobes. Ohh...now we are talking. We just need a container ship floating out there with all our crap, just waiting for us to say...."now where did I put that set of points that were not quite as worn as the ones in my car?? They will probably work better."
  6. Maybe we need an "02 crap" Semi-truck and trailer that circulates the nation 24/7 that we all put our crap in. That way if we really find out we need something, it will come around in the next couple of months, and our wives will be amazed that we actually got rid of all that stuff. (Sorry, Harry, only the continental US) Unfortunately, the garage will mysteriously fill up again before the truck can return. Then there is all that Christmas stuff, but that is another thread.
  7. Interesting.... that the Tii model has a carbed engine in it, and the 1802 police touring has a Tii engine in it. And the black 74 2002 Tii L is badged as a 2002 L, but has a ti twin carb engine in it. But, the red 74 2002 tii L is badged as a Ti L, but has the Tii engine in it. Nice sport steering wheels and wheels in the "L"s. Really nice models though, lots of great details. Now if you bought one of each you could mix and match parts and build a great car.
  8. I like.....must put it on my Christmas list
  9. link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160302289464&ih=006&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=#ht_524wt_0
  10. Maybe you want to rephrase that.......then again, maybe there is something you want to share with all of us.
  11. It is obvious that you have "way" too much time on you hands now. I hope business picks up soon. Maybe the rain will help bring in some work. Most Californians don't have a clue how to drive in the rain. They have forgotten what it looks like, and just speed up trying to drive between the drops. Thanks for the tip, looks like a fun site....when I have time to check it out. only got through the first "globe". I will honk and wave as we drive by on the 101 tomorrow afternoon. Headed for relatives house for Turkey day.
  12. I will be at work tomorrow. Then we head for Sacramento on Wednesday thru Sunday. Happy T day....
  13. looked under my hood, and I only have one hose on my carb (single barrel solex) it is the higher fitting and it goes to the distributor. Hope that helps. I love the simplicity of the euro touring.
  14. It will be the same as this link, but on the 29th of Nov. http://home.roadrunner.com/~pchamaa/The%20Turkey%20Run.htm Hwy 33/Lockwood canyon - Ojai to Frazier Park... Great drive, sorry I will be out of town or I would be there....
  15. My touring came with steel wheels now.....I still like the Ronals better..
  16. I have replaced the starter in my 76 without removing anything but the Water hose on the bottom of the intake manifold. It is a tight fit, but it does come out. I think I removed the starter mounting bracket on the front from the engine. The bolts on the back (bellhousing) are a pain, but will come out. Search the forum, I know we have covered this before, and there are some good hints available. Good luck
  17. What?? Garden Hose?? That was an Experimental High Tech oil resistant Breather to air cleaner hose. Had a heck of a time getting the sprinkler off of the end of it though. How many days now "Short-timer"? On-Topic.....My 76 sits in my driveway with Non-op registration until I take the time to get it smogged, but that stainless line is the least of my problems. Most smog techs probably can't even see it.
  18. Thank you, we are all fine, our house is far from the flames. All the roads we drove on after Bimmerfest have fires around them, even that last road that went way up the hill has fires. Destroyed the Mt. Calvary Retreat center, which we drove right past. Should be an interesting day.
  19. All those who participated in one of our Santa Barbara Post-Bimmerfest or Post-SoCal Vintage drives will know the area in SB that is experiencing most of the fires up here. Fire still quite active. Choppers flying all around and a very spooky nite of smoke and flames. Evacuated my In-laws, but we are all fine.
  20. Ryan....good to see you are still alive.....I know your "re-up" was involuntary, but much thanks for your service, miss you in California. Stay clear of "Al Katta" Pierre....Out of town that weekend, sorry will miss it.
  21. Vince, I have a video that features the 02's and leads up to the new 3 series. I downloaded it about a 18 months ago. It is titled 3Series_Icon It is a huge file over 300 MB, and I remember it took a long time to download. I searched for it today, and it appears that it has been taken off the Web. I can try to email it to you if my provider will allow me to send something that large. It is a great video, pretty long.
  22. I was disappointed when they stopped doing the "Iron Bottom". I finally had a car I wanted to take on it. So I am thrilled that you are creating a great replacement. For those that have never heard of it, here is a link to some pics of the "Iron Bottom", I know the "Targa" will be just as exciting. http://www.early911sregistry.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20194&page=3 As you can see they definitely need some 02s. Looking forward to the 2009 Targa California. Thanks for taking on the job of "Disorganizing".
  23. Sorry, I stand corrected..I should have been more specific. I was referring to the Tii in the standard 2002s. They were trying to present the Touring as a sporty car, not a utility vehicle, so they released the Tii engine in the Tourings before the Saloons.
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