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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. That is great news, John. I am coming down to Camarillo from Santa Barbara 6am Sat. to drive back up with all you '02s. Gee, Golf & Inka, that should wake them up. Here is Pierre's info on the Classic Caravan from Camarillo::"2002s, 1600, Neu Klasse, Bavarias, Coupes, and early E12s and anyone else who wants to join. We have been promised a dedicated spot for pre-76 vehicles. The caravan will leave Camarillo at 7:00 AM. Camarillo, is off the 101, about 10 minutes West of Thousand Oaks. Take the Las Posas Exit, take a right at the exit, then take a left at the first light then into the McDonald's parking lot. We will leave at 7:00, drive at a sane and legal speed, get there early, and avoid the large bling bling crowd." e-mail pierre and let him know you are coming so we can watch for you.
  2. Here is his write up:"2002s, 1600, Neu Klasse, Bavarias, Coupes, and early E12s and anyone else who wants to join. We have been promised a dedicated spot for pre-76 vehicles. The caravan will leave Camarillo at 7:00 AM. Camarillo, is off the 101, about 10 minutes West of Thousand Oaks. Take the Las Posas Exit, take a right at the exit, then take a left at the first light then into the McDonald's parking lot. We will leave at 7:00, drive at a sane and legal speed, get there early, and avoid the large bling bling crowd." e-mail him and let him know you are coming.
  3. Sorry, that really sucks. What an .. probably wearing your roundel and 2002 badge around his neck for some additional bling.. If I had extras, I would send them. The only ones I have are on my car. I think......I had better go make sure someone hasn't pryed them off.
  4. There seems to be at least 30 people who think differently. If 30 of us are gathered in the same place, and they are giving us our own area, we don't really need to even look at their cars if we would rather not. I hope some of them reconsider.
  5. If the car can't make it, see if you can make it. We would love to see you. It will inspire you to see all the '02s. Hitch a ride, borrow a car, bring your family. It will be fun for everyone. After all it is in SB.
  6. When I got my nose tweaked by a very high SUV bumper. Ouch!! KFunk offered to send me an extra grill he had. Even though he was going through some difficult employment issues, he was not expecting anything in return, even shipping. I did respond with a "donation" to thank him for his generosity. The result of his generosity.. Looks a lot better don't you think. Thanks Kevin, I hope I can return the favor someday. Or "Pay it Forward".
  7. If no other '02s, tag along with one of the South Caravans Bimmerfest is organizing. Check this link for more info http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=125 read thru some of the threads, I believe that there were some groups coming from the Inland Empire. Hope you decide to make it. Should be fun.
  8. I was just over at the Showgrounds tonight at 7pm. It looks really nice and the weather is clearing. '02s are never lost in a sea of 3 series. They will always stand out in a crowd. We should have a good showing of '02s this year. See you there,
  9. The water leaks seem to find me. Usually dripping on top of my feet as I drive. I guess I will have to replace that 30 year old window seal. But it is not a problem if it is not raining. It is clearing around here now. Bimmerfest should be great.
  10. I just put 4 Bridgestone Potenza 910 185/70/13s on my car under $220 out the door from Costco. the only catch is, that Costco is closing out all their Bridgestones and they will not restock them. they are discounting $60 if you by 4 at a time, which accounts for the good deal. I have been using that size since I replaced the original XAS tires. Just my '02cents worth
  11. I am sorry I can't hear you, your paint is too loud......NOT Orange is always good on an '02. Everyone smiles at an orange '02. In a sea of muted metallics, white and beige cars, an orange '02 really stands out. It is good to be different.
  12. I am speechless, that is amazing. This is the cool kinda stuff that makes this board worth staying on through some of the "wierd" threads. Congratulations to both of you as the '02 story goes on.
  13. **** IT'S BIMMERTIME **** ........................... Click here to Link to FAQ Bimmerfest Thread ........................ I hope you make it too, in whatever can get you here. I take back my earlier comment about bringing the golf tii, maybe we should not be running up the miles on it yet. By the way, does the odometer work? My odometer stopped at 9300 in the first year, and I know in thirty years I have driven a lot more than that, but didn't see any reason to fix it yet. It would be interesting to see what kind of mileage I get. Hopefully see ya Saturday,
  14. **** IT'S BIMMERTIME **** ........................... Click here to Link to FAQ Bimmerfest Thread ........................ Now you need to bring it up to Bimmerfest, so we can all see it in person.. Beautiful car, congratulations.
  15. Did she have her car at FestWest two years ago? If that was her, it was a very nice car.. coming to Bimmerfest?? should have a good 02 turnout. In a sea of E36 and E46's, 30+ 2002's really stand out. Steve
  16. What is another 45 minutes to cruise with the gang?? C'mon you know you want to. Just leave home at 4:00 am and you can make it. Steve
  17. I think it is time for a group hug, break out the marshmallows and sing Kumbaya now... (this is a humorous attempt to lighten up a week of very weird posts) I do enjoy this board, and everyone (well almost everyone) on it. Steve
  18. Pierre usually has a group of '02s that comes up from LA area. He is in Camarillo. I am sure he will add his 02 cents worth as plans develop. keep tuned in, Steve
  19. I was 30 when I bought my '02, unfortunately it was brand new then and that was 30 years ago. Thus I am officially in the OFC (Old Farts Club). I still love to drive it every day, it keeps me young. I have access to a new X3 sitting in my driveway, but I still choose the '02, unless it happens to be raining. (have to replace the windshield gasket someday) Steve (no, that isn't me in that "FatAss" picture)
  20. That thread is still on "life Support" down there somewhere. It did generate some very interesting pictures. My wife happened to look in when I was scrolling past the "Fat ass.jpg". Imagine trying to explain that one. Steve (oops, I think I just gave your thread a few more moments of life)
  21. The great thing about this board is that it is so active that any ignored "nonsense" thread will run off the page quickly. If we choose to be non-responsive, they will just go-away on their own. They will remain alive as long as we breathe life into them. Steve
  22. **** IT'S BIMMERTIME **** ........................... Click here to Link to FAQ Bimmerfest Thread ........................ And still two weeks to go. 2364 people registered. Great event for any Bimmer enthusiast. Only had about ten 02's there last year, looks like a much better 02 turn out this year.
  23. There.. Now it fits right in with all the others..
  24. Is that Beater Toyota with two different types of wheels part of your group? A classic for sure.
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