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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. Yes, but yours are real miles...mine probably has 200+ K more miles put on while the odometer was "just resting".
  2. You must be tired. So it is the 1st of July. Better get to bed before the east coast guys wake up and figure out we have been using the board as a Chatroom. ********************
  3. anytime we can get together anywhere is an "Event" For me it's a big event just to have someone flash their lights at me. I think Nick is trying to accomodate our desire to try to start planning a real regular event, while at the same time just providing an opportunity for us to get together. Right?..Nick??
  4. Loved your pictures, John..now I don't have to put mine up...yours are of the same stuff, only better pics.. Glad to see you got home in one piece. Felt a little guilty leaving you there in Los Alamos getting a catnap. But you insisted. We were home by 11 pm. 675 miles and my odometer finally got to 10,000 miles after waiting 30 years. Gee, that "1" waited a long time to see the light. Happened while Scott was driving. I missed it. Really, really enjoyed our trip with all you guys. Should be the start of some good SoCal connections.
  5. Good leadership, Nick.. keep pushing, but I think Saturday is the 1st... Welcome to the world of 02 event planning...you just had a crash course. you can't make everyone happy. Just listen and make decisions that will insure the greatest turnout. and do not get discouraged. We are very opinionated. Why else would we drive around in funny little boxey (sometime orange) cars??
  6. I will also take this opportunity to publicly thank Michael for his wonderful hospitality. If I wasn't able to make it to Palo Alto. I would still insist on making it to Michael's. After the great time last year, I made sure that I wouldn't miss it this year. Michael graciously allowed me to include all those I dragged up from the South. By the way Michael, tell your wife that I thought the Green Paint Chip looked better than the beige in the bathroom, in case she was taking a poll. Thank her also, we appreciate you both in sharing your beautiful house. Man, I think I talked to everyone...now I have to figure out who Ash was??? Lots of faces, most with names. I don't know if you all noticed, but even though Dave's 02 was totalled by a drunk driver last year, He brought two treasures that were much more important than his 02. I'm convinced that 02's are a unique and special common interest, but the people are the greatest reward.
  7. I am out of town 23,24...But don't nix that on account of me. Go with what works best for all. 30th or 1st little better.
  8. Yea, Darius, you were definitely reported missing in action. We thought the Canadians had you gagged and bound in the back of that Volvo.. Next year or next event..
  9. Brief thread Hijack... Craig, I got your packet w/T-shirt, e-mail me address, I will send. Do you want all the other stuff in the packet..flyers, clif Bar etc. BTW I like the Eagle Rock Location...might work for me. and would participate in brainstorming a SoCal event..
  10. Safely relaxing in our palatial hotel in Sunnyvale. Waiting in anticipation for Saturday morning. Some random pics from the drive north. Click on the Thumbnail for larger pics.. more pics after tomorrow..
  11. Hold them off just a little longer, reinforcements are coming from the south soon. Remember the Alamo and all that stuff. The "Express" has already started moving from Orange County and is on its way here. This may be our last communication before we enter "hyperspeed"
  12. I will call your cell when we get near Paso Robles, probably stop for gas anyway. Steve
  13. Great... Jack Fahuna will be behind us about an hour picking up all the pieces....
  14. just wait til we get there from "Alta Mexico" AKA SoCal. Buenos Dias, Y'all
  15. send me an E-mail.....alamarlab aol com I will send details, address, etc.
  16. Where are you coming from?? They don't have to be that clean. Better to be with us "dirty", than not with us..
  17. I suspect somewhere around 3 or 4 PM. 2 hrs from SB. I can call you if you wish. Got floor space in the Hotel if you have sleeping bag..
  18. The SB to Palo Alto caravan will leave my house around 1 or 2 friday afternoon. There are 4 or 5 of us going. If you think you want to join or just exchange cell #s. E-mail me for details...
  19. 7:30 is probably a bit tight for the Santa Barbara to Palo Alto bunch, maybe we will just come up and cheer our favorite drivers..
  20. If we can get out of SoCal soon enough, there are some of us that might make it up there by 8. How soon do you need to know?
  21. Heck, Jan....we live to drive, whatever direction. We may take you up on that. I think Jon (turbo) is staying with Jaime, and I believe Blunt is hanging out with you guys. I've got jcapoc and most likely Dubois and maybe Vroomer with me. What a gang!! Are you going up 280?? I am getting very excited about the weekend.
  22. Some of us from Southern Calif. are staying in Sunnyvale Friday night, near the intersection of 237 & 101. Any individuals or groups from that area or south of that area that want to drive into Palo Alto with us? Or, we can meet you somewhere. E-mail me, or post a reply...
  23. Works for me for 30 years. Emergency brake doesn't work anyway. Now it can serve some purpose.
  24. Nick...John(jpcapoc) is driving up from Sierra Madre Fri afternoon, I am sure he would like some company if you are in his area. Then you could at least drive up 101 for a little bit with us. San Marcos Pass and Lake Cachuma is a nice drive.
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