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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. Joseph O'Neil after dinner at the Peaks of Otter Lodge: "a waist is a terrible thing to mind"
  2. No complaints here. I am amazed at how smoothly it all turned out, considering the size of the event. It remains fun, despite tremendous growth over the past 6 years. In fact, I'd wager that this was the best/most fun Vintage yet. Thanks Scott, Patti, THE02GROUP, sponsors, and the on-the-spot-quick-fix-mechanics! Joseph & Michael will spread the good word in Calif. Who knows how many Californians you'll attract next year?? Great job, & a great Vintage!
  3. Great that you caught that on video, Jason. I missed that; I left too soon. Mine is an OIL hog. Engine work is 1st on the list this winter, I promise.
  4. That coupe is Steve Bingham's. He also lives in the Dayton area. In addition, he has a newer Shark in his garage.
  5. The 2000 owner works for Don Dethlefsen/The Werk Shop in IL. I don't recall his name, but he was quite proud of the 2000. (he should be!) He is the 2nd owner and he said it was immaculate when he purchased it.
  6. Chico Joe's our new friend! He heroically drove the 1600 cross-country for Sam. We need to find him another one to take cross-country soon. Watch out Joe, we will drop in on you one of these days.
  7. I don't know about all that....... I just like Sam a lot.
  8. Joseph: you guys are welcome at the Denker-McCarty home anytime! It was fun; I was too excited to sleep that night. Great V@V. Alec & I just got home. Just popped open a Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat.
  9. The roster includes: Kris Tobias ('73 Schwarz tii); Joseph O'Neil (Sam's '68 Manila 1600-2); BLUNT ('70 S-14 Colorado); Mike Schaak ('74 Polaris) & myself ('75 Sahara). We had dinner at El Toro with Mike Self & Vince Strazzabosco also. Tomorrow our caravan should grow to more than a dozen easily. We'll have to let you know later. See you soon: Ben Y., Jason G., Tim B., Chris R., etc., etc. It's a McCarty tradition to invite out-of-town guests to stay and make themselves at home!!
  10. That's what I like: a sense of adventure. Will it come complete with a weak cooling system? You know, it's kind of toasty with the heat on full blast......yeah, you know that already. See you Fri. early.
  11. We'll see you soon. For Thurs. eve., I am thinking of dining at El Meson, a Spanish-style restaurant not far from my home. We can dine outside if the weather allows. Tasty stuff, not boring. I've had very good food and happy times there before.
  12. Just finished washing & waxing Dieter so he's ready to go next Fri. morning! I just put a BMWCCA badge on the front grill too. See most of you on Sat. and Sun. I'll see you on Thurs., Joe.
  13. Looking forward to meeting you Joseph O'Neil. Love reading about cross-country '02 journeys. The adventures of William, Jessie, & Tip Top are inspiring me to to begin (very early) planning a long-distance venture by '02. Beautiful photos, William. You & Jessie are always welcome here.
  14. Even if they're MALE RN's?? I work as a cardiac RN. I am on break at work now as a matter of fact. Happy nurse's day to my fellow nurses.
  15. No offense taken. Next go-round, I will host an event showcasing the fall colors. THERE IS TOO MUCH STUFF going on in May. You are correct, sir! I may rework the SFSP gtg and make it better. People really enjoyed it, unless I am badly mistaken... ha ha. Ironically, the Mother's Day weekend is what kept me away from Vintage for 2 yrs. I don't know why I went and did the same thing, but I am LEARNING. We could easily have had way more than 12 '02's if the date was closer to ideal. Very fun, nonetheless.
  16. All of you were great. It seems everyone had a very good time. AND --- Happy Birthday to Charlie. ALSO --- Best wishes to the soon-to-be-mom, Ginger! Now, let's get ready for Vintage at the Vineyard. (thanks for the pix Jason!)
  17. Wow! I had a great time! Thanks to all attendees. You guys were easy to have at a gtg and you get along famously. It was great to meet some new, younger fellers this time. You bring new energy to the whole '02 craziness. Thanks to the wives, gf's, &/or s.o.'s who came out for the event 100% or managed to put up with this obsession for a couple of days! The weather looked like it was going to be a major factor. Downpours were projected for the weekend, but we mostly had gorgeous weather. Mechanical mishaps were quite minimal, so we had smooth running. Anyhow, great to see all of you. A special thanks to Mike Pugh, Aubrey and Susie Hall for coming such great distances to be with us at SFSP!
  18. She should have said: "UP YOURS!!" They are a pissant bankrupt co. now.
  19. Are they even TRYING? The US automakers are so full of excuses and 40 years behind in regard to the threat posed by the Japanese, German, & Korean automakers.... just more bad news.
  20. I wimped out and put a plate on the front since Ohio law requires one. I don't think that they get very agitated over the front plate unless you drive like a total doofus. I have always had to have a front plate, so I have never tested the police with any of our vehicles.....
  21. Great! I just bought loads of stuff for Sat. night's cookout at my cottage. Guys: feel free to bring whatever you want for drinks, etc. I will supply all the basics that night. Our cottage will have a black BMW banner displayed prominently. (swiped from my son's teen-cave) My son, Alec, will be out of the picture; he will be at a prom in Columbus. My daughter, Veronica, will be at a Birthday Party on Sat., so she will stay in Dayton for the weekend. It will be me, Mary, and Ni-Ni (7 y.o.) this go-around. Mary informs me that she will pass on Vintage, so Alec will definitely be my able copilot for Vintage! Love the packet that Scott cooked up for all registrants. Clever stuff.
  22. Join Mike Pugh's Sun. after Vintage drive. I'm gonna be there for sure.
  23. All the news re. Fiat taking over various auto firms is fascinating. Yet, where does all the $$ come from? It makes me think of the Music Man. It looks like a con game in which governments make loans and guarantees to Fiat (downside risk) while Fiat bravely takes on the upside (if it turns out that way) risks of the deals. What do you guys think?
  24. Happy Birthday to all May build-date '02's. You beat me to it, Mike. I must have been sleeping.
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