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Everything posted by bnam

  1. Interested in underdash pads and unbroken door brake if avail. Thanks! Byas (email listed above)
  2. CD -- did Tiis have an activated carbon filter -- or did it only have the vapor expansion tank?
  3. It looks like where that bar is - is where the second set of mount points are for the plastic grill.
  4. Here's a pic of my 74. It does not have that bar -- so perhaps that's from a 73 or earlier nose.
  5. +1 I am looking to get new tires with 185 width (or even 175). Byas
  6. The steering on my new 74Tii with the Nardi wheel and 195width tires is more difficult at slow speed than I was expecting, but not having driven another 02 did not have a reference point. At speed, the steering felt quite responsive and smooth. As I was cleaning up the engine bay and steering box, I looked up the steering box number and searched this site. Turns out I have a QR box (it's silver though) with the 177 ending number. Would this have been original? Was this standard on all Tii? Thanks! Byas
  7. I have clay bar. Where can I get the others -- lacquer thinner (HD, Lowes?) Denatured Alcohol? Ammonia?
  8. The front plastic grill on my 74 has Xyear old (X>5yr) overspray. What's the best way to remove it? Can I spray paint stripper? Thx B
  9. My car's PO told me yesterday he had changed the double wide chain to a single chain when he rebuilt the engine. He gave me the original double wide sprocket and a smaller 3 rows sprocket. What are the benefits if any of the single chain with the double chain? He was aiming for performance. What will it take to change back? I also need to replace the racing tensioner he had put on that now leaks oil. THx, Byas
  10. CD, Hope you didn't read my prior note to mean that I was being critical of what you posted. As a newbie here, I find the diagrams very helpful and save whatever I come across for reference. I saw a lot of references to the pin as a 4mm pin -- the Kfish manual, the diagrams you posted, the Tii registry info, etc, so was very surprised when I measured the hole and found that it was only 3mm. Bill, CD, Thanks for the link/measurements and the right search terms. I searched for "Tii tool" and did not see the link Bill posted in the first couple of pages. Regards, Byas
  11. Do you recall how wide you cut the opening? I'm sure I can figure it out, but if you have it would help. I like the idea of using a putty knife. B
  12. Since I need to resynch my Tii pump and throttle, I need to DIY the tools. 2 of the tools seem to be easy to do -- incorrectly labelled in the KFish manual in the pic posted by CD where they are referred to as the 4mm pin and the 5mm hook -- my measurements show that they are actually 3mm pin and 4mm for the hook (Haynes has it right). These 2 are easy to do. The flat tool that goes under the cone, how thick is it? Does anyone have measurements for this one? Thanks! Byas
  13. Yes, I will buy the lower part. Will check with to Rob on Mon. What material did you make the gasket out of? The pin to hold the spring is worn worse on mine -- almost 2/3rd of the way thru. Byas
  14. Just looked up parts in Max -- looks like only the lower intermediate shaft is available. Was surprised to see that the Gasket between throttle body and plenum is $36 -- wow! what makes it so expensive. The gaskets I found (there were actually 2 of them) both looked thin and stiff, but for $36, I wonder if I should just use sealant... Is there some place I could take the upper shaft to and have them weld up the slight depression on the shaft and then grind it down? Or should I just live with it -- and hope that a new lower section plus cub will eliminate most of the play. Thx! Byas
  15. Removed it -- but since I was there, I also removed the throttle body to clean it up. First the linkage: * The lower part ball is worn down so that even the new cup sits loose. * The middle part that has the spring is worn down like in your pic -- can I fill up with JB weld? Or buy new? * The upper part is worn by 0.25mm in the part where it sits on the lower brass bushing -- near where the upper and lower parts are coupled. Am I looking at replacing all 3 parts? See lower worn ball. see wear on the shaft Byas
  16. I just pulled out the "B" rod. It measures at 83.5mm vs. the 85mm. What does that do to the fuel mixture? I'm assuming it will cause richness as the pump is now "ahead" of the throttle valve. Also, I plan to put a new cup bushing. Are there any step by steps on that? Thanks for all the assistance in getting this car "de-bothched." Byas
  17. Bob, Thanks! Email sent. If anyone has a pic of this part installed on the plastic grill, it would give me some confidence before I drill the hole bigger or hack it to get the part to fit. Thx! Byas
  18. What about 185/65R14 tires? They are the same dia as 195/60. Anyone use these?
  19. I agree -- and my intention is to change back to stock or one designed specifically for our cars. Just that there are so many such hack jobs that I need to prioritize what I need to buy right now and what I need to band-aid for a while longer. If someone could post a pic of what the mounting brackets look like on that rear exhaust piece, I'll try to get a local exhaust guy to hack up something closer to the original. Thanks! Byas
  20. The hook is the right size (dia) -- it fits the black plastic nut and goes thru the body hole. Were there 2 different hooks -- one for the earlier grills and one for the later? I also need on black plastic nut -- I had one and had some extra white nuts that I thought were the same size, so did not order another nut, but the white ones have a bigger hole.
  21. I have the spot on the plastic to hook them on, but the hooks don't really fit. They go thru the hole, but the material is too thick to turn the hook so that the shaft goes thru the bolt hole.
  22. I had noticed that the outside bottom corners on my new 74 did not sit flush. Looking thru the parts diagram I noticed there was a "hooked" bolt that is needed to pull the corner back. So ordered 2 from Max. Got it today, but it does not fit on the plastic grill. What am I doing wrong or missing? Byas
  23. The exhaust on my 74Tii was clanging and when I checked I saw that it did not have a rear-most hanger and was held by zip ties. So I ordered a couple of new hangers and inserts and went to install it today. This is what I found: and the one near the diff: Searching thru the parts diag on Max -- it looks like the hanger mounts on the exhaust need to be flat vertical pieces that then mount within the plastic inserts -- not the round ones that I have. Do you think the exhaust guys could fab me up something? Or, does someone have an old exhaust they could cut off the mounts from and send me? THanks! Byas
  24. I have both items you show below, and just recieved a Feb 13, 1975 edition of the owners manual. Comparing them: 1. The 2 listed below are both incorrect (ie. have the earlier fuse layout and the earlier Tii wiring) 2. The Feb 1975 edition seems to have corrected at least these 2 errors -- it has the correct Fuse layout and the Tii wiring is for the square tails. Not sure if this was the first correct edition or if there were ones in between that were correct. Byas
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