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darrinm1 last won the day on July 26 2019

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    Statesboro, GA

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  1. Darrin...Barney here I wanted to touch base I'm starting to put my 74 back together after repainting and I'm thinking about buying a 123 distributor and I can't decide on which one...did things work out with your blue tooth set up...If you were buying one 012.JPGtoday which one would you get?

    1. darrinm1


      Hey Barney,

      I would not change a thing. I have an iPad Pro 9 inch and an iPhone 6 that I use interchangeably with the 123. I find it very convenient that I can always connect because I always have my iPhone or iPad. 


      There are are subtle differences between the pc and BT versions though, but not game changers. The BT version does not have the stopwatch for tuning or the switch that can go between two curves. If you want to switch curves that are drastically different you have to manually type each one into the table. I hope eventually there will be a way to store curves in the BT version. It would be nice to have a sport tune and an economy tune at the tap of a button. 


      Another great feature is no cables. 


      As on both, you can't adjust your curve unless the engine is off. You can adjust your advance while the nine is running using the tune button, but the values are not saved. 


      I hope this helps with your decision. Either way, zinz said it is way better than the EI one it replaced. 

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