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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. Driving in to work on monday, and I sense a car on my left shadowing me. I look over and find a beautiful little classic RHD MiniCooper, with the driver (who is now just about a yard from me) smiling and giving me a big "thumbs-up", I return the gesture. Nice moment, then we both go our ways. Never get tired of people noticing the 02. Happens a couple of times a week.
  2. I would agree with Bill. Is this a single barrel Solex? Mine runs beautifully 99% of the time. The only time I have had a problem is when the Idle jet gets clogged up. Usually if I have almost run it out of gas, or run it hard for a long long time. Then it runs crappy at slow speed. Take the jet out, clean it well. Should be easy as soon as you find where the jet is hiding. Hope that helps,
  3. too bad none of us law-abiding citizens in good standing will ever experience that phenomenon. heck, my 3.91 diff would have to spin like mad to attain that speed... You should try a 4:11 at 85-90 mph....
  4. The quickest way to lose weight is get rid of the A/C along with the compressor and coils up front. That unit is pretty hideous.
  5. Aw, just forget the Fest, we will just go driving...... and take pictures using the new skills we acquired from this thread....
  6. Sorta OT hijack, but I put pics of 02's in it..... Not San Marcos Pass, but Mountain Drive and Gibraltar Road. A little South East of the pass. Great views and great twisties. You need to come down for Bimmerfest. My wife graduated from SBHS in 66. Maiden name Kinsell. I was in Navy 67-69. Now back to our regularly scheduled thread....
  7. Hey Hamada, More OT Thanks for the compliments. We will get together at Bimmerfest 5/03. I am checking out some routes to take any "Classic" BMWs that come to B-fest. A casual classic cruise. A few pics of possible routes.
  8. Looks to be in pretty good shape, although I do not know the car. Funky radio attenna. It does seem overpriced for what it is though. How is the Touring? Nothing will satisfy you after you have a touring. They are just too much fun. People can't look at you without smiling, especially in a Inka touring. Hope it is meeting your expectations.
  9. It appears that those pics were taken with a camera that had the aperture, or F-stop, opened up (smaller f-stop #s) which reduces the depth of field of picture (less areas in focus). So areas in front of and behind the focus area are blurred. I am sure F1reverb can explain it better. It is a real car, rust, zipties, and all.
  10. It is your car, so it is simply a matter of taste. My 76 2002 had it black from the factory. My touring was undercoated in the wheel wells in black, and I painted the rockers black because I liked the look better. Here is Bill's touring with Colorado wheel wells and rockers. Here is my touring with black wheel wells and rockers. Just a matter of taste. Pick the look you like best. Before painting rockers. My 76 with factory painted rockers
  11. That will become quite obvious as soon as you try to bolt them in....
  12. Austin, E-mail me through the FAQ. I could come by and look at it if you want. Of course, I'm no "expert" but I have lived with these cars for years, and might spot something.
  13. So you can see that if someone wants $7500 - $10,000 for a car that has had almost everything "done", you are still getting a pretty good deal. They have probably had to absorb a good percentage of the "restoration costs", while you get the benefit of getting a complete car that you can drive right away. Because "driving" them is really the greatest pleasure we can get from them. I would much rather be IN them than UNDER them. Save up your money and hold out for a nice completed car. You still get to tinker with it, and modify it to your tastes, but all the while, driving it.
  14. I would bet the "short" ones are for late model 02's 74-76, they still need the flat black ring that holds the headlight in. The others would be for the earlier models. I think if you remove the top portion of the "long" ones, they would be identical to the short ones, which are missing that portion. Just an educated guess.
  15. My suggestion was NEVER to harass his family members. It was to have a "Father to Father" talk because Pierre has been treating Culpy with family-like compassion and patience (as any parent should do with their children), a conversation with his father (whom I am sure he respects) might yield some kind of win-win solution. If my grown son had gotten in a little too deep, and just needed a little encouragement to "do the right thing", I would want to know, so I could help him. Sorry, no shame in that. That is just what fathers do.
  16. He is probably too busy trying to save "Trestles", to write you back. He now has an opportunity to state his case, or meet his obligations to you. Maybe a friendly "Dad to Dad" letter to his father http://www.culpenandwoods.com/ will expedite settlement to this unpleasant situation. He sounds like an otherwise decent guy. Just needs to reprioritize his finances. You have been more than gracious to him so far, hope this "nudges" him into compliance. (Sorry Kids, the father in me sneaks out occasionally.)
  17. Gee, If we substitute, the FAQ board for the Villagers, and the "deadbeat" for Frankenstein. I think I see where we are headed here in this SNL skit.http://snltranscripts.jt.org/06/06dcurse.phtml
  18. i guess its time to jump in so nobody thinks its me. not an eagles fan either for the record Darn Steve, now I have to take you off the list. I don't think you were a finalist on anybody's "Deadbeat" list. BTW thanks mucho for the Headlight lens. the Touring is "all better" now. I assume my check has reached you by now. I certainly don't want to get on your "S##T" list. You have been very good to me....
  19. Is ESTYISE sorta like Loggins and Messina's "Angry Eyes"?? Now, everyone who is not the problem, speak up so we can figure out who it is. Pierre has exhibited a great deal of patience and trust that you will honor your word. Don't let him and others on this board down. Contact him and make it right. Lack of response can only be interpreted as an attempt to avoid your obligations. If that is not the case, contact him and avoid any "Ugliness". Communities like the FAQ are too rare in this world to take advantage of each other.
  20. Ditto....that is what I would do first. Wiggle the steering wheel to take the pressure of the lock. A little key wiggling helps too.
  21. I thought this was the correct paint scheme for the competition M1...
  22. That is good news for all of us. There is always room in California for more 02's. Your Targa should be especially happy. We will just have to plan an event to welcome you to the left coast. Maybe you should come out and check out housing around mid May. Palo Alto 02 meet should be happening around then. There seems to be a pretty good Sacramento 02 contingent up there.
  23. Recent "Good Times" with the 70 Granada 02. I am sure there will be more in the future.
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