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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. That is Coop's car. I don't know what the rims are, but someone here, or even Coop himself, should be able to identify the wheels.
  2. John, You are the only person I know that needs a "Hunting License" to go for a drive. Can't wait to see the new "collection".. Any Touring parts in there??
  3. Michael, In case you still don't really remember meeting John Barlow, here is a picture of John (with the "bluetooth" hanging on his ear), You (cooking up some great burgers) and my son (gaining much wisdom from his elders). Next year John will bring the meat (roadkill from our hwy 33 Pumpkin Run). He is a great shot....two birds with one Touring..
  4. Have you seen Steve Lodefink's (finkbuilt) solution to the trigger wheel problem? http://www.finkbuilt.com/blog/crank-position-sensor/ It is a pretty clean solution. In fact, he has a pretty good handle on the whole "megasquirt" set-up.
  5. Yeah, I have seen him around..waved or "thumbs-up" to him a few times. Never stopped and talked to him yet. We do have some great cars cruising all around town most of the time. Lots of old Porsches, Alfas, MG's, BMW's, etc. Fun to just drive around. Too bad we were up in Sacramento last weekend, missed you.
  6. My son did it on my 76 when he had it. I didn't like it, took it off.
  7. sometimes the best part of an event is the caravan getting there....Wow that is one heck of a long caravan coming from the East and the West...imagine picking up more cars all the way until you get there. Now that would be something to remember.
  8. Thanks, Tom No, can't make the drive...out of town that weekend. Francois, sorry for the hijack...to stay on topic...Tom's '72 2000tii Touring is the 1st polaris touring in my pics with the factory alloys and sportpaket. I've attached pictures of 4 California Turbos at Bimmerfest 2006
  9. Now if your quest includes "lowly" 1802's, here is mine. Les's list has many of the details. Here are four of the Southern California Tourings: And some of the Northern California Tourings: By the way, I loved that picture with the MT 2006 tii.
  10. Thanks, Brad, and especially Dave, I owe you "big time". Column was still unlocked, pulled switch off the back. Success....!! Now I can use the "evil" wrong key and turn the switch. I will worry about the lock itself when I get home. As of now, I can drive anywhere I want, just have to lock the car when I stop. Thanks mucho to all. Again, the FAQ saves another. Couldn't do it without all of you.
  11. Did stupid thing. Accidentally used wrong key in ignition. Started!! but jammed turning it off. Was able to pull wrong key out but switched jammed just short of locking the steering column. How easy is it to remove the switch?? My Haynes is at home. Immediate advise would be appreciated. Removed everything surrounding the switch, but don't know what to do now. Time is of the essence. Thanks in advance for quick response.
  12. yeah, next year we will have to have an 02 corral in the parking lot. I too, am curious. What was powering that Fiat Spyder?
  13. This is very scary, how did you know??? Thanks Dubois, for another great thread that takes us back to why we frequent this board. Are we sick? or what?
  14. pics and color look great here, Jay. How many of you noticed Jay Leno in the 9th picture? Love all the Alfas. and that funky little Abarth.
  15. The 74 Touring 1802 The others...76 2002, 2002 Toyota Highlander No, it's not mine...I wish! Just checking to see if you are paying attention
  16. Yeah, but it is hell cleaning those bell towers. Maybe Len wants a job there, so he too can afford an orange car. You know he is jealous. Yes, Len, we are attention seeking men. Why else would we drive orange cars. We would like to offer you a honorary membership in ASCOCAS (Attention Seeking Clean Orange Car Admiration Society) The only requirement is a sense of humor.
  17. To stay on topic with the thread, this is the paragraph that I liked in the article: All that time and money, and it still has all the quirks our 30 year old cars have. Now back to the Mutual Inka Admiration Society... I think your wheels look spectacular on your car. Were you in the GTI when it was totalled? Here is my recent side view:
  18. Tourings came with two 5" on the front and two 5 1/2" on the rear.
  19. Now if I could find a way to get your driving lights, without you snagging my wheels.....
  20. I like the choice of color. Thought it was interesting that the had to modify a "squarie" body shell into a "roundie". Noticed that they painted or undercoated the bottom and wheel wells black, including beneath the rocker strip.(a look that I like) The article really makes me appreciate all the work that the previous owners have done on my car. Now it they had only found an unused "Touring" body it would have been perfect.
  21. Usually not, but I hope it continues. There are still more of them in Southern California.
  22. We had 4 Tourings- click on pics for enlargements
  23. Here is Gordon's 2800 hiding among the 02s disguised as a Touring...Note the rear vents behind the rear window (I think we found the inspiration for the Touring design)
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