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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. Dieter and I salute your 37 years together, may you have many more filled with twisties and good friends. Impressive what a determined man can do when he decides he's NEVER gonna sell that car!!
  2. Hi Ray! Glad to hear that your Turkis is keeping you happy. No more talk of selling I hope. Drove mine down to Mason yesterday to help my mom after knee surgery on Friday. I was hoping that 741 would be less crowded, but I found plenty of slow-moving vehicles mixed w/hyper-aggressive SUV's to frustrate my open road driving!
  3. I am so sorry for the '02 owner who is the apparent fatality. When you think of all the fun associated with our cars, it's incredibly horrible to die tragically like that. Criminal stupidity on the part of the crazed Buick driver! It just makes you feel sick...
  4. The 2002 is at the far left end of all the destruction. It has burn damage to the rear of the car, but I think it would have taken more than a moment for the fire to reach the car from the original point of impact. I would guess any dead BMW owner would be in the black BMW near the center of destruction. The news story is confusing to say the least. What happened to the nut who caused the calamity??
  5. G-man: you could hire yourself out as a finder of cheap restorable BMW's. You'd really be providing a service with the experience you've gained. I'd pay the fee to get the right car at the right price. Cheaper in the long run by far....
  6. I just had several items worked on that can get forgotten. I had the shifter rebuilt with a kit from Bimmerparts. I love the feeling of the shifter now w/out the slop. A new guibo was installed, as mine was beginning to slough off chunks. New trans & differential fluid was put in. Also the Behr a/c was not too cool anymore, so it was found to be nearly devoid of freon. The old-style freon was added. ($$ these days for old-style freon) I am told the newer version does not cool as well. The rear brakes were checked and adjusted. The only Self-adjusting stock rear brakes are on Mike Self's two 02's.
  7. Find me another one and I will have to fly out there to collect it. Let us know how it sorts out once you've had it a little longer, OK?
  8. That's a beauty pageant winner compared to the parts cars we run into around here. I've seen some so moldy/stinky/musty/rusty that I don't want to be around them for even one minute!! Even my wife, who does not want a parts car around, would like that one of yours. Congrats on an excellent find!
  9. Carol Self may want to hit you if Mike brings home 2 orphaned Dauphines for his growing menagery of autos in need of a good home! I recently saw the Lane Auto Museum in Nashville. I think that Mike needs an old Sunbeam Bakery to store all of his cars and parts in as well.... JIM
  10. Besides trains, Neil is into vintage sound equipment, espec. old Fender amps and old guitars. With his wealth he can stockpile all the old amps he wants. With my car being a 75, Led Zep's "Physical Graffiti" makes a pretty good soundtrack CD for me. It cuts through the wind and engine noise pretty well too. I don't have Neil Young's "Zuma" on CD or I'd need to play that for a 75 sound as well!! His "Live Rust" CD sounds mighty good while cruising. Another favorite is the Stones "Sticky Fingers" -- that takes a lot of years off too. (or "Get yer Ya-Ya's Out" circa 1969 live at Madison Square Garden!)
  11. hey Brian: Thanks for the birthday wishes. I met CDSmith. His name is Chad. I got to see his 76 Chamonix and got to show off my '02 for him. Roger that on the drives and what-not. Once my car is back, I am more than ready, so keep me in mind... Good luck w/putting yours back on the road ASAP! JIM
  12. CanadaMatt: Mine's in the shop at Foreign Auto Svc. in Huber Hts., OH. Shifter rebuild and an a/c recharge are on the agenda. It's running very well. I get to run it on the roads periodically during the winter (when the salt has been thoroughly washed off!!), so it's never put to bed all the way. I'm saving up for some minor rust repair and a whole new set of upholstery. It's my birthday today, so I will have beer on my list too!! Cheers.
  13. FL02: I take it you like Neil. I have seen him in concert on 3 occasions and would on many more, but it's been hard to catch him in concert. Last saw him a few summers ago near Columbus, OH. Opener was Lucinda Williams. She is excellent. I thought the crowd was less than lukewarm on her, which really puzzled me. Neil and she are definitely related when it comes to their musical points of view. I read that recent biography on him called Shakey. He is a quirky dude, but well worth putting up with IMO. (He's also a Lionel train fanatic --- he owns a large part of that co. and even designs some of their electronic gizmos!)
  14. FL02: that is a nice looking car you have. The nicer your car gets, the harder it would be to accept that some butthead has rammed you because they were yakking on their cell phone to their pals with wit such as: "Not much, what're you doin'?" I almost never carry a cell phone -- not nearly as necessary as folks think!!! I don't notice the bad drivers any more or any less when I am driving the '02. It helps to find a more isolated road at a time of day which will not have it overloaded with distracted/bad drivers..... I work nights, so I can pick and choose more than the 9 - 5 worker can.
