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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. No, it wasn't me, Mike, & Karl after all. Dumb guy blew the engine way before 300K miles!! Geeez. Besides, I hate coffee and hate to waste a nice BMW like that.
  2. Tim: Here's the story as reported in today's DDN (Mary, my wife, is a featured columnist for the Dayton Daily News BTW!). "Man Buries BMW, Later Claims it Was Stolen" Ravenna, OH "A man facing a big bill because he had blown the engine in his 1997 BMW decided to bury his car instead and collect $20,000 from his insurance company by claiming it was stolen. Matthew Mueller rented a backhoe in October, 2002 and buried the car on property owned by his father in rural northeast Ohio. Police received tips last year and excavated the vehicle. Mueller, 35, of Akron, was sentenced to a year in prison for insurance fraud, tampering with evidence, falsification and receiving stolen property. He apologized in Portage County Common Pleas Court on Tuesday and paid restitution to Progressive Insurance along with $15,500 to state officials for their costs digging up the vehicle. "It was stupidity and completely out of character," he said. "I broke the law and I tried to conceal it.""
  3. Reminds of the song with the line: "sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield." Talk about your sudden painless death. I'd say over within 0.1 second... Any other opinions?
  4. Jetboy: Welcome. Don't lurk -- you're in now! My wife would not go for that -- I wish she would. I may surprise her someday with a nice used Mini Cooper S when our one car starts to give out. That would be a gift that we both would love. She thinks they're cute, I think that they ROCK. At Christmas time, she will say that she got me a great gift as a surprise. I always say: "so where did you hide the parts car?" My son laughs, she doesn't! Good luck with your excellent find!
  5. Sorry about the fool running into you. Glad that the '02 did its job of protecting you as it was being smashed up. I hope that you can get into another '02 ASAP. good luck.
  6. Tim, I just looked at the ad for the 1970 2002 on EBay. Don't know who that is, but it looks OK to me as long as the price stays reasonable. Too bad a divorce forced a sale. My '02 just got a new battery and a dashlight replacement. Soon, the seats will get restuffed!! I still need to ride in a NK just so that I can say that I have done it. Only one I have ever seen is Karl's. BMW's were rare in the Cincinnati/Dayton area until the debut of the 320i. JIM
  7. The USAF museum has the Valkyrie, the SR71, an Me 262, an Me 163, the "double-Mustang" plane used in Korea, the "stealth" bomber, the latest stealth fighter, etc. etc. We are planning on a drive, a cookout or two, & whatever it takes to have fun. We hope that some of you will be interested in coming! We can also introduce you to LaRosa's pizza, Graeter's ice cream, Ribs King BBQ ribs, Skyline Chili, etc. I know that list is all from Cincinnati, so my Cincinnati roots are showing.
  8. Your car looks like Pastelblau. Was it originally Fjord? I am impressed with how much you have rehabilited your 2002. Good job!
  9. I am tired of not getting out on the road for a relaxing drive in the countryside. You guys in the sunnier climes will have to tell us how your drives in the WARM, SUNNY countryside are for you lucky ones. Here the everday drivers are coated with a salty glaze -- very attractive.
  10. Dieter after the Dieter character on "Sprockets" on SNL.
  11. I could not figure out why I was getting "incomplete login" messages and was unable to use this site. I cleared the "cookies" out and all temp.files and then presto, it works again. Don't know if anyone else has had such glitches. I was having to log on at work as a guest in what little spare time I could find. This is MUCH better.
  12. Congrats. Is it a 75 or a 76? I presume 76 since they are a relative bargain in Calif. right now. You have a clone of my 75. Only diff. on the surface is mine has 320i turbines on it. The Sahara paintjob will grow on you - it does not show the dirt, that's for sure. Mine should be going in for restuffing of the upholstery this winter and to have the headrests put back into place with new skins on them. Off to the V. in the V. in May. Good luck w/your Sahara toy.
  13. Tim, I have only seen 2 in my lifetime. Did your family own one years ago? I am also 46 yrs. old and they are super-rare in Ohio. Karl Hendrickson in nearby Yellow Springs,OH has an 1800 that he is working on, but it's not roadworthy yet. I'd love to check one out sometime. Best wishes with your 2000. JIM
  14. I wish you & Mike all the best, but I am envious of his trip out there. I'd love to stow away in the Mini, but my job, my wife, & my 3 kids will keep me right here in the Dayton area. Your job then is to have loads of fun and put some text and photos on the FAQboard about his visit to Calif. Deal?
  15. The car seems very nice. The price isn't so crazy, but buying it through E-Bay prob. would be crazy. I am glad that more people are willing to spend a few $$ for a nicely turned out '02.
  16. My friend, Karl, has a 1600-2 in Maisgelb which is a nice soft, pale yellow color. I know it is not wild, but it really looks nice!
  17. YES!! Brad, thank you for the info. I will be there then. I felt like I was the only one that was symied by Mother's Day -- guess that I was not alone after all.
  18. I would very much like to attend during the new year, but in years past, the event has coincided with Mother's Day. In my extended family this is a big-deal holiday, so I have had to miss this very fine event. I would like to vote for a slightly diff. date for 2006 it at all possible. Does anybody else have this conflict?? Again, I would love to be there next go- around because I have heard great things about it from attendees. JIM
  19. Wow!! Beautiful pix. You must have had a blast. I would love to be out on that road with you guys. Kind of difficult to see how my car would be way out there in the first place. We midwest '02'ers need to organize a drive close to home soon. Anybody want to join me for a drive in Ohio? Thanks for sharing the pix and stories.
  20. It looks OK. I'd have to drive it before I could think of bidding. The auto.trans. is a downer for me. It means I would have to spend some money quickly to put in a 5-speed -- which is great but costs money. If you can see it up close then you can tell what else needs to be done to it. There is always a lot more that needs attention than the seller will tell you about and a lot more than is readily apparent after a quick look-see. Hope you can budget some $$ for some fixes immed. after buying the car as something will need work once you take it home. No reason that it couldn't be a great car though, just check everything very thoroughly. It could be costly later if you miss some things..... JIM
  21. I bought last year's calender & like it a lot. I was not actually using it much, so I gave it to my son's 8th grade English teacher. He is a car nut. He owns a Cobra kit car and has the walls plastered with every kind of exotic sports car. I thought the '02 needed to be up there too. Now he uses the calender and posts the photos on the wall from the previous months. So, there are 9 months of 2002 pictures on the wall which should give these kids some idea what the '02 is. It pays to advertise. JIM
  22. I must confess to envy....you have a bunch of nice cars regardless. I am on my 1st BMW & would love to have a collection. So, I say bully for those of you who do have a nice collection..... Seriously, best wishes and enjoy. Maybe you could help me convince my wife to convert our everyday cars to BMW's. She thinks of BMW's as $$$$ playthings. I think a well-cared-for BMW would also provide a lot of value over time. I am thinking of the longevity of the engines and other components, right?? I don't need to preach to the choir, though.
  23. Nice collection of cars. I would really like to join you next fall. Do you have a date yet? I would like to have any details as to next fall's drive. JIM
  24. Hi Nathan, Very nice that you and your dad share the passion for 02's. My dad used to have one, but he has no interest anymore -- sad. I like both of your cars a lot. Enjoy the bonding via your '02's! JIM
  25. Jim_75Sahara


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