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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. People like Jim G., Skip, Mike Pugh and many others, make this a great place to be. It gets you motivated to get yourself to the next '02 gtg. P-cars are incredible, but the owners are complete buttheads in my experience. --- Once went to a Porsche event; none of them would acknowledge my hello's or "nice car" comments. I'd get a frown and a look that said drop dead. Finally talked to a frazzled guy w/a beater 912. He was very nice and hilarious to talk to. SO, now I'll just talk to the eccentric dude with the beater 912, not the wankers with the $100k ride.
  2. The 1st sports car I ever noticed was like the one in your photo: a black TR3 w/red interior. A family friend had one; it got my dad all excited --- he quickly bought a red on red TR4! (then a Porsche 356C not too much later and then the golf '02, etc.)
  3. We happened upon a major car crash last night, coming back from Christmas Day at my dad's. A car crossed the median from the southbound side of the highway & smashed into 2 cars going northbound on I-675. We saw the dead southbound driver's body (covered up) on the highway as we were made to turn and head back south by the police. Something like 8 cruisers, 3 ambulances, 2 firetrucks, and the Careflight helipcopter were there. Tally so far: 1 death, 2 seriously injured adults, 2 w/minor injuries - kids, & 1 missing dog. It was upsetting and we felt bad for everyone with any involvement.
  4. Got some $ and a gift certificate to put toward engine work, which is gonna happen finally. I have started dreaming/planning for a cross-country excursion in Dieter once the engine is done. I want to retrace Route 66 and hit the Calif. coast & slowly wind my way back to Ohio. I need to see the Grand Canyon, pueblos, Hoover dam, etc. Plenty of '02'ers I'd want to see too. Mary is interested in riding shotgun. We'll need to get a laptop so we can document the adventures and misadventures. If I don't do it in 2010, maybe in 2011.
  5. EEWWW! I'd shoot the pimpin' mofo' who messed up the interior and lost the trim. Don't they mean $3995!!! That'd be much more like it.
  6. We like terriers here: we've got a Rat Terrier & a Jack Russell/Corgi mix. They have a blast together.
  7. "What's the diff. between Santa & Tiger?" "Santa stops at 3 Ho's...."
  8. Paging Mike Self!! He is eminently qualified to answer your Q's. He has owned his '69 Nevada since new. He has worked on just about every part of it too. A very nice stock roundie he has.
  9. Some said that BMW = Baader Meinhof Wagen. The gang stole cars to use during their heists, preferring BMW's and some M-B's too. Legitimate 2002 owners were stopped & screened carefully due to the gang's "love" of BMW's.
  10. In SW Ohio, we have maybe an inch, perhaps a tad more. Kind of wimpy.
  11. And we have Amtrak?! The Frenchies are clever, oui ou non? TGV = Train Grand Vitesse (Very High Speed Train) Zut alors, I rode one back in 1981; et nous avons rien!!
  12. The Chevy Citation X-11 is supposedly very rare. I don't know if that translates into $$ at an auto auction, however!
  13. I agree with you Jim re. the advertising -- it was silly. And, yes, I agree w/Rob re. the GM kiss of death. My dad once had an 81 SAAB 900S turbo -- great car. I thought it was ahead of its time. An early 70's SAAB 99 certainly made a statement in a world of barge-like US-built cars! I still need to drive a Sonnet to see what they're like....
  14. Seems a shame - they were different and built some innovative, interesting cars. I thought the Swedish govt. was going to scoop them up, but no, not happening. I think Chrysler will disappear next since FIAT is acting phoney --- all talk and no action. (& no money)
  15. That looks very inviting. Good job telling the story of your '02 addiction! I'll tell Mike McCarthy that he has some serious competition in Arkansas. His waiting area is more basic, but his work is 1st rate! (as I am sure yours is)
  16. ...and that Sahara paint is so hot & sexy!! Dieter sends best wishes to Ludwig.
  17. When I was in high school, my older brother had a white '72 Pinto & my older sister had a white '73 Pinto. I did some of my first drives in my sister's car. (also in my dad's 2002) Later, my brother had a '74 Mustang II which was a Pinto all over again. We drove the crappy little Mustang through blizzard conditions across the state of Indiana one night. Scary, but we made it OK.
  18. The age of your tires affects their grip. I had old KumHo's that looked OK, but they had very poor traction. I had little faith in them and kept them too long. Finally, I bought some Yoko Avid T4's which do much better. (though I am sure I could still manage to lose traction and swing the rear end around!)
  19. Maybe......... it's a long way to Eureka Springs. We are planning to do a family trip to Austin, TX in April which would rule out an Ark. trip. I am going to Vintage again in late May. Drank a Negra Modello this eve. btw.
  20. I might have to do that, Skip. BTW, what does Ark. brew up?? My brother in Lousianan lives near the Abita Springs brewery which makes some good beers.
  21. Damn, I like it a lot. I am usually cool to Inka's, being a Sahara fan, but that's NICE. Looks quite original.
  22. The Aztec concept & the production version are hideous. I would have killed the project if they asked me. Of course it's easy to say you wouldn't give the Edsel, the Pacer, or the Aztec the green light...
  23. GM enjoys getting humiliated by the Japanese. After decades of pushing what GM felt like building rather than pushing engineering excellence adds up to FAIL. I remember as a teen wondering how could Honda design the CVCC engine at the same time that GM/Ford/Chrysler said that such an engine was impossible. That left a powerful neg. impression on me.
  24. The owner is confused --- it has a 6-cylinder engine NOT from a 320i. (E30) Don't think that I'd count on their honesty/accuracy, etc.
  25. Let us know when you pass through the Cincinnati/Dayton area. There are quite a few of us around. In May of this year, I hosted a gtg at Salt Fork State Park (near Cambridge, OH) which would have been w/in reach for you it sounds like. You might consider heading to Vintage at the Vineyard (May 28 - 30) in Dobson, NC. There will be a caravan pulling out of here once again for Vintage '10.
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