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Everything posted by InkaSteve

  1. **** IT'S BIMMERTIME **** ........................... Click here to Link to FAQ Bimmerfest Thread ........................ ] Just ignore him.... there are lots and lots of us that really give a S###.. Good story. It is always fun talking with another 02 owner. Steve
  2. Don't mean to hijack this thread, but are all of you guys "down under" OK? Our news around here has you all blown away . Steve
  3. 22 02's registered now, over 900 BMW's. over 2000 people, more 02's than E-21's.
  4. I think that calls for the "Birthday dance" **** HAPPY BIRTHDAY 02 TO YOU ****
  5. **** IT'S BIMMERTIME **** ........................... Click here to Link to FAQ Bimmerfest Thread ........................ Driven almost daily since new. Maybe I should give it the day off.. Steve
  6. It is a GIF file, I stole it from someone on the Bimmerfest Board. I got 4 of them lined up. you can link to my photobucket pic. (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/alamarlab/hammer.gif) or Just right click on one of them and "save picture as" to your computer. hope that helps, if not, I will e-mail you one. Steve
  7. **** IT'S BIMMERTIME **** 19 2002's already signed up. How many from this board on that list??? It is an amazing opportunity to see some beautiful BMW's and show off the "original" Ultimate Driving Machines. Check out the BIMMERFEST website http://www.bimmerfest.com/events/2006SB/2006sb.php Browse the "Event Forum", see pics of past Bimmerfests. If you have broadband access, check out this movie: http://jon.bimmerfest.com/movie/bf2004_low.wmv Usually runs from around 9 am til 3:30 pm on Saturday April 8th. Join up with some of the caravans, or start some of our own. Great reason to visit Santa Barbara. I have no interest in this event other than to see a lot of 2002's together in one place. Check in guys and gals, let us make this "our" event too. Hope to see many of you there, Steve
  8. I have the same frustration on my 76 on these rare cold California Mornings. Everyone just says "they all do that". Haven't got a good explanation yet. Just have to stay in the driveway til it warms up a little. Which is not really a bad thing. I have found that if I turn the key all the way off and then back on, it fires up again much faster. I am guessing it has something to do with all the smog crap and various temp sensors related to it. Sorry I couldn't tell you anything definite, it is just an irritation in the AM. Never a problem once it is warmed up. Welcome and Good Luck, Think about coming up to the Bimmerfest in SB April 8th, got 19 2002's signed up already. http://www.bimmerfest.com/events/2006SB/2006sb.php Steve
  9. Don't know if it will help, but I know that there are some references to the flashers/hazard circuits in the FAQ section http://www.bmw2002faq.com/content/category/3/23/32/ Check it out, if you haven't already done so. Steve
  10. You shouldn't have to get "into" the door to fix it. There is a small setscrew at the rear of the mounting. Sometimes under the rubber gasket. This is what holds the mirror onto the door bracket which is screwed on from outside the door. Sometime just tightening everything up helps. I have found that when I tried to tighten the nut under the mirror elbow I managed to break the mirror. So I bought a new one. Good luck, Steve
  11. picture came out great, nice car. You can't sneak anything past old eagle-eye (F1reverb) he is a stickler for details. Which is why he is such a good photographer. Right? Jay? Steve
  12. I have mine black in the centers..like it that way looks good with Inka, Steve
  13. When you use a picture of my car on the home page of your site, It makes it a little hard for me to avoid signing up. Here is my attempt at a panoramic shot last year: [/img]
  14. You are absolutely correct, couldn't have said it better myself, and I am not 22 (sad to say). I look forward to meeting you there. Heck, I might just drive down to LA early, just so I can drive back up here with the SoCal group.
  15. Got my New Bimmer Magazine in the mailbox today. 2002 article about this car. Anyone here own it, or know about it? Read about it here: http://bimmer-mag.com/art2/art2p1.html
  16. We will all come over and take it away, if you think it would help.. We do need pictures, very very soon.. Congrats.. Steve (I feel no guilt whatsoever)
  17. Nah, didn't happen at work. Hate to admit it, but it might be my own fault. Parked on a steep hill while watching the Amgen bike race go by. Don't know if I rolled forward into the SUV (bad handbrake) or it backed into me, wasn't paying attention. Might have even saved me from rolling on down the hill. Was a little tricky trying to extricate myself on that steep hill. You know the drill, Brake, Gas, Release Clutch, all at the same time. (I am sure Davin can give me some San Francisco tips) Redamaged an area that had been damaged years before when my son had the car. These cars are pretty soft and vulnerable there. I was able to pull most of the damage to the front clip out by hand and crowbar. Should look pretty good with a new center grille.
  18. Just noticed that the Most users ever online was 369 on Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:25 am. Why so many at 2:25 am pacific time?? Attack of the Bots, or a major '02 insomnia attack? Just curious, Steve
  19. Even a big bumper won't help when a SUV backs into you.. went nicely over the front bumper and right into the grill. Anyone have a good 76 center grill that they don't need. I can pull the rest of the smoosh out. Did a temporary fix, so I can at least drive around without looking too bad, but still need to replace center. Feeling like the front row of a Willy Nelson Concert (missing alot of teeth) Steve
  20. Someone on the Saab board, (I don't have one, just happened across this post), likes to have a little fun with the Nigerian scammers. Check this out, it will explain the scam and provide some great entertainment. http://www.saabnet.com/tsn/class/scam/index.html#morescams I found it very, very funny.. Steve
  21. I wasn't in my Inka, in my stealth black Highlander (couldn't see me) Saw some of the same Elephant Seals, beautiful Pacific ocean and shoreline over the weekend. Ryan, No I didn't see anyone around your car when you were in SB Fri Morning..Did something happen to it? hope not. Steve
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