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Everything posted by JohnS

  1. Same here. My '73 burns a little oil and has always liked the BP5ES (hotter) and my '74 prefers the BP6ES (colder).
  2. I was in the process of redoing the power wire for my Pertronix and was going to go and buy some wire and also some plastic sheathing. Then 💡I looked at that beautiful harness that I didn't use on my '74. I harvested a nice piece of the high quality red wire and some of the plastic sheathing and was able to complete my wiring project without having to buy anything. There must be at least 10 feet of wire of various colors in that harness and all the plastic sheathing. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Love it, John
  3. Another little tidbit that I recall is that the older style tii masters that used the smaller grommets had washers floating beneath each grommet. Whereas the tii master that uses the larger grommets doesn't have the washers. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember. Can anyone confirm the washers or not on the large grommet version?
  4. Another tidbit of differences when shopping for the center section piece. Not all of them have the little pipe which connects to the gas tank vent hose on US cars. I ran into this when I restored an airbox. Not having the pipe I assume is from a Euro car? Or an early tii? Not sure. Differences, Details... My '73 and '74 US cars both have the little pipe. Do early US cars 72s have it?
  5. This is what I'm talking about. From my favorite hose source BelMetric. BMW Black vs. Continental Blue.
  6. I remember going through the same thing on one of my cars. The earlier production tii masters from Ate used the smaller grommet. The later production ones switched to the larger grommet. The good news is that with the larger grommet it's easier to punch in the new plastic elbows. Lube with a little brake fluid and punch them in after the rubber grommet is in the master. Those elbows do get brittle over time. Also, the blue braided brake fluid hose can be hard to get on the elbow too. Hose on elbow first with brake fluid lube. Then punch into master. The black colored brake fluid hose from BMW is easier to get on than the blue kind in my experience. Works the same just doesn't look as cool. I've broken new plastic elbows trying to get the blue hose onto the elbow before, black brake fluid hose (BMW) much easier. My .02, John
  7. The front air horn on the 74tii US has a little dent in the front. I believe that the rear air horns were the same for all tii years. It's hard to tell from your picture if the front has the '74 dent or not. Here's the pics from my '74
  8. If you need a set and are coming to the Swap and Show at the Brisbane marina in May or the Cars and Coffee in Los Gatos on 4/20, let me know. John
  9. Not driving here today. Yet another slip-out on Highway 1 north of Big Sur at Rocky Creek. Everyone's favorite driving road. The Big Sur community has had to deal with so many slides and closures for a long time. It sucks.
  10. That cardboard engine is amazing. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the 2002 Swap and Shows at Brisbane marina when you displayed it there. Please, please, please tell me you're going to display it at Brisbane this year. What a great video and loved the music too. Thanks, John
  11. I love that bee. Is it a tribute bee? Just kidding. Love your work
  12. I lucked out and was home before my wife came home today so I didn't have to explain... I ❤️you Toyota! Toyota of Lakeland, FL...
  13. I laughed. I just went to Safeway and was behind a Prius that had a sticker on the rear "Prius = Not Cool" Of course I was in my totally cool 2018 "completely plastic" Honda Pilot. 😕 EDIT: What's sad is that most common cars today are indeed considered an appliance. That's the way I think about the three Hondas that my family owns. I service them regularly, etc. But do I really care about them, nope. Do I care about the 2002s, yep.
  14. I admit that I'm ignorant about the latest electric cars. What happens to the batteries when they give up the ghost? They don't last forever do they? How much does it cost to replace the batteries? Is it like rebuilding an engine in terms of cost? Can they be recycled?
  15. Rip Curl Bells Beach in ON. For my .02 surfing buddies... 1st priority surfing, 2nd, .02...
  16. I may not be on the EV car thing yet, but I'm all over these for camping "glamping" in the 2002. You've got to keep dem coldies cold. That's important... and the food... I see a rear seat delete in my future My camping buddy of 40+ years just bought one of these for his Toyota Tundra and now I want one...
  17. I scrolled through all the photos expecting to see the all important photo of the beautiful engine, but none? 😑
  18. Shamrock Rally that happened on St. Patrick's day. I must have had a few too many Guinness' yesterday when I posted that 🙂
  19. I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'm going green today... Thank you Steve and the FAQ for the cool shirt!
  20. Took a drive to see the ocean. The Echium is in bloom this time of year. They love the coastal climate around here. Echium
  21. This happened recently where some dumb-a$$ tried to drive his CyberTruck on Marina beach and got stuck. Doesn't off-road very well it seems 🙄
  22. My first truck was one of the original 1980 Toyota 4x4's with the 4 speed manual transmission and the 20R engine. I drove the crap out of that thing. It never stranded me, ever. I ended up giving it to a friend because the roof was all rusted out. It still runs today, the guy sawed the roof off of it and uses it on his ranch for pig hunting. I want to get a Tacoma before gas powered ones aren't available in CA. I love their trucks.
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