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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. As somebody who lived in Cincinnati much of his life, I still can't think of what roads you were on.... tell me where you were driving, please. Engine does sound good!
  2. Good question, I will have to get back to you on the headcount. A few maybe's along with the definitely's. Maybe we can star in a Youtube video, if Mr. Rogers is available again. (in the afterlife)
  3. I just spent Mon. & Tues. this week scouting the Salt Fork area for curvy roads, beautiful scenery, & stuff to do while there. I had a great time driving the roads, though it was my DD Saturn, not Dieter. Picked up some great cheese in Fresno, OH & found a great place for lunch for Sat's drive. I also found a winery for a winetasting. Saw a fox, deer, a blue heron, hawks, wild turkey, etc. while driving. I was tired of driving by the end of the day, however. See you before long!
  4. Peaks of Otter Lodge looks great, judging by their website. I will finish the book re. Bedford Boys this week. The whole region sounds very good to me. See you soon Mike P.
  5. Ha ha. Thanks Brian, I just got a look at it. I remember the camera, but didn't expect stardom. We'll put it on my son's Facebook.
  6. Yeah, the book talks about their unit insignia being blue & gray relating to the American Civil War ("War for Southern Independence"?). When our GI's were stationed in the UK in the 1940's, they were called the blue & grays by the locals. Bill, tell your son I said: "29, let's go!"
  7. I am reading "The Bedford Boys" by Alex Kershaw. It is about the young men from Bedford, VA in Co. A of the 116th Regiment of the 29th Division. They were among the 1st wave of American troops to land at Normandy on 6-6-44. It is acknowledged as the inspiration for "Saving Private Ryan." Very good book AND Bedford & the Peaks of Otter is where the post-Vintage drive led by Mike Pugh will end up. I cannot wait to see this region, now that I am learning so much about it. The Bedford boys took heavy losses, which was devastating to their hometown. Many of them now rest in peace at the military cemetery near Omaha beach. With a 17-year-old son, I think how much it would hurt to lose him like that. Hats off to those in uniform now & long ago.
  8. Eileen Drive behind my house is perfectly straight for a 1/4 mile -- speed limit of 25MPH. At night, we hear dragraces on it. The police seem to ignore that street, I can't figure it out. We have loads of speed traps elsewhere certainly.
  9. Charlie: The description you posted says it comes w/speaker. It will be nice in your '02. p.s. I wonder, are you bringing your 318ti or your '02 to Salt Fork? I'd like to test-drive a ti. I think I need one, but have never driven one. (is yours a manual tranny?)
  10. The masses would like a Bacchus repaint update, please w/pix.
  11. SAAB + Pontiac = Sabiac? SABuick? I'm confused here. They made so-called SAAB SUV's here in Dayton until recently. What was the point of that? More f*&%$ing stupid SUV's for the meathead lemmings who had to have a $50K piece o' crap. ("I like riding up high, I can see better")
  12. The Rebel Yell tends to wake people up late at night, so try to control yourselves, now, ya hear? I intend to make a quick Yankee raid when 02berfest rolls around again.
  13. Definitely it would be driving Dad's Golf '72 DUI-style. This includes burnouts, very fast turns and crazy overconfidence. I was a lucky 17-yr-old, it seems.
  14. craaaazy: I bought its clone in Alabama in 2003 for much less than $6K. In fact, mine had less rust. Where are you located?
  15. You will miss out on the group rate if you do not reserve by April 1st. We will have a drive through Amish Country on Sat. and a cookout that evening at the lovely Denker-McCarty cottage by the water. I envision 25 2002's in single file on a bright, sunny day and lots of Freude am Fahren. Any Q's: call me/email me, but try to be there & have fun. PH. (937) 293-7883 EMAIL jDOTdenkerATsbcglobalDOTnet
  16. I have only seen the putrid orig. series in the late 1970's. My big brother likes the new series a lot, but he's into sci-fi stuff much more than me. I hope that there is no resemblence to the orig. show!
  17. It's not your imagination. It has a '73 front bumper w/an earlier rear bumper. The instument panel has non-matching tach., speedo., & fuel/temp. gauges. The car has a squarie steering wheel, non-original seats, definitely non-standard seat coverings, & who knows what else they've done. It would be nutso to hand over $25K w/out knowing its full history and how many cars it is made up from.
  18. Looks like mine did in 2003 when first purchased. In my case it was a bad brake cylinder. PO's do not concern themselves with safe brakes, shocks, & tires in my experience. (not to mention balljoints & tierod ends)
  19. Jay, thanks for clearing that up. I was thinking your photo was that of Neil Young's brother or cousin perhaps. I am a huge fan of NY, so that's not bad, really. I am sure I have not seen that movie, will have to look for it.
  20. Easy. In Calif. you have to "smog" your car if it is a '76 or later. '75's and earlier = no smog process required. If you're not in Calif., you can scoop up a '76 2002 for a nice price due to the smog regulations & hassles.
  21. OK...................I still don't get it?? Is it funny? Ironic? Provocative? Who's JJ? I must be slooooooooooooooooooooow.
  22. Don't get me wrong; I did not make a big payday out of my incident. I settled "cheap" -- the adjuster decided to round up the check he cut for me. I merely wanted lost wages, my medical bills, and a tiny amount for aggravation & so forth. It was a very amicable set of dealings with the insurance adjuster. (The woman who hit me changed her story, taking no responsibility for the accident later. This contradicted the eyewitness reports and the police report which put the blame on her for running a red light, hitting me in the crosswalk. When she first hit me, she came over saying: "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault!") I was proud that I looked out for numero uno w/out expecting a large payday in return.
  23. Ditto what Lebowski & others said to you. (Cardiac RN here) Take care of yourself. Don't settle with "idiot head on collision dude" until you are sure what your injuries are. That means X-rays, CT scans or whatever is appropriate & then a lack of ongoing complications. I settled in '92, months after being hit by a little Nissan at a crosswalk. As the pedestrian, I was launched into the air and shredded my favorite shirt as well as my scalp. I ended up being OK, but it takes a while to be certain! Good luck, you are a tuff lady.
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