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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. OUCH!!! I am soooo sorry to see that John. I know how much you enjoyed that car. I hope they can get it right back the way it was, which was beautiful. These cars are too much fun to drive to leave them in the garage. I guess the "LoMiles Tii" gets to play again. She wasn't on her cell phone or texting her "BF", or changing I-pod, or doing her make-up, or eating breakfast, or setting her GPS while trying to turn, was she? (I see Tom and I, think alike)
  2. John, very sorry to hear about your loss. You will realize that 1st time grandparenting puts everything into perspective. You will find yourself focusing more on the new little one, then you did on your own kids. We became new grandparents last year (05/07 My daughters first daughter, and 07/07 one of our son's first daughter). You are right, it seems with the pluses you get hit with some minuses. After the joy of new grandchildren, we got hit with our oldest son finding oral cancer, financial downturns, and losing 2 cherished family pets. But, the miracle of new life and watching them grow, far outweighs the losses. We pray for rapid recovery for you and your wife, and boundless joy in your new grandbaby. Attached a pic of our joyful additions to the extended family should bring a smile to your face.
  3. Pretty good guess, could have been that car, looked a lot like that. It was going the other way across the freeway and went by quickly, didn't get a really good look at it.
  4. Saw a white, or light color, 02 w/flared fenders I think, on a flatbed truck headed northbound on US 101 going through Santa Barbara Saturday afternoon. Anyone here??? I was headed South, just flashed by. Curious.
  5. You mean we weren't really going 95 mph on Quien Sabe Rd.?
  6. Major OUCH!! Glad everyone is OK. Check out this site for a compilation of many of the 02's for sale right now. http://jaxed.com/cgi-bin/ms.cgi?veh=bmw%202002 Good luck.
  7. Yeah, I've had days (and nights) like that, but you are still in California, which in some people's eyes, disqualifies us from bitching about our lives. Gotta stop sometime and enjoy the fruits of our labor. We are just very fortunate to be able to find fun just 5 minutes from work and also be able to commute in our 02s. This YouTube video covers part of our little drive. The section between 1:45 to 3:24. The video has been sped up a bit, we couldn't drive that fast.
  8. Erik (aspire2002) and I met for a little SB lunch hour spin. Great weather, great road. 45 minutes of fun. Just a "brisk" cruise on one of the most scenic roads in SB. Then, back to work. Sorry, guys....just had to gloat a little... Some Pics.
  9. "YeaMen" I can't figure why I have a strange attraction to the "BarnInka"
  10. Grommet punches make really nice clean holes.....nice work
  11. Thanks for the photos....nice cars. It is good to see that SoCal didn't have all the good cars. Is that one under the hood photo with the twin carbs the NK??
  12. Ditto....glad he is well. Did I get to meet you at CnC, Inka?? It this your car I really liked it, a lot like the Mobile Tradition Tii.
  13. Welcome to the forum. Agreed that a gallery would be helpful to see everyone's "ride" in one place. Hang out here long enough and you will probably see many of them as time goes on. A lot are in their signatures or avatars. Thank you for your nice comments about my touring at the Cars and Coffee. Looking forward to your participation on the board.
  14. We do get our share of Fires, Floods, Earthquakes and pestilence. But it is quite nice, but expensive around here. A few more shots here http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/p,475402/#475402
  15. Some "other than 02" images of C n C....enjoy
  16. Ray and Ray, You got those posted before I could even get home.. Here is RayK taking a pic of me taking a pic Many more later...Had a great day
  17. As Ray said, everyone is welcome. You can see from this map how to get there. There is visitor parking on the right. The display area is on the left. I have marked on the map where the special BMW section is. All spaces in this area have been assigned. You will see many more amazing cars of all types and vintage parked in the rest of the display area (First come, First served) and it fills up early. enjoy and stop by and say hi....
  18. It is almost 02Time in SoCal Even if you don't bring your 02, you must see the cars this Saturday in Irvine 7 - 9 am. Details http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/t,299307/ At least 140 BMW's, including over 2 dozen unique 02's, will be featured this week. I will be driving down US 101 early Saturday AM (Santa Barbara 4:15, Camarillo 5:00, Burbank 5:30, 605 frwy 6:00, arrive Irvine 6:30) Would love to meet up with or pick up anyone along the way, as long as I don't lose any time. Going back up again later in the day. If you are even a little bit "car-crazy" you must stop by and see the amazing collection of rare, exotic, unique, unusual cars of every kind. You won't regret it. It is supposed to be a beautiful warm sunny SoCal day. E-mail me if you want to make connections.
  19. That truck is going to be soooo cool!! Really looking good. Hope the tornado didn't get anywhere near it. Glad you survived.
  20. Sorry the dogs chewed up your very informative thread. They have a mind of their own.....Excellent work and information
  21. Sorry the dogs chewed up your very informative thread. They have a mind of their own.....Excellent work and information
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