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Everything posted by eastsidebimmer

  1. It did have a black coil when I got it but I've swapped on a used blue. I can't tell any difference. I don't know the part number but it was in a bosch box and someone wrote, "use w/ out resistor" on the outside of the box. Having an early car can be a real adventure sometimes! Ben
  2. No, Don't worry with a roll cage! Just put one on each side and cinch em down tight to the seats. I have a 18month old too. He loves to ride, but I have clear glass all around so it is a little bright on his eyes/head. Ben
  3. to tighten the car seat or booster seat to the rear bench. The Mighty-Tite is awesome and you can get it a Baby's R Us or at Amazon for under $20. This takes all the gruntwork out of securing the belts tight and gives you and specifically the spouse some piece of mind. A word of caution, if you have a little baby in a carrier that snaps into a car seat base, they can pop out especially during a side impact. Using the seatbelt attached directly to the seat is the safest bet. Ben
  4. ::It's waterpump time:: Of all my choices GRAF, HEPU, MEYLE or BMW Rebuilt, which one am I most likley to find a good one the first time around? Prices range from $45 for the GRAF to $175 for the BMW rebuilt unit from the dealer. Any FAQ "best buys" in this bunch? Thanks! Ben
  5. It is obvious that we can't have a polite debate, or even advocate for a particular side--So I'll stick to the facts and keep observations to a minimum. In closing, my main and only suggestion was, due to the level of modernizations this fellow FAQer was thinking about for his '70--he might also/instead be a good candidate for something like an E30, which could provide more freedom for creativity. If you track ebay 2002 sales (most of us do) you will find that nice original or well restored examples bring the highest cost. Take that really nice green/white car that was on last week as an example--I'm sure the seller had WAY more in it than the $10,320 selling price. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/One-of-a-kind-1971-BMW-2002-Highly-Modified-NLA-Parts_W0QQitemZ120080813149QQihZ002QQcategoryZ42601QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Ben
  6. Nope--I said different strokes for different folks--I just think as temporary keepers of these fine automobiles, tasteful upgrades will be appreciated more by future generations of 2002 owners. I will say that I get real disappointed when people rip the personality out of an original car when many, many previously modified or good restoration candidate examples are out there screaming for help, help of any kind to get back on the road. The hot rod hobby is another fine example of poaching original or properly restored cars to make hotrods/leadsleds/ etc. Gotta have a Hemi right? Ben PS, anyone want to buy a pink mini-lowrider truck w/ a chopped convertible top???
  7. Hi Sir--everyone has likes and dislikes, but there is only so much you can do to a 70 2002 before you kill its personality. A fake shark fin is right at the top of my personal list....I had my fun like this w/ E36s---I'm old fashioned now I guess. Perhaps we should start a list of add on items most likely to kill the soul of a 2002? I also dislike subs, amps and head units w/ DVD players as well as wheels over 15" -- Oh and 6 series rear seats--are we building limos or what? Ben
  8. We prefer to vent everything to the ground and sky, just as it should be! Ben
  9. My Home's PO built a detached 24x40 w/ full HVAC. (Yes, I'm a lucky bastard--but I'm not taking it for granted) I run the thermo at 50 in the winter and aircon only in the summer if I'm doing work or there. I can have it short sleeves weather in 15-20 minutes any time of the year!!!
  10. My Home's PO built a detached 24x40 w/ full HVAC. (Yes, I'm a lucky bastard--but I'm not taking it for granted) I run the thermo at 50 in the winter and aircon only in the summer if I'm doing work or there. I can have it short sleeves weather in 15-20 minutes any time of the year!!!
  11. I snipped off the old ones and got some new pink ones at autoparts store that had built in shrink tubing--fixed me right up. Interestingly on my 6 Fuse car, this "short" at the backup light switch also killed the indicators, but not the hazzards---go figure.
  12. http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s111/mobiletradition/?action=view&slideshow=true
  13. I believe they are the same ones that were later uses on GTs but these early ones came without the clips for the large centercap and trim ring. These are date stamped 12/67. Ben
  14. The car rides on 1968 Opel Ralle wheels made by the same company that did wheels for BMW--starts with an "L". Centercaps are from the E30 steel wheel parts bin. The location shot is from the Oldfields–Lilly House on the campus of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. No visible carriage house that I can see. I bought the car in 2005 from Peter Sliskovich in S. California. If anyone knows the history of this car, VIN 1661250 please let me know. The story is the original owner died, family had the car, kept it in storage for 7-8 years and then was sold to Peter who in turn fliped it to me. I paid for a State of CA owner records search which had: Owner Name: 00/00/0000 New owner Name: some date in 1998 Peter Sliskovitch: 02/**/2005 This sort-of checks out with the story of being a "one family owner" car before Peter got it, but I don't have any other history. Thanks everyone! Ben
  15. My curiosity got the best of me and ---KABLAMO--the whole thing is toast. Just find a suitable replacement or new. Ben
  16. I have this one--about $80 at the dealer and you get a good/charge/replace multicolor sightglass on top....(good for 7HP gain) BMW BATTERY FOR ALL 2002'S PART NUMBER
  17. The BMW set is also very nice--Black with white "dots" -- Same as used in the mobile tradition car I believe. The price is similar and they have a roundel stamped on the driver side. (good for 5 HP) Ben
  18. Pipe down--you got a deal !! I placed an initial bid, but did not proceed once they escalated beyond my need.
  19. So I stopped my bidding at $5. I already have a spare and I have a "no drilling extra holes" policy anyway. Glad you finally found 2. Ben
  20. This IP has been automatically blocked. Questions: blocks-t002@craigslist.org.
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