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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. Joel: you'd have liked Eureka Springs very much. Weird being there with no '02. I rode to & from the gtg with Larry Wilson in his '78 E21. If you pass through here on the way to Vintage, stop in, OK? I can't go to V@V this year, unfortunately. Fortunately, I have a dad who is turning 80 that weekend. OH, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Martin! I said that on FB, but here goes again.
  2. I could not guess that one. My guess was: "Fart joke."
  3. Hey Aaron, very good to meet you. Nice turbo on your Sahara roundie. Great to see you again, Jim G. Sorry you got the crazy wake-up call between Fri. eve. & Sat. am. I'm glad I missed that part. THANKS to Bo & everyone who contributed time, money, hard work, & doorprizes to this event!
  4. I'm very glad that you had such a good time. You were a pro at mixing with everybody and enjoying the '02's. Now you've got to keep coming to MidAmerica 02Fest, Vintage, Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, O'fest, etc., etc. BTW: Thanks for the Turbodogs!! mmmmmmmm, beer.
  5. Very good to meet you Paul. Enjoyed checking out your '02 also. Glad you made it back OK. Mike Self, Larry Wilson, & I made it home without any problems. You CAN fit 3 guys and their stuff in an E21 pretty easily.
  6. Nice to meet you. You don't look dumb to me. Next time I will have an '02 w/me.
  7. Originally Golf -- not a very spiffy paintjob.
  8. Wow. Amazing story told well. Thanks again, Rob. Best wishes.
  9. Nope. Time is runnin' out too. I need it Thurs. of this week. My '02 has been in the shop since Jan. but here we are with serious deadline pressure. I saw the engine (out of the car) after being rebuilt and it is so clean and impressive looking. I will drive it to Eureka Springs if the fates allow. Otherwise, I will be riding shotgun...
  10. The phrase: "ran when parked" ought to be good for another $500, right?
  11. I missed the drive due to (a)my BMW is in pieces ( too early in AM for a night worker. However, I caught the guys at the Hofbrauhaus in Newport, KY for lunch. Later I got to drive his amazing '02, but I did not achieve liftoff. (my bad, I guess!)
  12. Thanks, RIM! I certainly value it more than I did back in Nov. '73 when I became an Eagle. I would love to go to such a reunion. I was in Troop 10 in Alexandria, LA for most of my scouting years and then I was in Troop 616 in Madeira, OH. My brother got his Eagle in '67. I can't remember his Troop # in Greenhills, OH. One of my coworkers is an Eagle, and he came to Alec's ceremony, which was very good of him.
  13. I'm waiting for my engine to be plunked back in, along with the radiator, the driveshaft, and the exhaust system.... The engine looked super a few days ago. The head was on a work table and the block was on an engine stand. If it's not ready, I'll hop into Larry Wilson's '02 & ride down there. See you soon!
  14. Hard for me to worry about an ugly SUV. I was thinking the fad was about over, but I seem to be wrong.
  15. Thanks everyone for the positive comments. According to Wikipedia: since the 1st Eagle Scout in 1911, a total of 1,880,905 have been awarded out of 83,486,083 total scouts. (approx. 2%)
  16. My mom should still have her maroon '64 Mercury Park Lane I guess. It was HUGE. That one was traded in during the summer of '69 for a new Marquis. oh yeah.
  17. gwb72tii: Depends on how you're counting it up... my brother & I are Eagle Scouts, so is my nephew, Scott, that makes Alec Eagle no. 4 in the extended family.
  18. Many of you have met my son, Alec, at Vintage, John Bryan State Park, Watkins Glen or Windy City, etc. He had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor yesterday. We're very proud of him and he gave a speech thanking every single person who'd ever taught, inspired, guided, befriended, or loved him. His Eagle project had nothing to do with vintage BMW's which was odd, don't ya think?? Oh, and fellow '02 owner, Mike Self, was there for the ceremony, which was very good.
  19. Thanks, Skip. Your shop wasn't too convenient for my engine work, was it?? Hey, I met Don Derham (beammmer) recently - I was in Baton Rouge visiting my brother and his family. Don & I met for lunch in Covington @ the Acme Oyster House. Neither of us had our '02's that day, but now we know a bit about each other before Eureka Springs.
  20. Skip: it looks like I will be there and so will my '02. I inspected the engine today at Mike McCarthy's shop. I am going to have a very fine engine once they drop it back in. It is bored out now with piano top pistons. My old rings, valve guides, and seals were shot! The camshaft is good to go however, no problems w/it. Lotsa new parts going into the rebuild and they painted the block and the intake manifold while they were at it. A heat shield was added to protect the plug wires. VERY EXCITED.... I would like to drop in on your shop and cruise on out with you buddy!!
  21. Feel free to nominate me for just such an Overhaulin'! I don't know what Chip Foos' policy is, but he is certainly focused on American muscle cars and not much else. A show overhauling old BMW's, VW's, Alfa's, Mercedes, MG's, etc. would be much more interesting to me. The closest thing I've found is the Brit show: "Wheeler Dealer." Pretty enjoyable show.
  22. G-Man: come help me put some Euro bumpers on mine & then my life will be complete!
  23. There's some bonding for you!! Good for both of you.
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