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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. That would be Pierre....http://users.adelphia.net/~pchamaa/2002_auxilliary_lamp_brackets.htm
  2. I'd have to agree....CAN I GET AN AMEN FROM THE CHOIR!?!?!?! "YEAMEN" from here, wait til you see the attention an orange touring generates.
  3. Who else is looking forward to this??? I am! Check in... Should be good. Any connections for the early morning drive down the 101 or 405? Yes, it is early but is it always more fun with another 02.
  4. here are some great fall pics from the German http://www.kfz-kultur.de/ website.
  5. Do you have a metal heatshield bolted to your exhaust manifold?? These sometimes loosen up or crack, and create an annoying rattle. I believe Brad could be correct about the exhaust mounts. There is also a "U" bolt exhaust clamp under that car that loosens and rattles. The squeal should be the fan belt. Careful...too tight will prematurely wear out the waterpump bearings.
  6. Great pictures, Marc...I love your website. I spent hours looking at all the great pictures you have there. Marc stopped by to see me while in Santa Barbara recently. He was on vacation in the US, looking for 2002's. He saw mine parked, and searched for me to chat. Very nice guy (speaks english well) and has a wonderful website http://www.kfz-kultur.de/ with literally thousands of good pics of 2002's and other vintage (oldtimer) european cars. We had a nice visit sharing our passion for 02's, and I invited him back to California for the Palo Alto show. I gave him copies of many of my California 02 pictures (thumbdrive), which may show up on his site sometime. Keep in touch, Marc, and keep posting those pics. Marc during his visit to SB. I believe this is Marc's 67 Neuclasse 2000
  7. Looks like a great weekend, great cars. I am assuming that one of those pictures was through your rearview mirror. Or, everyone drives on the wrong side of the road up there.
  8. Don't ignore the Ball Joints if they are original. They could pull apart like mine did. It is very scary when that happens. You have no control at all and the wheel tucks back up under the wheel well. Fortunately, I was only going about 20 MPH.
  9. Had good luck with Krylon Dull Aluminum on my wheels, with lots of clear on top. But never had any reason to put carb cleaner on them, so can't attest to that. I think carb cleaner is like paint thinner. Maybe there is some kind of acrylic or epoxy clear you can use over the aluminum. (or, AL-YOU-MIN-EE-UM, as the British say)
  10. TARGA....they really earned and deserve some recognition. A FAQ sticker would look good on that car, if they can find space for it.
  11. I see Rob Torres's shop in San Luis Obispo Calif. gets top billing too.
  12. Which means, the carpet posts will "win" every time. Which, ergo, makes any FAQ member who posts in a carpet thread, a throbbing yellow member. Hey, wait a minute . . . that doesn't sound quite right. Maybe they dipped their "throbbing thingie" in Hippo, hippo, yellow....or maybe Hippo, hippo, orange. 17 more replies and we all start throbbing....
  13. I sorta like it.....here are more pics http://www.1addicts.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1935
  14. It means someone hijacked the thread and is using the board to IM each other, and boring the rest of us. Actually, when there are over 25 replies you earn that throbbing thingie.
  15. In spite of being hijacked by the hilarious essay on "Hungry, Hungry, Hippos", I noticed that box right away. Being a new grandparent and such, we focus in on all the "baby" stuff now. I think CJ has a Recaro seat for his son in his 02. Nice to see some progress on that beautiful orange beast.
  16. check your fuses too. If necessary you can switch your horn relay for the bright relay. (the little round, or square cans up front driver side)
  17. Are you no longer in SB? King city is far from SoCal. I have always wanted to do that SoCal TT. I will be interested in seeing your pics.
  18. Spent a couple hours hanging with the sharks (e24) at Pacific Sharkfest in Santa Barbara on Saturday. Nice guys, very nice cars. Plus they put up with my Inka mini-shark tagging along. Ray-2002tii and PasadenaRoss part of this group.
  19. I agree. A 2002 you can drive all the time is better than one you can only look at or have to work on all the time. Time spent with your 02 is much better "in" it than "under" it.
  20. Being a reluctant member of the 6 decade club, and a father. I offer some suggestions: Are you up for adoption? What a great idea, your dad will love whatever you come up with. What is most important is the memories. They will be greatest if you and your siblings (if you have any) participate with him. Arrange it so you are not just sending him somewhere, but you are actually joining him. It is better to share the experience, even if it is less exciting, than doing it alone with others just watching or just paying the bill. Fathers love to be with their children. BMW Performance Driving classes in Spartanburg NC are great fun. Check them out. A trip to Southern California (John Wayne Airport) would put you in the heart of the "car culture". If anywhere near Irvine CA on a Saturday morning you MUST check out "Cars and Coffee" It is free and you will see more cool cars in 2 hours than you will see in some museums. That alone would be worth the trip, and it happens almost every weekend. I believe that BMW is the featured marque on January 12th. Peterson Auto Museum is great. The Saleen Factory is there. California speedway. etc. check out this google search http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=southern+california+automobile+museums&btnG=Search It is amazing how much California influences the World auto market. There are over 15 manufacturers design studios in SoCal. You can't go wrong with a trip to CarCrazy SoCal. Remember, your dad will be thrilled with whatever you do, even if it is just renting a cool car locally and taking him out to some local B&B in the mountains for the weekend. Now I am partial to Santa Barbara too. Check out http://www.coolcarssb.com/ Where your budget is your only limitation. The central coast of California has some great driving roads as well as wineries and towns to visit. Good luck, we all are interested in what you end up with.
  21. Tom has it as January 12th 2008 on the E9 board calendar. Fixed your m635 link on the quote. Sorry about the hijack, Zac...could someone answer his question Puleeze.
  22. Here is a shot of Ray's Tii at FestWest 2004 You can see it in the background at Cars & Coffee in July I haven't see his "shark" Euro M635. But will get to see it this weekend at the Pacific SharkFest in Santa Barbara
  23. In that case, the chain will not fit a tii, just a chain drive. Do you have them in stock Bill? Gee Ray, shouldn't you be out polishing your "Shark" instead of picking on Zac? P L E E E E Z ZAC......"for the Luv of god" post the pic. Do you need help posting the Pic?? or drawing? or whatever it is that only the psychics among us can see. I am positive that it might or might not fit... Oh crap, he lives in Atlanta, probably gone to bed by now. Has to get up for school in the AM.
  24. come to SB and cruise with the 6's (E24). PacificSharkfest is here this weekend. I may try to infiltrate their ranks with my "Mini-Shark" (touring) Maybe this "LandShark" will join them.
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