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Everything posted by BarneyT

  1. How much is the car worth to you, Insurnance is going to run around 1% of declared value…50k value $500 your Decision. I have Hagerty’s coverage and I’ve been very happy them. your car is worth less than 50k from Description.
  2. They look great, If I come across someone needing some seats I’ll send them your way…RoundieAJ
  3. Showed this to the boss lady this morning, she did not think it was that funny…
  4. Another big day the Turkis princess is legally back on the road after almost a year waiting to be/being repaired/repainted after someone slid into a car after a roll of carpet pad fell out of a truck ahead of the car i was following and they slammed on the breaks out of no where…
  5. I thought you were buying the ice cream….
  6. Arkansas Grand Canyon, and a couple pictures of previous years…
  7. It’s very important have an accurate count because that determines on how much ice cream is ordered… you don’t get this big by not eating.
  8. Terry Sathyer has one for sale it was built by Moment Motors in Austin…Tesla batteries from wrecked cars, it’s very cool Colorado orange… tell him I sent you maybe I’ll get a commission….
  9. Me too…this only half the story! my coupe is at the same stage should be finished in a few days..
  10. The hits keep coming today, stopped by the body shop on the way home that is slow painting my 72tii Ceylon and they actually had part of it in the paint booth… it looks like they are ready to shoot the body in the next day or so.
  11. Picked up my Ceylon 72tii seats from The upholstery shop with their new pads made out of golden Pine needles from the black forest hand picked by Bavarian virgins…
  12. Same thing I do a couple times a week left the house for 60 miles drive though the hill country area around the Balcones Canyonlands National wildlife refuse… my favorite road my favorite car can’t get much better than This…making good progress on shop addition.
  13. Most important advice do not drop the four screws that mount glass to car…they a worst than a 10mm about disappearing..
  14. I think he’s a unicorn and I’m sure it’s rainbows and sparkles coming out the rear…It does make Paul look quite a bit taller…
  15. This morning Greg Resa and I made the trip in to Austin for a combined C&C with the Tejas chapter, wonderful turn out and beautiful cars…
  16. Our Fjord Baur Fourth from the corner on front roll, Front row makes it easy…year before back side picture.
  17. Finished up a break job on my son Ellis’s 72 golf, and making good progress on shop addition….
  18. Those need a good cleaning, on YouTube you will find ways to repair the chips…Those are chips are mostly under the hood anyway at the top of the lens…
  19. I know you don’t know me personally Mike, but my favorite saying is…you don’t get this big by not eating, so yes a lot of things are bigger. Le is just getting moved in and sorted out, the storage area is still under construction, We are happy to have Le in the area now…
  20. Drove The Inka Warrior 86 miles each way with four other Austin 2002s to visit Le Tran, now known as (Tex) at a secret location in the center of Texas…
  21. Great write up on this, our experience two days before loading our Baur on the truck to ship it to Europe for the Bavaria Tour and our European road trip one of the front shocks gave up and lost its oil…One of my friends who works for a local BMW shop said he would do it after hours the next day… in no more than And hour and a half he removed both front control arms whole compressed the springs on a bench compressor removed and replaced the strut and had it back on in 45 minutes…I always leave any work related to that spring to professionals…
  22. All I can say is get way more than one, they tend to be cut in half as you push them in by the cut outs in the side of metal sleeve they push in too…mine still drips…
  23. Not clear on real problem, is the seal coming loose from body and leaking?…or is the trunk just leaking?
  24. Greg Resa stopped over and he changed his oil, we installed some new euro front lights and a little door work…then I followed him in the Baur to lunch…
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