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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. Has it separated from the tunnel?? Does it flop around side to side?? I think that it is a pretty simple welding job if it is broken.
  2. In addition to all the excellent tips, check the bracket that holds the handle to the tunnel. They will fatigue and break. If that happens, all the adjustment in the world won't help. My 76 broke there, and now I have to put it in gear (good for level ground) or throw a old starter behind the rear wheel. (good for slight grades, but very inconvenient.)
  3. I couldn't make heads or tails of this... Sorry if I missed something. Welcome to the gang....sorry but SteveJ is one of the crazies that we let out. He is harmless.. he may be referring to the interfamily quibbling found in various posts on the board. These cars do seem to attract some great people. Quite a variety of personalities, but overall, great people.
  4. Here is the Touring listing from the 2002 Haus (was sold 02/05/05)..yes, the same car..Don't know the car, but recognized it from the pictures.http://www.2002haus.com/tiitouring3420207.htm In fact, they are using the same pictures.
  5. Document your Megasquirt experience so we can learn from your mistakes. Just follow TJ Winston around and pick up all the pieces he drops....Sounds like he is a few steps ahead of you. Congratulations, it is something I want to try someday, just looking for the best, troublefree process. Learning from all of you EFI pioneers.
  6. I used krylon dull aluminum #1403, then lots of krylon crystal clear for my Ronals.. not hi temp. good luck
  7. Look at the bright side of all this...this thread received over 30 replies without one personal attack or pissing match. Just sincere caring, good suggestions and real empathy....now that's community. Merry Christmas. after all... "I'm OK, it's just a scratch". Thanks for restoring my opinion that this is a unique community. centered around a very unique car.
  8. looks nice John..Is the I-pod connection wired directly into the radio? I-pod or MP3 connections would be a interesting topic of discussion. I am trying to stay "period correct" but still using modern technology like the Ipod or mp3 player.
  9. Glad you are OK....and I was sweating a scratch....
  10. Michael, I was hoping you would chime in..The white you see is primer, and I do get a click when I run my fingernail over it. I know my insurance should take care of most of it, but I am intrigued by Brad's suggestion. It is a very thin groove and not through the primer. It might fill very well if handled very carefully as Brad suggests. Just food for thought. Got a retired paint and body friend down here, I will have him look at it.
  11. In answer to your original question...I can't compare it to Roundel, because I don't get Roundel. But I do like the magazine, been getting it for years now. Usually have to unwrap it and read it as soon as it arrives. My wife has to hide it sometime if she wants me to get something else done. It regularly, although not every issue, has something about "older" BMW's. Early issues had some very good 02 related articles. I enjoy it and would recommend it.
  12. I was pretty depressed last night, couldn't even write about it. Really bummed out. Better perspective today. Rested up, and checked out insurance policy. I bought the car to DRIVE IT. If driving it increases the risks of harming it, so be it. That is what insurance is for. I really love the Touring, it is a very unique car and alway attracts a lot of attention from everyone, old, young, male, female, enthusiasts, non-enthusiasts, even the occasional jerk. But the pluses of driving it far outweigh the negatives. I don't think I will build a glass case for it and put it in the living room. Think of the guys that race priceless cars at the Historics. Granted, they have a lot more money, but they are having a blast. I have access to an X3, my other 2002, and our Highlander, given a choice I always pick the Touring. Appreciate everyones empathy, but today, I think I will live, yesterday was pretty depressing.
  13. Didn't happen in my work lot. It is usually fairly safe there. I have an end space next to a car that never goes anywhere. It was somewhere when I was out on deliveries. Just one of those things. There are jerks everywhere. Fortunately I have $100 deductible on comprehensive, which includes vandalism. (I wonder if it includes separating balljoints??) The paint job is so nice, and practically new, I wouldn't want to risk having a worse job just because I was worried they couldn't match the color. I don't think I can send it back to Germany for repairs. I will discuss my options with the adjuster..
  14. Thanks all, for your sympathy..it does help. There seems to be a rash of "Grinches in Paradise" here in Santa Barbara lately. Someone vandalized a Christmas tree lot with a power saw. http://cbs2.com/local/local_story_331202726.html and then this week someone tried to cut down a 45 foot decorated christmas tree in the middle of town. http://www.keyt.com/news/local/4949381.html I won't let some take the joy of driving the car away. You have to take it out of the garage and into the public to drive it, and that is the real pleasure of 02s. Funny, I can't see the scratch when I am driving, and people still smile and give you a thumbs up. I will have to take it by my insurance people and see what they say.
  15. I now know how you feel, Norm...See my post http://www.bmw2002faq.com/component/option,com_forum/Itemid,50/page,viewtopic/t,283629/
  16. What is with people nowdays?? Someone purposely, maliciously, dragged a key or something down the side of my car. Scratching the paint down to the primer. Made me sick, ruined my day. But I won't let them ruin my Christmas. I guess the holiday season just brings out the worst in people. Maybe I will try to very delicately touch it up. Anyone know where to get high quality Inka touch up?? Have to fix the "balljoint" incident damage too.
  17. Thanks...Does that mean I have to find some Foglights now?? j/k
  18. Glad you are "complete" again...Now you have me a little paranoid about leaving the car open at these events..We will just have to start watching out for one another, and if some interloper tries anything we will just have to string them up by the "nuts" for all to see. That might reduce the miscreant misbehavior. BTW not to hijack this thread, but is the Alpine 500 happening in '07? If so, let me know the details.
  19. A kick out of driving it is one thing, but I'm worried about a ball joint seperating on him or one of the rear shocks punching through into the trunk while we's on the turnpike... If you had bought this car, what are the fist things you'd do to make sure its "Safe"? Ball joints, shocks, brakes, radiator flush, brake system flush... anyone have a recommendation for a shop in Jersey that doesnt mind wrenching on rustbuckets? Show him this pic and try to convince him to have it checked out...
  20. Changed my shorts, and the car is back home now. A few battle scars, but everything else checked out A-OK. Sure is a lot tighter than the worn out old 76.
  21. Still safety wired. pulled out of control arm. This side obviously had never been replaced. The other side has been replaced. Yes it was on State street 1/2 block from my office. From the pics, it looks like it was dry and rusty where it pulled out. It was on my list of things to check, but just hadn't gotten to it yet. Guess it should have been a higher priority.
  22. It WAS the Touring....SOB, SOB! I am not sure what failed yet. I will taked some Pictures tomorrow. Thanks for the concern...I am very depressed but the '76 2002 is happy to be out now. It has been neglected
  23. Already crapped my pants when it happened. Figured even Taco Bell couldn't hurt me after that.. I could have been rolled up in a crumpled orange ball if it happened anywhere else. I am feeling very blessed now.
  24. Just driving along 30mph and left ball joint separated from lower control arm. Now that gets your heart rate up. Very lucky it wasn't on the freeway or a 70 mph sweeper on Hwy 33 or anywhere else except my garage. I knew they could wear out and get sloppy, but come clean off...wow!! Absolutely NO control after that, just pray, and hope you miss everyone else. Missed a parked car by about 1 inch. Tweaked the front fender a little when it jammed up under there, but could have been a lot worse. With the help of an off-duty CHP, borrowed a floor jack to get it out of the main street of town, had it towed to the shop. Awaiting their report. So, guys and gals....check your Balls, the life you save may be your own. Since I am feeling so lucky I wasn't killed after that, I went to Taco Bell for lunch. Here is where it happened. Note black skid marks in middle of pic. left tire dragging sideways, right tire trying to stop car. Just missed parked car in the same location as blue Prius. why it fell to its knees... Gee, which way should I go?? Body damage
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