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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. Good Luck, Konrad! It will be less & less Frankenstein as you give it some attention. Keep us posted.
  2. Coincidentally, this happened to me a few months ago. I had to take the driver's door lock-set to the locksmith so that he could make me a new key. The broken pieces of the original key were also twisted, so it was not possible to make a key from the broken key. They keys that he made me work very well.
  3. 1st dibs on driver's seat horsehair cushion Question: is it for a 74-76 2002? Also, it's one piece -- the cushion you put your butt on, right?? THANKS. If it fits a 74-76 seat, I want it.
  4. I got messages on Facebook re. all this crud. WHY? Because a friend of mine has a similar car to one that is part of this molehill. I'm thinking: "Wow, crazy stuff!" I can't decide if it indicates OCD or bipolar disorder. Possibly both?
  5. After dealing with countless dipsticks driving SUV's, microcars are absolutely refreshing. The overcompensating issues just aren't there with a micro!
  6. I'm thinking that this swell guy marked it up x10 from what he paid grandma.
  7. There are a lot of repainted '02's with either Verona or Verona-ish paint on top. (over Sahara usually) In this region, Sahara & Malaga duke it out for the #1 spot. I would say that Chamonix is next, followed by Verona or Agave... Golf, Inka, & Colorado, are pretty rare here. Oddly, Fjord is rare here also. We do have a Turkis roundie close by.
  8. I can't say it any better than the rest have so far; but I am sorry that this has happened. Good luck in setting things right.
  9. Jim, I suspect yours cost a few $$ more than mine, but I got a lot of bang for my used-car buck. I bought an '87 325 eta off of CL in October. The p.o. is an aircraft mechanic, so he used his skills and his very high stds. to thoroughly refurbish the E30. His loss was my gain! It was in Indianapolis, so no expensive shipping was required. Anyhow, enjoy your new toy. There are lots of us on the FAQ with at least one '02 and one E30. (i.e. a large subgroup) The people you meet through the FAQ are 99.5% excellent people, so you should have no worries. BTW: What is MSP?? JIM D.
  10. I'm thinking that Sam Adams owns the Chamonix '75. He's a super guy - his other '02's are excellent, though I've not seen this one.
  11. I became a nurse. Not by way of the U.S. Military, though that is not a bad way to do it. I work 12 hr. night shifts on a cardiac unit. My dad wanted all 3 of us to be doctors & engineers. Well, he got a ChemE, a Dentist, and an RN. I tried Engineering school & it was nearly the death of me. In my 30's, I volunteered on a cardiac unit at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati which was fascinating. I went back to school to get my BSN with HUGE amounts of love & support from Mary.... The bad guys have not found a way to export my job nor automated it to where I am obsolete. It does not get dull, let me tell you. Put a group of RN's in a room & the stories will flow: some are funny, some are tragic, some are shocking, and then some are truly inspiring. We see ALL KINDS of stuff.
  12. Never is a long time.... I guess you're right.
  13. Burt was never in the running for the Oscars, but he could fill the seats of the theaters. Sally went a long way from a silly TV show to become an Oscar winning actress. I'd say she earned it. Lonnie, I never understood the attraction to her at all.
  14. Nice garage full of goodies. I wonder if it's Dr. Dah Dah. Larry: what do you think?
  15. I have a Behr console too. So, is the Becker radio mono or stereo? I may want to get one since I hate the complicated Kenwood unit in there now.
  16. That looks like the same material used on the trunk mat that Esty made for me. Very nice -- no regrets here.
  17. My only '02-related gift is a $100 gift certificate for Foreign Car Service in Huber Hts. (from my mother) I tell her please don't buy me socks, gloves, hats, sweaters, etc. --- get me a gift certificate so I can have things done to my '02. This year I got socks, gloves, a hat AND the gift certificate! p.s. Mike McCarthy, the owner of FCS gets a good laugh over the gift certificates. AFAIK I am the only customer who's ever utilized a gift certificate with his shop. My mom has bought me one for at least the past 5-6 yrs. now.
  18. Ditto! '02 people are the best. I assume the best of '02 owners when I meet them for the first time. It is uncanny how they do not let me down. Let's have some great times together in 2011.
  19. In the 'carpet wars' era, it was the carpet seller who cheated the customer, not the other way around! Good luck, Esty. I love my trunk mat -- maybe you should do E30 carpet sets since so many people also have one of them.
  20. Now you can trade for a model you like better than the ex. (& don't forget to replace her with a vintage bimmer fan) HOORAY for your new love! Ducatti's are great.
  21. Mike: when the roads have less salt on them, I'll be bringing Dieter over. I'll need to top off the gas since it's kind of low now.
  22. I was over at Mike's today... I didn't see any Caravelles, though he loves his 4CV Renaults. (which were right in front of me) I went over to borrow some Blizzaks for my E30. (I've been slippin' n slidin') Though that garage is packed to the rafters with cars & parts, I found the tires easily enough... I'd wager he knows a thing or two about the Caravelle nonetheless!
  23. No wonder so many '02 owners also have E30's.
  24. Congratulations, William. Out of active service, well, it must be hard to retire Tip Top I. When our (not nearly as beloved) Taurus wagon was destroyed in a wreck in June, I went to the towing lot to retrieve a few items and then it was "see ya never!" I think that was much easier than dissecting your tii like that. Anyhow, sorry that you could not find one in Sahara. You'll just have to put up with that oooooky-yucky Inka instead!
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