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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. No apologies needed, not necessarily the condition of the car, but the enthusiasm of the owner, is the most important. Join us.. Now if the wheels are going to fall off and we will need to tow you back.. just hitch a ride (most of us are there solo) it is alway nice to have a passenger. But plan on attending somehow, (I wouldn't mind picking you up) you always go home encouraged to get back to that long "02ToDo" list.
  2. Took these at Palo Alto meet in 05. He is on this board but I can't remember his screen name. He moved from Calif to texas soon after the meet. I know some of the NorCal Guys can give you much more info. It was a very cool arrangement.
  3. Did that earlier today. D Sorry, musta been your tone of voice.....j/k
  4. Daniel, Until the 02 is reliable, you are more than welcome to join us in whatever "ride" is running best. Or just meet up with us and hitch a ride in someone elses 02. We are always looking for passengers to share the fun with.
  5. If you leave a message with a number, he is very good about returning calls.
  6. Had a great time, Jeff. Thanks to you, John and his wife for everything. My pics are in this post http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/t,307919/
  7. I put mine here.. http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/t,307919/ enjoy.
  8. SoCal Vintage BMW Angeles Crest Drive. Pics for those who weren't there. Beautiful day, great drive. My day started 90 miles away at 6 AM. Early morning fog. Met up with Pierre half way there. Empty road and early morning sun over Los Angeles 7:30 AM. Group gathered at John Barlow's house and headed out 8:30 AM. Regroup up the canyon, and inspect everyone's rides. Drive on, sharing the road with the 2 Wheeled enthusiasts. Everyone eventually gathered to share stories of making the wrong turns. Back down the hill. Sorry for the blur, hard to hit the apex and also shoot pics. Final group portrait before enjoying John's delicious BBQ. Much thanks to Jeff, John, and John's wife for a wonderful day. And for everyone in Southern California....Don't miss the next one.
  9. Wouldn't be this Inka E3 would it?? Lots of 02 and "oldtimer" pics, including a couple of years of OVD Nuburgring historics on this German site. FAQ member runs it. http://www.kfz-kultur.de/ Email him and try to look him up.
  10. I hope you are dragging him along for the drive Sunday....I know he would enjoy it..
  11. Pierre and I are meeting up to caravan to the Angeles Crest Drive this Sunday 6/29 http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/6353A637-E221-422D-2AB98A0496C98375 Anyone else on our route? 101/118/210 Let me know..or meet us there. Looks like a fun day.
  12. I was wondering about you, glad you are going. You don't have far to drive.
  13. I know he would like you to to also register for the drive. Use this link http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/6353A637-E221-422D-2AB98A0496C98375 Just click on "continue" and you will be able to pick the "already registered for October" option with no charge for the BBQ. Hope that helps in case Jeff doesn't get back to you soon. See you Sunday
  14. Not really a dumb question...Jeff said he will give the details of the trip to everyone who registers http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/6353A637-E221-422D-2AB98A0496C98375 I think his original plan involved meeting before 8 am in Sunland. It may have changed some, so register and find out. I am still waiting for my email or I would know more. I hope you are joining us.
  15. Found it out near the crop circles. Did you lose a lawn mower too??
  16. I just looked closer at my bumpers....both US and Euro, and it does look like there is some kind of aluminum "cladding" on them. What do you all think?? Pictures for proof Oh, and it looks like someone left their "Twilight Zone" hat behind....
  17. MMMMMMM Tri-tip....... Heck that just leaves more for me.....Come on SoCal 02s, looks like a great day. Driving, Hiking, eating...What could be better....Don't answer that.
  18. Ouch!! Very pretty car. I understand completely. Think how thrilled I was when I found out some young miscreant "keyed" my car, and I saw this. In the past, drunken neighbor kids were fighting and fell into the passenger door of my 76 02. The huge dent is still in the door as a painful reminder of how irresponsible others can be.
  19. You should have known that is always spelled with a "L".... J/K I will probably regret clicking "submit" on this reply tomorrow morning! Your reputation is gold around here, Bill....no worries
  20. I also doubt that anyone would cover stainless steel! what would be the point and it is way to expensive. And coating or anodizing is totally different from "cladding" there is no aluminum clad steel, regardles of "aluminization"? Anodization is a dying process. I think our big bumpers are polished and then coated with a sprayed on coating to keep the shine. This has gotta be the longest thread with very little practical substance, but interesting none the less. Might as well add to the "misinformation"... There is aluminum, or "al-you-min-eeyum" as some say, that is "Clad" in stainless steel.....but it is only good for cooking.. My vote on the bumpers....All aluminum, polished, then anodized to preserve the finish. If you cover them in some of that silicone tire foam, it soaks in and they tend to brighten up a little. Still hazey, but a little shinier.
  21. Good point....my apologies. I have had a set of racks for 30 years, assumed that they still listed 02s. The standard rain gutter mount listed for the 76 BMW 3 series should work fine. (300 Gutter Foot pack/LB 50 load bars $194.00) Looks very similar to mine, just newer version, 5 inch roof clearance. They make taller foot packs, but I don't think that is necessary unless you want the rack to mount up higher. You then have to pick out which bike mounting you want. They have a variety of accessories that attach to the load bars of the basic rack. I believe even Yakima accessories will attach to the load bars. Hope that helps, good luck..
  22. It appears that most REI, Sport Chalet, etc. carry them. Bike shops, Kayak dealers also carry them. Check the Thule site.. http://www.thuleracks.com/dealer.asp#results Google is your friend!
  23. http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/p,474491/highlight,/#474491
  24. IBJETTIN should have all the info http://my73tii.blogspot.com/2008/04/new-wheels-and-interior.html after all it was his car. I Believe that CJ arranged the group buy for the wheels (ROTAs). I am sure they will chime in soon.
  25. "Heidi's" California Farewell Tour continues.....Progress report Had a nice but brief visit with Ian, GF and "Heidi" in SB today. A quick car wash, long wait for lunch at "World Famous" La Super Rica Taqueria. Then, on their way to meet with Jack at JFPro in LA, to prepare and ship the car. Fun meeting them.....Adios Heidi
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