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Everything posted by eastsidebimmer

  1. Interestingly, I was running a high mount 40 micro LED light but no amount of warning would have helped, the driver was just looking to his left and admitted that he was planning to run the light but didn't think I would come to a complete stop. I now use the full-on LED conversion kit as offered by www.2002s.net -- The fluid you see leaking is my windshield washer jug that became dislodged upon impact.
  2. The trunk dweller is one of my hired hands...and by hired I mean complimentary beer and busted knuckles.
  3. New pedals are still available 35 41 1 102 054 -- it appears that a pedal from any automatic 2002 is interchangeable, but not a standard manual trans car. Ben
  4. I think they are 10% off any amount...I priced out the set when I put that post together since that's how most folks buy 'em. Give them a ring!
  5. Thank you--here is the "before" shot (after 8 hours on a frame machine)
  6. Paul & Dave, this little guy was at the Vintage back in 2006 & 2007 but I took 2008 off for the birth of my daughter. Well, as luck would have it, the same kid is now turning 4 over that weekend so Vintage 2012 is not in my cards this year. I'll be there in 2013!
  7. Some know of my saga, some don't--but I wanted to share what I've been up to on the restoration project for my 1968 2002, (1661250) I've owned this 02 since 2005 when I had it shipped from LA to to Indpls. In October 2008 I was rear ended while stopped at a red light at the exit of a freeway ramp. After the collision, I opted to keep the car in the settlement, (clean title) and just sat on it and collected parts for 2+ years; this was the easy part. Almost everything I needed came from FAQers from coast to coast, Blunt and my local dealer Dreyer & Reinbold BMW. Lots of friends and FAQers pitched in, Schwartz75, Indy02, my friend Will, and countless others gave advice from afar. Reggie's Motorworks handled all of the structural and mechanical repairs last year and were invaluable during the rebuild. It was worth it, but took a lot of time, resources, energy and support from some of the nicest BMW people in the world! I did this on a budget, selling parts to fund other purchases, trading a 73 Ford truck for labor, paying someone else to do what I stunk at and disassembled and reassembled everything myself. I hope you like it, here we go: Pre-Collision 2007, graveyard - Indpls, IN (errie/unfortunate forshadowing?) Accident Day, October 2008 Deconstruction Begins 2+ years later, April 2011 www.reggiesmotorworks.com Metalwork mostly complete in June 2011 Engine Swap, IE Stage I & HDs - still at Reggie's shop near Indpls, IN. July 2011 - Bodywork, Engine and Suspension Complete Sept. 2011 Gutted, kept the 3 piece dash. Nov/Dec 2011 Prepped for Paint and resprayed in single stage Chamonix by a "friend of a friend" using 100% OSHA approved methods. Dec 31, 2011 - Heading home from paint on a borrowed trailer pulled by my trusty Dodge Jan/Feb/March 2012 - lots of little things, opening the bag-n-tags, sorting piles based on project areas, some cursing, door seals anyone (Thanks Pat!) My pal Will pictured during several long hours of trunk adjustment. Early April 2012, original carpet back in, door panels, interior followed later that week Mid April 2012, lots of finish work, wheels on, lights on, exported FLA Yuengling's were fueling our work April 26, 2012 running on beer fumes and very little sleep Will and I installed the seats, filled the tank and headed west, overnighted in Hermann, overlooking the MO River. April 28, 2012 - MidAmerica 02 Fest - we made it Roadside Arkansas Approximately 1 year since the big project began, my 02 lives again! 1,350 miles complete in 4 days, and picked up the "Oldest BMW" award at MidAmerica02 Fest.
  8. I re-wrapped most of the exposed harness on my recent 68 refurb project. The early cars have a "candy cane" style wrap so I replicated this when possible. After removing the old cloth wraps I used a rag with lacquer thinner and cleaned the looms, then added wedding bands with good 3M standard electrical tape then wrapped in the same direction using about 9mm width cut from a roll of hockey stick tape. This stuff will also rub off on the pant too, the texture is smoother than friction tape from lowes, etc so I like it better. Here's a pic from the trunk area:
  9. No affiliation but - I think $349 to your door is a good price for HD or Sports http://www.bavauto.com/shop.asp?HC1=0&htarget=asgridyearmodel.asp&Hecode=undefined&hdept_id=267&HCY=1970&HCM=2002
  10. Here is a super-giganto pic linked from the MidAmerica website, I think I was napping during this shot--my car is there, I'm not!
