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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. Even in the midst of some really really spectacular cars, an Inka Touring still attracts a lot of attention. Get at least 2 or 3 "thumbs-up", smiles, or comments a day. For some reason they always ask..."what year is it??"
  2. Sorta like driver training, first time with stick shift....
  3. great vid...looks like fun, good choreography. For a minute I thought it was everyone leaving Dodger Stadium after the game. Good Weekend driving to all...Just avoid parking anywhere near a nice Golf 02. Have a good weekend too, Jay..
  4. I suspect it is the August issue. Couldn't find it in the July Issue (the only one out at Borders right now)
  5. If you read Ray's links, you will find out that it is a M54 twin turbo. I believe that he is still getting it "sorted out". I know Sean Casey got to take a spin in it. Here is a pic of him trying desperately to get past me, but my 1802 was just too fast for him....j/k
  6. Now that's pretty cool. I guess I am going to have to look for that mag now. Thanks for spotting it. attached are some other pics after the event
  7. FUN!! I think that is the key word that seems to infuse all of our praises of the 02's. They are just fun to drive. Betcha can't drive one without smiling!!
  8. That is scary lookin....does it come in a circumcised version??
  9. I knew someone had it, they should add it to the FAQ. You can also download the Excel spreadsheet from the FAQ link and change the parameters of the tires and wheels and it will adjust itself and give you the answers you need.
  10. use some of the data on this from the FAQ section http://www.bmw2002faq.com/content/view/56/32/ you should be able to calculate your speed from your RPMs and come up with the % difference. good luck sorry, I just looked at the link, it used to have a way to change tire size..I will keep looking for you.
  11. I always thought this was a fun pic. A Inka Wienerwagon.
  12. yeah, pretty sure it is Jaime Munoz's..he does have a black 72 tii w/sunroof touring. Not many of those around. He has been instrumental in bringing many great tourings to the US. He really has the "Sickness". Nice Wheels too...
  13. He seems to own 1/2 of the Tourings in California, so that would be a safe bet. And he live in Los Gatos, near San Jose. very nice looking Touring, though.
  14. Very disappointing, was looking forward to it, since I missed Palo Alto..
  15. There is quite a discussion about coils in the FAQ section on ignition. http://www.bmw2002faq.com/content/view/69/32/ This should answer some of your questions, and create a few more. Good Luck,
  16. You better make it there by 7:00 Steve if you want to park in the lot. It has been filling up earlier and earlier during summer. Last Saturday the Lambo club was the with about 40 Lamborghinis. The more money than brains gang! Thanks for the heads-up, just have to get up a little earlier. Will you be at C&C? Who else?
  17. yes thats what i mean. removing all rubber pads from the springs. the only downside i can see is having to position the springs after jacking them up. sometimes youll hear them "settle" after you let it down but after that they make no noise. ive been running my e30 on and off the track for 3 years like this with no ill effects. the other downside i guess would be rust from metal on metal but that doesnt concern me as i can just keep an eye on it and treat it So, if I remove the pads from the front of the Touring, it will bring the front down a little without any negative repercussions?? I have always thought that it sits a little high in the front.
  18. My first car was one of those, 1957. Like a baby 40 Ford. Had two of them. One for spare parts. It was fun trying to sync the SU carbs. Have to look way back in my archives to see of any photos exist. It was like 40+ years ago. Fuzzy memories..
  19. Just a "bump" to get some chatter on this event...It is coming up. I am considering coming. Maybe even running on down to the "Cars & Coffee" in Irvine 7:30 AM prior to the "Evil Empire Get '02 gether". Anyone else?? Roll Call??
  20. Gotta be a 3.64 diff. I think you should expect mid to low 20's on steady freeway runs. I have a 4.11 diff, 4 speed, 1.8 L, and can usually get that even at 75 - 80 mph. good luck on the move.
  21. sometimes the metal tabs that hold the handle break off of the tunnel and have to be welded back on. Check and see if both sides are still fastened to the tunnel.
  22. C'mon Erik, I guess you are as "sick" as the rest of us. Your car hasn't even arrived, and you are already upgrading parts on it. Good luck, we will all be thrilled when you finally get your 1st '02....counting down, just a few more days.
  23. Certainly more on topic and much more important than much of the stuff we discuss here. Very grateful she survived, and many prayers for her speedy recovery. Buckle up, everyone and all that you love. Life is very precious...
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