  15. When I am stressed, I tell my family that I am leaving for some "drive therapy." They know that means a nice drive through the countryside in the '02. The longer the drive, the more stressed I was in the first place. Recently before my vacation I took a drive of 1 & 1/2 hrs. Better than a psychiatrist, pills, or ETOH!! I did miss my '02 during the vacation of course. Car is now in the shop for a shifter rebuild and some a/c work. I don't want to fry on the drive to an from the V. at the V. in late May. JIM
  16. Wow, Blunt, very impressive! I will have to stop in to see it the next time we go up to MN for fishing and visiting w/our friends in Coon Rapids, MN. That will be a seriously FUN car. JIM
  17. Hey cd: I just got back from dinner w/the family to celebrate my quitting one of my 2 jobs. I was sick of it, so it was time to celebrate! I second that -- I'd be happy to do a drive or most any '02 get-together. If you guys popped in on me I'd be pleased as long as I had time to bs about cars and so forth.... I'll give you a call. JIM (BTW: Mike and I are still recruiting local folks to caravan to Vintage at the Vineyard w/us. It is in the Asheville, NC area in late May! )
  18. Hey cd: Are you in Cincinnati or near Dayton?? Have not seen your car around Kettering/Dayton. Sorry about the hit on your backend. I'd like to see your car. Hope the basher is going to take care of the bashee (you). Good luck! JIM
  19. Hi Bryan: I was on vacation so I missed this earlier. I love my 75, purchased in 2003. Sometimes the 75 is less-loved than the older roundies, but they are great too, once you get the smog junk out of the engine bay. Rust is number one to avoid. Collision damage (if more than a tap) is a concern. I would want it mostly stock with matching numbers -- orig. engine, etc. Neglected items will include: window seals, shocks, brakes, upholstery, carpet, several electrical gremlins will be very likely as well. Count on the door brakes to be totally shot. New ones are worth the effort. The engine may have been overhauled. Try to determine if it was done properly and thoroughly by a BMW mechanic that knows the older models. Paint and bodywork are quite expensive. If you do a repaint, it is generally recommended to use a correct BMW color for the year of the car espec. the orig. color if that meets your needs. I'd be wary of one that has sat too long or has been monkeyed with by a half-baked backyard tuner dude. Once in a while you see one owned by a BMW mechanic or somebody who has been in the BMWCCA for years and has dumped loads of money on required maintenance and very tasteful upgrades or refurbishments on the car. They know they will not get back all of the $$ they have put into their "baby" over the years. They will want the car to go to a good owner that will appreciate the car! I went on too long but, hey, it's fun. Good luck! ------ JIM P.S. Just buy the best car that you can poss. afford. You won't regret it. Heaps will cost way too much to restore!!
  20. Don't let anybody tell you that Golf isn't a cool color! My intro to 2002's was a 72 Golf in perfect condition and it certainly got attention back in the day. Good luck w/your new toy! (not like I am envious)
  21. Hey Doug: Several things: Love your Ceylon! Sorry that you flatlined, but I am glad that you're here and ready to enjoy the little things in life! (like a shining '02) BTW: I lived in Cincinnati for many years: Greenhills in my early childhood and lastly in the Northside area. I went to Madeira H.S. a northeast suburb of Cincinnati.
  22. Hey, I just want to give credit to BLUNT. I bought something from him through EBay and he was super. It does get tiresome when folks are so incredibly negative and passive-aggressive vs. a guy who wants to sell BMW parts and happens to be part of the FAQ community. IMO just keep it on the QT. Give the fellow a call on the phone or a private e-mail if a concern/problem/question/dispute comes up. I think most people are honest and would like you to be pleased at the end of the transaction. Anyhow, thanks for sticking your neck out, BLUNT. I appreciate you. Bottom line is: DON'T FLAME SOMEONE ON THIS BOARD. Settle your conflicts person to person if at all possible. Thanks all.
  23. I emailed the seller as well & surprise! -- no reply either. I have never seen this car in the area. Buyer beware on this one.
  24. Thanks for the nice pix Karl. It was great fun and we need to do these drives more often. Drive down to V at the V with us! Anyone else in this area that wants to do a drive like this, let us know and we'll go.
  25. I have a set of them and I like them a lot. Floppy doors don't impress people too much. It has two stopping points between fully open and fully closed which is good. I was told that this design is sturdier/improved over the door brakes on the original '02's.
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