  11. My navigator Will and I had a great first MidAmerica in my recently resurrected 68. We "finished" at departure and put ~1350m on the car in 4 days...with no shakedown. The last event for this car was Vintage @ the Vineyards 2007--it was great to get acquainted with my old friend after suffering rear collision damage Oct/08. Gigantic thanks to Bo and the True Friends team for a fantastic event! I'll put a pictorial together of the 02 repairs in the coming weeks, but for now enjoy this roadside tidbit from Berryville, AR:
  12. I got my car back from paint on 12/31. I started working nights and weekends in an attempt to travel to MidAmerica02fest next week. I'm ALMOST done. I can tell you that having my unmolested 1600 sitting next to the project was invaluable. There is no manual for this sort of thing, I bagged and tagged everything, but memories fade and things go missing, especially if more than a year has passed. Study the parts diagrams, buy new hardware or refurbish when possible and take it slow. I found that I had 5-6 project areas going at the same time--sometimes necessary, but makes it hard to realize you are making progress. Good luck and wish me luck--I have about 10 more hours to go before next Tuesday night's deadline. Sneak Peek:
  13. I had a friend who modified a last gen Mercury Cougar in the early 2000s (yeah, I know) and he decked it out with 18inch white racing wheels. Terrible decision. After about 20 minutes of driving, they just look awful. Stick to Polaris Silver or one of the medium shades of gray.
  14. Blast, prime and then have a body shop shoot them with Nogarosilver Metallic, code 243 with medium sheen topcoat. Good enough for the E30 M3 Evo, good enough for a 2002!
  15. Hi Nate, I'd consider an aftermarket. I bought one from BMW and the seams failed in two areas above the driver's head...not torn...failed as in the seam was not heated hot enough to seal the panels together in specific areas only. I bought a second liner from BMW in January and paid to have it re-installed again. This one has not failed yet. Naturally, it was non-returnable post installation. good luck.
  16. Understood. I blow my nose with a Kleenex no matter the brand my wife buys.
  17. seriously???? i couldn't, not comment. while i'm here, i am searching for some old time Blaupunkt knobs, 60's vintage, non-white. mono or stereo jerryallsmanATyahooDOTcom I have two Blaupunkt radios on the shelf, one is setup for "one" speaker and the other for "two" - thus my question to the original poster. Why was this hilarious to you?
  18. Hi 02 Monster! I don't know much about the V8 in your car but I have an 2006 E61 530xit with I6 and 6 speed manual. The base E60 range doesn't really come with any sporting intentions, but for my purposes I'm a fan. I haven't had any abnormal problems with my wagon, but then again--I only have 52 thousand miles on it. These 5ers were heavily criticized when they arrived on our shores in 2004--but to be honest, the now 10+ year old design has aged rather gracefully and in this FAQers opinion has better proportions than the new model. Since BMW only had a few wagon buyers in the US, we are now stuck with the horrid 5er/Aztec hybrid that is the 5 series GT--the ultimate Geriatric Transit machine. I realize that pedestrian safety is of great importance (at least in Europe anyway) but most large BMW sedans now have a rather horrid looking flat nose, not cool, not interesting and not for me. (done ranting) I think you'll like your 5--it's just about the right size for most situations. Ben
  19. Mono or Stereo? Many of the early radios were mono.
  20. Hello, Interesting mounting brackets! Would you be willing to post a picture of the bracket installation instructions so I can see the factory's recommended mounting procedures? Thank you, Ben
  21. Sorry to hear about this Jim--my thoughts are with you and family.
  22. You've basically asked your pool of potential buyers to set the asking price without seeing the merchandise. As a result, you won't get much help. It may be best to simply list your items in the FS forum with a good description and high quality pictures from many angles and open the sale to "best offers" As an alternate, since you are not sure on the appropriate starting value I would suggest an eBay auction and just let the market decide the final price.
  23. I'm in rather urgent need of a NOS left rear bumperette for 68-71 cars. I'm finishing up my project car and what I thought I had was both R & L bumperettes but it turned out to be two Rights. I have a NOS right side to trade if someone happens to have a box of two lefts sitting around....Longshot, I know. Thank you, Ben
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