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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. Paging Ben Younce, Sam Adams, Karl Hendrickson, & Meg Vanderliest -- who own early 1600-2's..... They will know the unique features of the early ones. I've driven Karl's and it is great fun - they are definitely lighter than my '75 2002.
  2. I got to meet Klaus on Friday night when we went to dinner at Willow's Bistro. I'm an admirer of his work in Bimmer magazine.
  3. I noticed the Euro 320i 4-door and pointed it out to Mike Self. I don't have his uncanny knowledge of 2002's, but I can be helpful at times!
  4. Hey, Paul. Don't forget the man-purses we got at the registration table on Friday! We'll have fun with those.
  5. Oh! That's a relief. You can't get rid of the Riviera car. Good luck!
  6. Thanks for the pictures, Bill. I found myself in 3 of them -- wow. Thanks to Scott, Patty, THE02GROUP, the sponsors, the host hotel, etc., etc. Thanks to our SUPER-HYPER server on Sat. night at the Foothills Brewery, you were unforgettable! Great to see my bimmer friends and to make a bunch of new ones. I was so pleased that Mary came with me. There were plenty of folks saying: "where's Alec?". He is at Ohio Univ. and he's in LOVE. Maybe one day my bimmer buddy will make another gtg. A great time was had by all. Don and Wayne, you two were cracking me up. Thanks for the lively conversations all weekend! My RGB friends: jeeez, I rarely had any idea where you were. I can see that y'all had fun. No worries. Let's all go to Vintage again, eh???
  7. Good to meet you Paul. The F-Bomb was a major attraction. Mike Self told me I did not meet you and that I was mistaken. I said, "no, you and I were talking to him right next to his car...." The Self-Meister ----- seldom wrong! Now he believes me.
  8. Are you replacing the $700 Riviera cross-country McGuyvered wonder??? Hmmmm. Tell us more. Wish you were at Vintage. You've gotta do it.
  9. Also see: Rivertown Gearbusters on Facebook. Loads of Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, N. KY, Akron, Indianapolis (& more) owners on this site.
  10. Hi; I am in Kettering, a suburb of Dayton. Roundel columnist Mike Self lives in Beavercreek -- another Dayton burb. There are quite a few '02 owners in this area. What brings you to Dayton? Is it the air base? We'd be happy to welcome you. We also get together with owners from Columbus, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and N. Kentucky. EDIT: I read that you sell wine for a living. Anyhow -- tell us more, please.
  11. What is your VIN? Yours is exactly like mine was when I bought it in 2003, including the E21 turbine wheels. My VIN is 2365006.
  12. It looks nice, but that's too expensive imo. Can you trust this owner? He/She doesn't know vinyl from leather. At least they did not claim there was a V6(!) under the hood....
  13. +3 The Best 320i you're going to see. I would have bought it, except I needed a daily driver and I didn't want to rust out a very fine E21. I have driven this car and it does not disappoint. It is White, so that should be great for sunny Fla.
  14. Oh, blurry picture and the plates are similar to the ones on my '02.
  15. That looks like an Ohio bicentennial plate on the front. Wonder how it ended up in east Idaho?
  16. Lookin' good! Jason is building a reputation along w/your '02... Can't wait to see you at the wheel of this '02!
  17. Generous of you and great pictures too. I might also be inclined to do that if a good looking couple wants to make my '02 look good.
  18. I think that that my '75 Sahara would have suffered the same fate, but for my dumping $$$ into it! I have done precious little for the looks of my car. It sure works great -- I drove it to Arkansas and back recently w/out a hiccup. On to greater things, right, JB? Good luck w/the 'new' one.
  19. This is great. John deserves an excellent '02 to hit the backroads with. He needs to avoid the copilot seat in my '02, that's for certain. Again, SORRY for scaring the bejeeeebers out of you, JB! So, when is Jason gonna open up an official repair shop? He's got talent, even though he is no longer in his 30's.......
  20. Your Golf sounds exactly like my dad's '02 back in the 1970's. He sold it and the next owner promptly crashed & totalled it. Good luck!
  21. I met Karl Hughes at Watkins Glen a few years back. He is the brother of Adrienne Hughes, co-driver with Roy Hopkins in 'Woodstock'. Karl is a very good guy. He had a race-prepared Inka roundie at WGI which looked hot. I'd love to watch 'Woodstock' running in the Targa race.
  22. Mine was not cooling as well as I'd liked, so I took out the shroud and put in a tropic fan blade. So far, it is cooling better, but it has not been tested in extreme heat yet. My '02 still has its orig. radiator.
  23. April Fool's was more than a month ago, right? We need pictures of this stupendous wonder of the world. BTW: spell check is your friend, Ed!!
  24. Thanks!!! to Bo, Skip, Blunt, Keith, all the vendors, all the cooks, the organizers, the host motel, those who contributed door prizes out of the goodness of their hearts, etc., etc. You are appreciated! I had a great time. It is worth the long drive to see everyone and to share the good times that can be had in/around '02's. We had a turbo, a right-hand drive touring, a Euro Lux tii, an Isetta, and a targa there this year - amazing! The drive on Saturday was safe & there were very few mechanical issues, which was A-OK. There were multiple small repairs carried out on the parking lot on my '02, Meg's, & Les's touring. (& others, no doubt) We had an '02 there that was just 10 days out of the scrapyard and it looked and ran pretty amazingly.... KUDOS on that resurrection! The technical sessions on Friday night were quite interesting. The Saturday night dinner was superb. The weather was perfect on Friday -- Mike Self & I got there early to tour the Pea Ridge Battle Park -- and Saturday's weather was a major improvement on last year's craziness. Sunday was just plain cold. Odd. The ride home was uneventful, but IN & OH were in the midst of the usual downpours we've had this spring. We had to slow down and narrowly avoided a chain-reaction pile-up on I-75 in the Dayton area. We can't brag of 'making good time' but Mike and I were glad to get home safe, dry, & free of any major issues.
  25. We inherited a blue '86 Mercury Marquis from my grandfather back in '96. I couldn't count the number of Bic lighters & matchbooks in it. I also found a pouch of pipe tobacco, several packs of Dentyne gum, & a couple of containers of Tic Tacs under the seats & throughout the car. There were some old maps of Nebraska & Iowa in the car too. In the trunk was one of those hospital urinal jugs - just in case. (also some "Go Big Red" Univ. of Nebraska paraphenalia)
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