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Everything posted by jscaptura1

  1. Great post! I have had my son interested &8 workin on 318tii'sthe over the past several years. He is not really into the 1600. My daughter is not really into fixing them but is starting to get interested in the autocrossing that my son &8 I do. Keep her interested! It is a great way to spentime with your kids when they get older. Where in Philly are you located? My son is there in his second year at USP and may need a good shop for his 325 when he is allowed to have it in the city. Please excuse the typo's, I am sending this from my phone and cant work the keys oe see the scree n well. Old age sucks!
  2. I wish I was doing something for the 1600! It is in storage for the winter so I get to diagnose & fix the coolant leak in my wife's X5! Lucky me! One question about those steelies: Are they hard to find? I have the later model stamped steel wheels for my 1600 but really like the look of those. If I were to look for some, what would I be looking for? Name, part # etc. Thanks!
  3. Not too many problems here in Upstate New York. Some random power outages, trees down etc. BMW's all survived fine, we had alot of wind & rain & I only lost a few limbs around my house. I will be going to WGI for BMW Street Survival this weekend & will see some of the damage the storm caused there. I think it was only signage & no structural damage to anything. Hope everyone affected is doing OK.
  4. I know this is a little off topic, but I am looking for u-joints for my 1999 318ti. I have the guibo and carrier bearing but cannot seem to locate any u-joints for the driveshaft. I have a shop here that can rebuild it if I can find the parts. Knowing what a resourceful bunch all of us 02 owners are, I am hoping someone might be able to get me on the right track. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Also check your timing. Small adjustments can also make a difference in the cooling of the motor. I am running into the same problems and think I am 1 tooth off on my distributor & that is causing me difficulties in timing it correctly. I have the traditional 1600 set up & have gone through all the same steps. Still does the same thing. So try your timing, may have something to do with it!
  6. Yes, but with 6 fuses, It can also be a 12 volt. My 70 1600 has only 6 fuses and is a 12 volt. If it is working well as it is, keep going! Good luck!
  7. Yes, but with 6 fuses, It can also be a 12 volt. My 70 1600 has only 6 fuses and is a 12 volt. If it is working well as it is, keep going! Good luck!
  8. Thats what my Big White German Shepherd (Rikka) does if I leave the window on the 1600 open. If she disappears for a while I always check the car. She jumps up through the window & sprawls herself out on the back seat, waiting for her ride. She will sit for hours in the 1600 if I let her! I have these small scratches on the door from her jumping in and I dont really mind, knowing that she will not be with me as long as the carm they will provide a wonderful memory for me everytime I open the door on the 1600. Amazing how much we will do or put up with for our 4 legged family members!
  9. Cool! They look like they are a BLAST to ride with!
  10. They are both White German Shepherd Dogs. Both were rescue dogs as well. They make a nice contrast to the Granada Red of the 1600. Same as you, I get more compliments on the dogs than the cars!
  11. They are both White German Shepherd Dogs. Both were rescue dogs as well. They make a nice contrast to the Granada Red of the 1600. Same as you, I get more compliments on the dogs than the cars!
  12. Thanks, They are fun to ride around with!
  13. The old & the new. 3rd puppy in the last 22 years to ride with me in the 1600! The big GSD is Rikka(11 1/2). She is training her new brother (small GSD with the big ears, Renner, 12 weeks) how to travel in the old 1600!
  14. I will be headed in that direction tomorrow. A cool German restaurant in Canandaigua "Rheinblick" is having their Oktoberfest this weekend & I am hoping to drive the 1600 to it. Weather & thermostat permitting!
  15. It is, sometimes they are out of first & moving up through several gears. Some of these cars get up into the 60-70 mph range. Granted, not fast, but pretty impressive on public roads with us taking pictures just a few feet away!
  16. This is the Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival. It happens on the friday of the vintage race weekend. These cars are selected by lottery to come down off the WGI track & participate in the re-enactment in the Village of Watkins Glen. The cars are parked for a few hours on Frankin St. (formerly the front straight of the original 6.6 mile road course on public roads in Watkins Glen). They are then taken on 2-3 pace laps, controlled(?) by WGI pace cars. The area that these pictures were taken are on the uphill section leading out of the town. Some of the drivers lag behind the pace car & BLAST up that hill. It is a great time. Google Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival & you will come up with alot of pictures & info, probably some video as well.
  17. Some photos from the event in the Glen yesterday. Sorry some of them are not so good. Sorry I am going to have to go 5 at a time.
  18. I live in Horseheads now but my family is still in the Glen so I am there often. My sister lives on the original track on the long uphill stretch behind the Seneca Lodge & we watch the re-enactments from there, it is a blast because some of the cars really get moving up that hill. I will post what I can this weekend.
  19. The annual Grand Prix vintage festival is tomorrow in Watkins Glen. This runs in combination with the vintage races at WGI for the weekend. For those who have not attended, this vintage race is usually the largest gathering of vintage race cars in the US. The vintage festival in the town is a great time. There are many nice old roads cars that take tours of the track during the day, then in the evening the original 6.6 mike course is closed. About 150 cars are selected & driven to town from the track and do a re-enactment/demonstration run of 2-3 laps. The cars are brought down from the track at around 4-5 pm lined up on Franklin St. and spectators get to see the cars up close. A great time! The featured marque this year is the Mustang, so I will have my 68 out for the festival this weekend. I usually have one of the only '02's there. There are a few but not many. I will try to post some pictures after the festival.
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